my wife is the leader

Chapter 430 Advertisement That Doesn't Cost Money

Before getting out of the car, Li Mubai saw three floors of people surrounded by Xiangjiang Giant Bicycle Co., Ltd., especially he noticed that the crowd was not only watching the fun, but also people holding long guns and short shorts. cannon media.

What's happening here?

If Huston held a press conference, it shouldn't be outside the company, right?

Pushing open the car door, Li Mubai lifted his foot and walked out.It wasn't until he got to the back of the crowd that he realized that feelings were not about holding a press conference, nor was it a press conference.Rather, some media interviewed the previous Pegasus bicycles for their quality problems.

Do we need such a big battle?

If it weren't for the fact that those reporters were all beaten up, Li Mubai would have wondered if it would be a farce directed and acted by that flamboyant Huston.But he knew that that guy didn't have the IQ yet, and he didn't know how to hype it.

"Mr. Field, your company's previous Pegasus bike had serious quality problems in Europe. Now you have changed it and made a so-called mountain bike. Are you trying to get media attention to attract new attention? Power?" It was a European reporter who asked the question.

Although Li Mubai didn't know the situation very well, he was basically able to judge that it should be the "good" brothers of Field who invited them to help out.

Seeing Huston standing in front of the media flushed, he glared viciously at the European female reporter.If eyes could kill, Li Mubai believed that this female reporter would have been hacked to pieces by Huston.

As Xiuston's partner and good friend, Li Mubai would definitely not see his partner's jokes. He motioned to Wolf Nine to push away the crowd, and then walked to Xiuston's side in a few steps.

The appearance of Li Mubai immediately became the focus of the media.Who made this guy get too much attention from the media in Xiangjiang?The most important thing is that this person's every move has been paid attention to by too many people in Xiangjiang.

Li Mubai is not just a screenwriter, he is also the chairman of United Cinemas and the boss of Ming Pao.Especially some time ago, this guy made a gorgeous turn and suddenly became the focus of the whole world.He has been dubbed the father of Nano by countless media, but anything that has anything to do with Li Mubai is the number one news.

However, this person has no awareness of a public figure at all. Not only is he very low-key, but he has almost never accepted an exclusive interview with that media.There are even very few press conferences held. This is a character that all the media loves and hates.

When Li Mubai was found standing beside Xiuston, whispering something in his ear, all the flashes flashed continuously.Even those foreign reporters were a little confused. Who is this young man?

Although Li Mubai's special lecture in Switzerland has been published by mainstream media in many countries around the world, there are also huge photos on it.However, no reporter would easily associate with this young and outrageous man in front of him.

"Li, I'm getting jealous of you more and more. You've strengthened the aura of my protagonist." Seeing Li Mubai's appearance, Huston, who was a little worried about coping well, suddenly had a backbone.However, this guy was not convinced at all, "These cousins ​​must be gifts from my good brothers. They have already started to feel scared and trembling!"

It's okay, not stupid enough.Li Mubai patted Xiuston's shoulder, and asked in a low voice, "Is it you who will handle it or me?"

"Li, although I know you really want to help me, but I want to let those bastards step on my feet, it will be more enjoyable, isn't it?" Huston's Chinese is often difficult to understand, But Li Mubai could understand what he meant.

Fortunately, Huston is not an unusable playboy.

For this, Li Mubai was really pleased.However, he would never watch his partner get scammed.Immediately, he whispered something in Huston's ear.In less than 2 minutes, Huston's frowning brows relaxed, and his eyebrows became beaming.

"Li, fortunately, you are my partner, my brother." After Li Mubai made up his mind, Huston not only restored the powerful aura of the old nobleman, but also saw Li Mubai's wit. Not your opponent, but your partner.

"I admit that Pegasus bicycles did have a very troublesome quality problem some time ago, but everyone should know that those who were injured because of bicycles have been compensated by me." Huston restored the noble Due self-confidence and arrogance, with his head raised high, his eyes sharp, and his voice loud and clear, he said: "Although I have paid compensation in terms of money, as a conscientious enterprise, I have decided that in the future For every Giant mountain bike sold, one dollar will be donated to help those in need. At the same time, Giant Co., Ltd. will join hands with Xiangjiang’s Oriental DreamWorks to establish a charitable fund.”

Huston's words fell to the ground, causing an uproar.Some reporters even applauded his kindness on the spot. This is really a conscientious enterprise!

No matter what problems this company had before, but now it has established a charity fund with Li Mubai's Oriental DreamWorks, which immediately erected the company's image.

However, Huston did not stop there.Immediately, he asked the secretary beside him to open the big iron gate and let the reporters into the yard of the factory.

Then a worker in the workshop launched a mountain bike with a novel shape, charming colors and full of dynamics.

Before today, everyone has heard a lot of promotions for mountain bikes.However, these are all literal, and have not seen the real appearance of the car.Today I finally saw this mountain bike, and I have to say that it is very attractive.Makes it feel like it's not just a bike, but stylish as well.

"Can you imagine that such a new type of mountain bike only weighs less than [-] kilograms?" Huston came up and performed very hard.He pointed to the rough and wild mountain bike, and said loudly: "If it's just light, I think many companies can do it. But, I can guarantee that any company's bike will not have our Giant The quality is better and safer. Maybe you don’t know that this mountain bike, whether it’s design or material, is designed and provided by Brooke Lee, the youngest and most creative scientist of our time. And I would like to introduce to you very grandly, Brooke Lee is one of Giant's shareholders outside."


Do you want to be so explosive!

At the beginning, everyone thought that Li Mubai and Huston had a good relationship in private.However, it was unexpected that the most popular Brooke Lee was actually one of Giant's shareholders.

Needless to say, relying on this alone, the sales of this bicycle will no longer need to worry.

You know, Li Mubai has a very good reputation internationally.Not only is he called a great scientist, but he is also called the kindest and most virtuous scientist.The platform of Longteng Scientific Research Center is called by many media as a paradise for scientists, and the creator of this paradise is this young, outrageous guy in front of him.

Although no one knows how much assets Li Mubai owns, almost the whole world knows that as long as he has a little connection with Longteng Research Center, it means infinite wealth.

Can people who can create wealth have no money?

Obviously, this is a question that a three-year-old could answer for you.

Not so long ago, a lot of boring journalists used to do an idle investigation.And this survey is very representative and very extensive.

Brooke Lee.Was selected as the most worthy boyfriend and lover in the world.none of them.

The stats behind him are not even one-third of Li Mubai's.

A 22-year-old rich man with a net worth exceeding billions of dollars, and all of this was created by him from scratch.Is there anything more dazzling than this?

Even the European female reporter who made things difficult for Huston regretted it deeply. If she had known that this company still had shares in Brooke Lee, she would not have done such a stupid interview no matter how much money she was given.

However.Huston was obviously not satisfied with this little shock.This guy is completely crazy alone!

In full view, he fixed the mountain bike in the middle of the yard.In order to allow all reporters to see clearly, he also specially invited several reporters to take pictures.

And he himself started his black Mercedes.After the reporter retreated to a safe distance, the guy stepped on the gas pedal and crashed directly into the Giant.

Obviously, bicycles are no match for cars.

After a coaxing sound, Giant flew out and slammed into the wall fiercely.

However, what stunned the reporter was that, except for a few small parts such as pedals and brake handles, the frame, front fork and steel ring were almost intact.The place hit by the Mercedes-Benz just refused to be a little dented.All in all, basically no damage.

This is not special, is it?Isn't it just to deal with reporters?

Obviously, everyone was shocked by Giant's quality.

Huston seemed to see the doubts of the media. He asked the staff to lead the media reporters to randomly select two mountain bikes in the production workshop and conduct the same test.And this time it was not Xiuston himself who drove, but the European female reporter who interviewed him before, and another randomly selected reporter.

However, no matter who is driving, the end result is the same.Giant mountain bike is definitely the strongest and most stable bike, bar none!

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