my wife is the leader

Chapter 431 What is Black Belly?

Huston was in a very good mood at this time. After dismissing the media, he almost returned to the office holding Li Mubai's hand.Now a batch of cars have been produced, but Li Mubai told him that it is not the time to go on the market yet.Huston really attaches great importance to Li Mubai's opinion on when it will be listed.

"Li, shouldn't our car be ready to go on the market?" Huston was not only excited, but also anxious.Although his father once hinted at him, among the many children, he definitely has the qualifications to compete.

However, he hopes to be able to speak with influence even more. As long as Giant sells well, he doesn't have to worry about people in the family talking wrong.

"How much can we produce now?" Li Mubai didn't give an answer directly, but asked about the production capacity first.

"According to the current speed, about [-] vehicles can be completed in one month, but the speed will increase next month. After all, this is a skilled job." Huston still has a good understanding of the production situation.

"Increase production capacity, and try to complete the output of 20 units in the first quarter. We will only produce 100 million units of this car." Li Mubai calculated the time, and at the same time made a request, and said: "We will launch it globally in three months. , [-] countries will be selected for the time being. After the first quarter of production is over, I will hand over the design drawings of the new model to you, and then start the preliminary preparations for the new model production."

"Li, why did we only produce 100 million vehicles?" When Li Mubai was speaking, Huston did not intervene. He only raised his doubts after Li Mubai finished speaking.

"Huston, I want to ask you, at what price do you plan to sell our car?" Li Mubai poured himself a glass of red wine, and sat lazily on the sofa.

"I have calculated the cost." Huston also poured himself a glass of wine and said, "The materials, labor, management and other expenses of each car are all added up, and it is almost 130 US dollars. I plan each car Sell ​​it for $390, so we can produce one million units a year, that’s a profit of 6000 million!"

Speaking of the final profit, Field's voice raised a lot.Although he only owns 40.00% of the shares, that is a profit of nearly 7000 million.In the past, when we were making bicycles, it was already very impressive to be able to make a profit of several million a year. Thinking about it now, Huston feels that he is the luckiest person in the world.

"Huston, is 6000 million enough for you?" Li Mubai's expression was very indifferent, no, it should be said that there was still a bit of disdain.

"Isn't it worth celebrating that Li has a profit of 6000 million a year?" Huston's excitement was defeated by Li Mubai's indifference. He couldn't understand why Li Mubai didn't show any excitement.Even a little excitement can give him a sense of accomplishment.However, Huston was disappointed, and the expression on Li Mubai's face was very, very calm, which made him feel a little pained.

"Huston, you can buy the car I designed and new materials for $390. Don't you think it's too cheap?" Seeing Huston's blank expression, Li Mubai gracefully raised his wine glass and poured it He drank the red wine in one gulp, and said slowly: "I like the number 9 better. Therefore, our Giant is priced at $[-] apiece."

"Li!" Huston opened his mouth for a long time before recovering and said, "Are you sure you're not drunk?"

"Huston, don't forget, the material of this car is the only one in the world. And this design is the only one in the world, plus me, do you think nineteen hundred dollars is expensive?" Li Mubai left it to Xiu Ston had a little time to think, and then said: "Our Giant will be the aristocrat, king, and luxury in the bicycle industry! This is my positioning of Giant, and that's why I tell you that we only produce 100 million bicycles. reason."

"This..." Huston really didn't think that much before. In his opinion, if he could sell it for $390, that would already be three times the profit, and that would be crazy enough.

However, he found that being in front of Li Mubai was not crazy at all.It's simply naive, yes, naive like a kindergarten kid.

He never imagined that a bicycle could have more than ten times the profit, and he never thought about creating a king in the industry, becoming a world-renowned brand, luxury.

Presumably this is also the reason why Li Mubai was able to take away 60.00% of the shares with just a design drawing and a material, and it is also the gap between himself and Li Mubai.

If calculated according to Li Mubai's price, even if he only owns 40.00% of the shares, he can become a billionaire.This is only the first year of the product.

Hearing what Li Mubai said just now, there is a second, and there should even be a third.

Just one new mountain bike has the potential to make you billionaires.


The two words Li Mubai said at the beginning echoed in Xiuston's ears, yes, this is a win-win situation!

"Don't be so happy so early." Seeing the excitement on Huston's face, Li Mubai saw a basin of cold water poured on his head in time, and said: "A brand needs high-quality after-sales service. Remember, we To provide the highest quality service for all those who buy our products. No matter how much our products are in short supply, this is an unchangeable purpose. What is luxury jewelry, that is, while enjoying noble products, there must be noble Only by providing high-quality services can our customers feel the honorable status.”

Speaking of this, Li Mubai emphasized it again: "Customers are our food and clothing, our parents, and our God. Therefore, in the future, such a sign must be erected in any 4S point: Customers are God! This is our Giant's characteristic , is also the only creed, philosophy!"

Huston is completely in admiration for Li Mubai now, he is simply a fan of Li Mubai.

"Our factory still needs to be expanded, but I plan to build a new factory in Huaxia." After talking about sales, Li Mubai mentioned production.Domestically, not only can the cost of production be reduced, but it can also create foreign exchange for the country. This is the best of both worlds.It's just that I don't know whether foreign-funded enterprises will be allowed. If possible, Li Mubai doesn't mind opening the factory to Chuntao District.

"Li, you are the big boss, you can decide these things." Huston can understand Li Mubai. Although this guy has a British identity now, he is still a Chinese after all. This is a fact that can never be changed. .

And it doesn't matter whether Li Mubai is Chinese or British.The important thing is that Li Mubai is not only his partner, but also his best friend, brother.

"Huston, I won't have much time here." Li Mubai said frankly: "The reason why I want to expand the factory to Huaxia is not only because the cost will be reduced, but also when the conditions are ripe. Under the circumstances, the production of motorcycles is also very profitable. Therefore, we can’t take care of both. As a boss, it’s not necessary to make decisions every day, as long as you control the general direction. Management matters , leave it to someone who can manage it.”

Li Mubai's words made Huston Mosai suddenly realize, that's right, since he is the boss, he should enjoy the treatment of the boss.At worst, spend some money and find a management team, so that you can have a lot of time to enjoy life and pick up girls.

Li Mubai directly arranged for the filming of the advertisement to Oriental DreamWorks. Anyway, this is also his industry, and he just handed over his left hand to his right hand.

After leaving Giant, Li Mubai dragged his tired body back to the smelter.Now the factory has already entered the right track. With the management provided by McKinsey, the factory is like a precision instrument, precise, and maintains operation step by step.

Although Li Mubai did not come back before New Year's Day, red envelopes were distributed to every worker.The minimum is [-] Hong Kong dollars, the team leader is [-] Hong Kong dollars, and the middle management is directly [-] Hong Kong dollars.And these people who came from Huaxia, like the top management, each received [-] red envelopes, and the CEO, Li Mubai, directly gave [-].

Such a large amount of money not only made all the workers feel lucky to have met a good boss, but also made the management work more attentively.However, Li Mubai also realized that this scale is not enough now.

Although the second generation of aluminum alloy has only been researched for a short time, Li Mubai has already set his sights on the third generation.This is the exciting material. It can not only be widely used in industry, but also plays an indispensable role in national defense construction and military production.

However, before investing in research, Li Mubai felt that there was one more important thing to deal with, and that was Diana.

Although she concealed it very well, it was almost impeccable.Even Li Mubai had a little bit of doubt, whether he was too suspicious or whether his judgment was wrong.

But that kind of experience accumulated over the years told Li Mubai to be firm in his judgment.

Obviously, no matter how sincere Li Mubai was, the other party would never admit his identity.And Li Mubai was even more unwilling to provoke the KGB, those guys were very lethal when they went crazy.

The Soviet Union, that is a fighting nation, has a strong industrial and military production capacity.Moreover, it is also a relatively leading country in the world in terms of military and industrial technology, but there is not much time for this country to face disintegration.

Get rich early!

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