my wife is the leader

Chapter 439 Kind Boss

Li Mubai heard Abdullah's anxious tone. Thinking about the time and the development of the matter, Li Mubai basically knew the prince's situation.

"I still have some things to deal with here, and I will go there after I arrange the things at hand." Li Mubai did not refuse Abdullah's invitation.

Just as Field was willing to get Li Mubai's friendship, Li Mubai was also willing to get Prince Abdullah's friendship.He would not put all his eggs in one basket, that would be very dangerous, and Li Mubai always thought that his power was still very weak and could not withstand any storms.

After hanging up the phone, Field looked at Li Mubai with that surprised look, as if he didn't know this guy.

"Old Field, what kind of eyes do you have?" Li Mubai knew what he was thinking and what he was going to ask, but he would never take the initiative to talk about his relationship with Abdullah.

"That prince?" Although Field had already guessed the identity of the person Li Mubai was talking to, he didn't directly say the other person's name.

Li Mubai nodded, he didn't mind showing his contacts occasionally in front of the Grand Duke.Although doing this seems boring, it can also remind Field that Li Mubai still has many choices and unexpected allies.

The Sixth Office's investigation of Li Mubai has been very detailed, but it has not found that there is any relationship between Li Mubai and Abdullah.Especially when Field heard Li Mubai's conversation with his own ears, his tone was very relaxed, and he was also very familiar. He didn't mean that his relationship was bad at all!

The strength of the allies is a good thing for Field.However, Abdullah's situation is quite special, and the commotion over there is very chaotic.Moreover, the royal family of Kuwait is in a very bad situation. If Li Mubai gets involved at this time, it will probably be a big trouble for him.

Whether it was because of his relationship with Li Mubai or because of his business partner, Field felt that it was necessary to remind Li Mubai.During this special time, be sure not to get emotional.

"Old Field, I know what you said is very reasonable. But what is a friend?" Li Mubai took out a cigarette, put it in his mouth, and said: "A friend is someone who can reach out when encountering difficulties. Someone who can help."

Li Mubai's voice was not loud, and he also knew that being so emotional was not what a qualified businessman should possess.However, Li Mubai believes that there is a lot of money in this world, and not all of it can be earned by one person.

And if you want to gain something, you must first pay.Don't do to others what you don't want to do to yourself, this is an old Chinese saying, and he also thinks it makes sense.

Although Field felt that Li Mubai was acting out of temper, he was still very satisfied in his heart.At least Li Mubai is a person who pays attention to feelings, and he is much more reliable than those cold-blooded politicians who add insult to injury.

The matters in Kenya were basically handed over to Field, although Li Mubai's third-generation aluminum alloy had already been researched.But he is not ready to announce it yet. The time he set aside for himself is to see the determination and attitude of all parties more clearly.

With McKinsey's management team, Li Mubai doesn't need to deal with many things personally.Then, when he was free, Li Mubai called Abdullah.

At this time, the open environment seems to be of great benefit.Li Mubai didn't have to worry about whether there was anyone around him eavesdropping, as all he could see was a plain, and there was no way to hide anyone.

"Dear brother, calling so quickly, it can't be that you have already made arrangements, or that the plan has changed?" Abdullah saw that the number was called by Li Mubai, and he couldn't help but thumped in his heart.

"Abdullah, I have calculated that it will take at least five weeks before I finish the work at hand. I am afraid that you will encounter any difficulties during this period, so I hope you will take your safety Give me the account number, and I will get you [-] million US dollars first. Now is the time for you to use the money, if you still treat me as your brother, don't say no, I will be very unhappy."

Like firing a machine gun, Li Mubai quickly finished this paragraph in one breath.

"Brother, okay, I won't say anything, I will send you the account number right away." Abdullah really didn't know what to say.

What Li Mubai said is correct, he needs money now.He didn't listen to Li Mubai's suggestion at the beginning, and as a result, most of his property has been frozen.And the country is now facing the danger of extinction, but in the Middle East, you can't do anything without money.

If it was in the past, Abdullah would never have put this [-] million dollars in his eyes.I am afraid that this money can't even buy two yachts I like.

But what moved him the most was that Li Mubai didn't put forward any conditions at all, but comforted him instead.Li Mubai did not mention that the money was lent to him, this is not a brother, what else is a brother?

Abdullah swore to himself that as long as he could get through this crisis, Li Mubai would be his brother, forever.Of course, if he couldn't make it through, his life would probably be sacrificed for it, and it would be superfluous to talk about brothers.

"Brother, can I call you that?" Li Mubai asked softly after hearing the silence in the microphone for a long time.

"Of course." Not only did Abdullah not reject Li Mubai calling him that, on the contrary, he was very happy that Li Mubai could call him that.

"Listen to me, I don't think there is no way." When Abdullah was silent, Li Mubai recalled the development of history at this moment, and he said into the microphone: "You should know that I am from Huaxia. And there is also a little bit of relationship with the high-level of Huaxia. If you are willing to believe me, I suggest you seek help from Huaxia through your country's embassy."

Abdullah was confused. This was war, and China had never been involved in the internal affairs of other countries. It was also a peace-loving country.Even if the embassy and high-level people ask for help, what can they get?

"The victory or defeat of a war is not necessarily determined on the battlefield." Li Mubai seemed to have seen through Abdullah's mind, and he said in a deep voice: "It seems that the Asian Games are about to start? What if some countries' delegations are expelled?" If so, do you think it will attract great attention internationally?"

Abdullah is a prince, so of course he understands what this means.Once such a situation really occurs, it means that they are standing on the moral high ground.At the same time, international public opinion will report on Iraq's behavior and put pressure on it.

If it is really possible to successfully keep the Iraqi Asian Games delegation out of the Chinese capital.This was a successful counterattack by the royal family of Kuwait, who was invaded and fled.Although in a military sense.It doesn't help much, but in a political sense, it's a fairly obvious signal: this behavior by Iraq.Not only is it generally cast aside in the Arab world, but even China is quite dissatisfied.

Moreover, if the restoration of the country is successful in the future, Prince Abdullah, who has successfully promoted this event of great political significance, will surely have a brighter future among the royal family in the future.

After thinking about this, Abdullah couldn't be more grateful to Li Mubai.Now Li Mubai is offering both money and ideas.Even if they are brothers, how many can do this?

After hanging up the phone, Li Mubai raised the corner of his mouth.He is very clear that even if he did not make this suggestion, such a situation would have occurred in history.And Li Mubai just changed the promoter at the right time.

With Paul's appearance, Li Mubai no longer has to worry about the Kenyan affairs.But before he returned to Xiangjiang this time, he asked Paul to help him find a second housekeeper.He also bought a mansion in Xiangjiang. It is not clear how long he can live there in the future, but someone needs to take care of it.

After seeing Paul's ability, Li Mubai felt that it was the best choice to hire a British personal butler.Although the salary he paid was not small at all, he felt that the money was well spent.

In fact, even Paul did not expect that Li Mubai offered him an annual salary of one hundred thousand dollars.His father had served the Field for most of his life and was getting no more than that.And he has not even been by Li Mubai's side for a month, and he will be able to gain the trust of the boss, which will be the most honored and proud thing for him.

When Li Mubai asked for a second butler, Paul immediately recommended one.In fact, the person he recommended not only has a level similar to his, but is also his younger brother, his own younger brother.

It's just that his younger brother Paul Jr. is not favored by others in Field, and for some unknown reason, both Grand Duke Fielder and his juniors are very dissatisfied with his younger brother Paul Jr.If his younger brother is expelled from the Field family, Paul Jr. can also find a good job.It's a pity that people don't let him go and don't give him a chance, which makes his younger brother live in pain every day.

Now that there is such a good opportunity, Paul naturally does not want to miss it.And he said at the time that even if he and his brothers were only offered a salary of [-] US dollars a year, he would accept it and still be able to maintain this kind of work status.

What Li Mubai likes most is people who are kind, righteous, and caring.And Paul didn't hide anything, not only told the situation of his younger brother, but also explained his relationship with him.

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