Paul's efficiency made Li Mubai deeply feel that the one hundred thousand dollars spent this year is really worth it.Although Li Mubai is not yet ready to hire two personal butlers with an annual salary of [-] yuan, Li Mubai knows that even between employers and employees, it takes time to get to know each other.What's more, his own industry is getting bigger and bigger, and there are not many people around him who can take on heavy responsibilities.Whether it's Big Paul or Little Paul, if he can cultivate someone who can help him, then the [-] is not only worth it, but also earned.

Li Mubai stayed in Kenya for another day. After meeting little Paul, he finally understood why the Field family kept suppressing him.This kid is obvious and has big ambitions.Although he hides well, there is still something to be found in his eyes.

Li Mubai is not afraid that his subordinates have ambitions, but he is afraid of lack of ability.As long as Little Paul can show enough ability, Li Mubai will have no problem giving him a CEO.

I took little Paul back to Xiangjiang, and the mansion over there is now vacant, and the decoration inside basically does not need to be changed, and is basically decorated according to the style of British aristocrats.It has a bit of classic and a bit of modernity.It can be said that this is a relatively perfect style that combines east and west, and Li Mubai doesn't think there is anything wrong with it.

In less than a day, Little Paul had already replaced all the daily necessities.Although Little Paul's contact with Li Mubai was very short, but in Li Mubai's conversation, he already had a general understanding of Li Mubai's preferences and style.

When Li Mubai returned to this mansion at night, he found that this little Paul was really not simple.From the toothbrush, towel, razor, and even the toilet paper needed for washing, Li Mubai felt very comfortable to use and looked pleasing to the eye.

"Little Paul, do you know why Field's family doesn't like you?" Li Mubai sat on the sofa, with little Paul's already toasted and lit Havana cigar in his hand.

"Sir, it's because I'm not reserved enough, and I don't know how to hide my clumsiness." Little Paul still knows himself very well. He knows his strengths, and he is also very clear about his weaknesses.

"What do you think your brother is better than you?" Li Mubai did not judge whether what little Paul said was right or wrong, but asked another question.

"Sir, I don't know." Little Paul was very sincere, and this question had troubled him for a long time.

When he had nothing to do, he often reflected on it, and asked himself and his brother countless times.However, until now he has not found the answer.

"Little Paul, your brother's work is centered on the employer, but you are centered on yourself." Li Mubai made his own judgment through observation of the two brothers.

In addition to getting in touch with himself, Big Paul is more willing to listen to Wolf Nine's description of himself.Maybe Wolf Nine's description is not accurate enough, but he will combine the two together and analyze them carefully.

But Paul Jr. was different. The work he did was based entirely on his own judgment.Although what he did was excellent enough, he overlooked one point. At some point, he made decisions for the master.This is not impossible, but it is not allowed at this stage.

Decisions were made without the full trust and permission, or acquiescence, of the employer.Whether in the UK or in China, no matter how good this kind of service is, in the eyes of the employer, it is intolerable.No employer likes to be dominated, or to feel that his butler is more capable and smarter than himself.

In this regard, it is somewhat similar to the officialdom.Subordinates must have the consciousness of being subordinates, and decisions are always left to the superiors.Only in this way can the primary and secondary be highlighted, otherwise, you will never be reused by your superiors.

Paul Jr. only saw the surface, not the substance.

Li Mubai's words made him gradually understand the crux of the problem.To be an excellent personal butler requires more than just a sense of service.A personal butler is not a nanny, but requires a huge amount of knowledge and a very bright mind.

A few words from Li Mubai made Little Paul finally understand why he was not popular in the Field family.In short, it is too strong performance.

"Little Paul, I am willing to give you a chance." Finally Li Mubai said: "Well, you will stay by my side for the next two months. If your ability can be recognized by me, I will give you a chance based on your performance. , Let you take care of some properties. The biggest difference between you and your brother is that your brother is a purely service-oriented personal butler, while you are a personal butler who is more of a work assistant."

Little Paul was secretly happy, he firmly memorized every word Li Mubai said.He didn't understand why Li Mubai could see things so thoroughly at such a young age.Although he is the younger brother, he is still five years older than Li Mubai.

"An insight into the world is knowledge, and understanding of humanity is an article. This is a saying that has been passed down in China for a long time, and I will give it to you today." Li Mubai said the previous paragraph in words, but he said it again in English .

Little Paul doesn't know much about Chinese culture, but Li Mubai believes that when little Paul understands the true meaning of this passage, he can become a better personal butler than his brother.

After taking a shower, when Li Mubai was lying on the bed, his mobile phone started making noise.

"Third brother, why did you remember to call me?" Seeing the number on the phone, it was Jiang Hongyu who called.It's already past nine o'clock in the evening. It stands to reason that this guy should be socializing. Why is he so leisurely? I thought of calling myself.

"Who do you think you are? Do I need to make an appointment to call you?" Jiang Hongyu didn't care what kind of scientist Li Mubai was, or what kind of gold medal screenwriter.In his eyes, Li Mubai was the first of the three scumbags, his brother.

But Li Mubai just ate this set, and he was very happy when he heard Jiang Hongyu's teasing.

No wonder this guy is the cheapest!

"Tomorrow, I will go to Xiangjiang with my second son, and be prepared to be beaten by local tyrants." Jiang Hongyu is in the capital at this time, and he has even booked his air ticket.

Li Mubai didn't know that this guy went to Kenya, but the delegation from Huaxia was going crazy.

It has been more than a week since I came to Xiangjiang, not to mention seeing Li Mubai's people, and I can't even get in touch with the phone.Li Mubai's temporary secretary, Huo Wenxi, who has experience in the artist department of Oriental DreamWorks, answered every call.

The academician of the Academy of Chemical Sciences was so anxious that he made at least two phone calls to the capital a day.And Tang Zhong learned from Ye Qing that Li Mubai was doing research.In the past, that guy went to the laboratory and didn't see anyone for a few days, especially this time a press conference was held in Switzerland. If Li Mubai didn't come up with research results, he would still have the face to face the media.

Tang Zhong also knew this was the truth, but he didn't believe that Li Mubai could stay in the lab obediently, so he used a family card.

Li Mubai is a very emotional person, he may not meet those people from the Academy of Chemical Sciences, but as long as Ding Yiyi and Ji Hongyang are involved, I believe he will be able to meet them.

That's why Ding Yiyi and Jiang Hongyu were "assigned" to Xiangjiang, no matter what they had to see Li Mubai.

This news is really great for Li Mubai, even better than his mood when he researched the third generation of aluminum alloy.

After hanging up the phone, Li Mubai immediately told Little Paul the news and asked him to arrange the itinerary.His brother is here, but he wants to entertain him well.

In addition, Li Mubai also intends to introduce Huston to them, and think about who else is more suitable to participate.In the end, Li Mubai told Huo Wenxi to ask DreamWorks to see if there were any beauties who were free.Since he was entertaining his best brother, Li Mubai would not be stingy.

This was the first time Li Mubai made such a request to Huo Wenxi, and he was still a little worried, fearing that the artists under his banner would resist or misunderstand.Unexpectedly, Huo Wenxi told him that this kind of entertainment is originally a kind of activity of celebrities.Even if they don't participate in their boss' entertainment, they will have other entertainment.

Now that there are beauties, Li Mubai thinks that some people with status should also be invited.However, Li Mubai had the best relationship with these tycoons in Xiangjiang, Mr. Guo. After thinking for a while, he finally called Yuan Xi.

This phone call brought Yuan Xilai a small surprise, one must know that Li Mubai was no longer that little person who only loved Xiangjiang.When his Oriental Dream Factory moved to a new location, even the governor of Hong Kong went.

On the phone, Li Mubai's tone remained the same, without any change at all.Realistically concerned about the recent situation of Xiao Nizi Ah Yin, and then chatted with Yuan Xi for a few words, and finally expressed his thoughts.He hoped that Guo Tianyu and his wife would come together, so as to avoid unnecessary misunderstandings.

After all, Li Mubai is still a single diamond king, even if Yuan Xi is a wealthy young lady who even has a child, there are still some influences that need to be paid attention to.

Yuan Xi scolded Li Mubai with a smile, but his heart was warm.Li Mubai still treats that Li Mubai as before, and is still her younger brother, nothing has changed.In the end, Yuan Xi said to see if he could help Li Mubai contact some famous ladies who usually come and go. If it was in the past, it would add some face to Li Mubai.For now, it is to give those people a chance to get in touch with Li Mubai.

Li Mubai didn't know, because his achievements, as long as there are people who have something to do with him, those who have a relationship with him will all rise.

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