golden power

Chapter 89 Competition

The cadre recruitment competition started. It was the weekend. Gao Yuan came to the unit early in the morning. First, there was a written test. Although he refused to accept the test paper provided by Yan Li in advance, his strength was there. It took only 10 minutes for him to complete all the questions in the 10 minutes of the test.

Gao Yuan was not in a hurry to hand in the papers, because it was the same as the recruitment of civil servants back then. After handing in the papers, he couldn't leave this floor, and he had to go to the meeting room next to him to sit honestly, which was so boring.Gao Yuan looked around and saw that Young Master Quan was thinking hard. It was really difficult for him. A man in his 40s still had to do civil service exam questions, which was really commendable.

Wen Xiangning also came to take the exam. Although she is a Ph.D., she can see that it is a bit difficult to do it. After all, a Ph.D. is not really knowledgeable, but a professional in a certain aspect.What surprised Gao Yuan was that Yu Qian was also answering the questions there. It stands to reason that Yu Qian did not meet the qualifications for registration at all. He was already a deputy chief clerk, but there was not enough time to compete for the chief clerk, at least until next year.

What was even more surprising was that Tan Xiaohui was also there to answer the questions. Tan Xiaohui was an undergraduate, and she was only eligible to compete for the position of deputy chief staff member after three years of work, but she only had one year of work experience. What did she do here?

Gao Yuan suddenly thought of doing what I do, all of this must be arranged by doing what I do, after all Tan Xiaohui is the daughter-in-law who is doing what I am, and it is estimated that what I do is going to promote her exceptionally.Yu Qian should have also been taken care of by Sui Wowei. Mrs. Yu Qian is Zhuo Ting. Zhuo Ting and Sui Wowei had a close relationship with each other a long time ago. Qian's plea was the only way to do that.It is estimated that Sui Wowei obeyed Zhuo Ting's request, and it seems that Yu Qian is very hopeful to be promoted to the chief staff member in advance.

Gao Yuan shook his head helplessly. It seemed that everything had been arranged and the exam was just a formality. He looked at Quan Shao again and couldn't help but feel sorry for him. He is not a deputy, he is still full of hope to do the questions there, it is really useless work!

Gao Yuan couldn't stand it anymore. He handed in the test paper and came to the next meeting room to rest. He remembered the interview before he joined the job last year. He met Tan Xiaohui in this meeting room. He made Tan Xiaohui laugh non-stop, but now, Tan Xiaohui Every day he lived in a gloomy mist, and there was nothing he could do about it.

At this moment, a girl walked in, Gao Yuan's eyes lit up, it was Tan Xiaohui.

"Hui'er, you did it so fast!" Gao Yuan said a thousand words without knowing where to start, and finally said this sentence.Tan Xiaohui is not like this: "No matter how fast you are!" Gao Yuan suddenly remembered that Xu Tiexiong was going to follow me as home last time, so he whispered: "Xu Tiexiong went to follow me the day before yesterday, are you at home?" Tan Xiaohui said at home, Gao Yuan Asked: "What did they say? I heard Xu Tiexiong said that he wanted to talk about it in the past, and he didn't want to divorce his niece with everything."

Tan Xiaohui also whispered: "I handed in the paper so early just to tell you about this." The two walked to a corner, and Tan Xiaohui said: "After Xu Tiexiong passed by, he and I went to the second floor to whisper. Talking, I may not pay attention, but they behaved so mysteriously, I decided to listen to what happened. I walked quietly to the second floor, and they actually closed the door of the study with me and talked inside."

Gao Yuan couldn't help saying: "They must be plotting something!" Tan Xiaohui nodded: "That's true, what they said first was not about Suiwanyou and Xu Tiexiong's niece, but about you." Tan Xiaohui said one by one, Restore the conversation at that time as follows:

Follow me: "Mayor Xu, there is something I have to tell you."

Xu Tiexiong: "What is it?"

Follow me: "It's a lofty thing."

Xu Tiexiong: "Oh? Tell me!"

Follow me: "Gao Yuan is your future son-in-law. With our friendship, I should help him. This time we are competing for the position of the bureau. He could only compete for the position of the deputy director. I arranged for him to compete for the position of the director. He even asked the Director of Human Resources to disclose the written test and interview questions to him in advance. Guess what? He refused to accept it unceremoniously! Oh, Mayor Xu, it’s not that I insist on interfering with your family affairs, in my opinion , Gao Yuan is so incomprehensible, we just want to train him, or we may not train him well, I am afraid that he will live up to everyone's expectations in the future, so I hope you can seriously consider his marriage with Ruoqing."

Xu Tiexiong: "Gao Yuan is a bastard, I don't like him, and I don't know what our family Ruoqing likes in him! You don't know, he was at our house before I came, and he didn't even say hello when he saw me. I don't want to fight! It's really against the sky!"

Let me do it: "It turns out that you don't like him, so you haven't made a decision yet. I heard that they are going to get married soon. If they really get married, it's too late for you to regret it!"

Xu Tiexiong: "It's not that you don't know. There is a powerful woman in my family. If I object, she will definitely make trouble. If she becomes crazy, she may cause trouble in our work unit. As a mayor, I have to take care of myself In order to save face, the family ugliness cannot be publicized!"

Follow me: "It seems that Gao Yuan is really going to become your son-in-law, congratulations!"

Xu Tiexiong: "No! I have to find a way!"

Then there was a silence, I don't know if the two were thinking or whispering, finally, Xu Tiexiong said: "Old follower, remember, we must make an exception and promote him to a section chief!"

Follow me and promise repeatedly: "Must, must."

Tan Xiaohui stopped here: "Gao Yuan, can you guess what kind of medicine they sell in the gourd?"

Gao Yuan pondered for a moment: "Are they going to promote me out of the ordinary? Are they trying to promote me, or are they clearly planning to promote me but secretly designing me?"

Gao Yuan was puzzled, and Tan Xiaohui couldn't think of a reason: "No matter what, I should congratulate you, Brother Yuan, you will soon be a chief staff member!" Gao Yuan also congratulated: "You don't Are you going to be promoted as a deputy chief staff member?"

Tan Xiaohui looked resentful: "I'm going to be promoted to deputy chief staff member, but this is not what I need."

"Then you still have to take the test!"

"I took the exam, of course I have my purpose. To be honest, I got the test paper in advance, and I didn't make a single mistake. It stands to reason that I should deliberately make one or two mistakes, otherwise the grades will be too abnormal!"

Gao Yuan became strange: "Then what do you want to do?"

Tan Xiaohui said bitterly: "I want to sue him for using power for personal gain and manipulating the competition! So I want to get 100 points, I want to break the rules and become the deputy chief staff member, I want to give people an excuse, and I want to make it impossible for anyone to argue with me!"

Gao Yuan was taken aback: "But Hui'er, in this way, your deputy chief staff member may also be dismissed!"

"I'm not qualified in the first place, so why not withdraw?!" Tan Xiaohui's face finally showed sunshine, as if I had been denounced by her, and had already walked into the dock of public opinion!

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