golden power

Chapter 90

Gao Yuan disagreed with Tan Xiaohui's approach: "Hui'er, do you think you can use this as evidence to pull him down once I promote you? I think it's too easy for you to think about the problem!" Tan Xiaohui said that of course he would not report With so much hope, she will try to collect other evidence, no matter how big or small, as long as it can prove that I am doing favoritism and bending the law, she will keep it, and it may be useful in the future.

One after another, people came to this meeting room after handing in the test papers, and Gao Yuan and Tan Xiaohui stopped talking.In the afternoon, the interview officially started. The 50 people were divided into five groups, and each group walked into the examination room.Coincidentally, Gao Yuan, Yu Qian, Tan Xiaohui, and Quan Shao were assigned to a group.They sat down, facing several bureau chiefs and Yan Li, director of personnel.

Gao Yuan subconsciously looked at Zhou Ju. Zhou Ju took care of him during the job interview. When he saw Zhou Ju smiling encouragingly at him, Gao Yuan knew that Zhou Ju would definitely stand by his side.He looked at Wang Ju again, and Wang Ju nodded to him even more, with a look of boosting morale.Not only did Gao Yuan help Wang Ju with a perfect project, but also because of Wang Ju's drowning in a meeting in another place, if Gao Yuan hadn't fought to save him, he would have died long ago.Gao Yuan believes that Wang Ju will also support him.

It’s just that Gao Yuan really doesn’t want to accept Sui Wowei’s charity. Sui Wowei wants to promote him to the chief staff member, but he can’t cooperate. He must do his best to play the worst, and strive to become the worst performer. Let's see if he dares to promote him when the time comes!

Yuan Tie from the Personnel Department came over and sent a question to the candidates. The question was like this: "When selecting cadres, which of the following should be the most important, and please sort the following five according to their importance: morality, knowledge , dedication, cooperation, and performance.” Thinking time is only 5 minutes, and each person can only speak for 3 minutes.

When the time came, Yu Qian answered first: "I think knowledge is the most important thing. A person's knowledge determines how effective he can be. For example, Su Qin lobbied the six countries at first, but no one was persuaded by him. Back home, he was stared at by his family all the time. So he worked hard, with his head hanging from the beam, piercing the bone, and studied hard. Finally, in exchange for learning and wealth, he went out of the mountain again. He was hired as the prime minister of the six countries, forming a joint alliance against the powerful Qin State, Effectively resisted Qin's aggression."

After talking about knowledge, Yu Qian said cooperation: "I think cooperation is the second most important. Specifically, cooperation is to recognize one's own position in the group, the role that can be played in each matter, and strive to respect the leadership. , unite colleagues, and become one with everyone, so that the top and bottom can be united and united. As the saying goes, if people are united, Mount Tai will move, and unity is powerful. As long as everyone cooperates sincerely, there will be nothing that cannot be done, and there will be no task that cannot be completed.”

Yu Qian was eloquent, and everyone looked at him with admiration. No one knew that he actually got the test questions in advance, so he prepared so well.Seeing that everyone was engrossed in listening, Yu Qian was elated and continued to talk. The more he talked, the more excited he became. Going on, he realized that he was too complacent, and now he is fine. Everyone can see that the question has not been answered. If I want to promote him, I may have to weigh it in my heart.

Tan Xiaohui began to speak: "I oppose Yu Qian's point of view. I think the most important thing is morality. No matter how knowledgeable a person is, if he has no morality, then he can only cause harm to this society. The more knowledgeable he is, the more damage he will cause. The greater the harm, the more his knowledge is used to harm the society! For example, corrupt officials are sacked every day. Which one of those corrupt officials has no knowledge? Which one is not a smart person, but in the end it is the smart who is mistaken by the smart, which not only harms the society, but also harms the society. Harm yourself, this is the reason for lack of virtue."

Tan Xiaohui believes that dedication is the second most important thing: "As long as a person is dedicated, even if he has no knowledge and performance for the time being, but because of his dedication, he will definitely strengthen his studies and work hard, and he will gradually become knowledgeable. It will definitely work out.”

In Tan Xiaohui's view, the third most important thing is performance, because rewards have been based on merit since ancient times. Without performance and promotion, it will be difficult to convince the public.The fourth most important thing is cooperation, and the fifth is knowledge.Tan Xiaohui also got the test papers in advance, and she was well prepared and well timed, taking exactly 3 minutes.When she spoke, she nodded along with me, her face full of appreciation, and the audience listened attentively. When she finished speaking, the meeting room burst into applause, and Gao Yuan couldn't help applauding because he found Tan Xiaohui and his The views are exactly the same.

Yu Qian was very dissatisfied, because Tan Xiaohui put his most important knowledge in the last place, he raised his hand and said: "I object!" Yuan Tie reminded him: "You have already spoken, please speak next. "Quan Shao raised his hand, and everyone looked at him, expecting him to have a big talk, but unexpectedly, he opened his mouth and said only one sentence: "Tan Xiaohui has finished what I want to say!" Everyone I was stunned for a moment, and then burst into laughter, knowing that Quan Shao was reimbursed again, I should say it or not, just repeat what Tan Xiaohui said, it seems that it will be even more difficult for him to become a deputy director in the future !

It was Gao Yuan's turn to speak, and he had made up his mind to play it badly, so he scratched his head on purpose: "What is the most important? I think it's all important, but I don't think it's important at all. Whether it's important or not is very subjective. Things are also very relative things. At certain times, a certain factor may be very important, but at another time, it becomes very secondary. So I think these five items are equally important and equally unimportant. I don’t think it’s necessary to rank them. If I have to rank them, I’ll let them rank first and rank first, that is, rank them as unimportant. What am I talking about? Is it important or not? I was confused by myself, I'm sorry, I can't go on, in fact, it doesn't matter whether I say it or not, everyone's evaluation of me is the most important, thank you all."

The directors all stared at him with wide-eyed eyes. Wang Ju had an unbelievable expression. Zhou Ju couldn't help covering his mouth and trembling there, probably trying to hold back a laugh. Snickerd endlessly.As soon as Gao Yuan finished speaking, he burst into laughter immediately.Deliberately knowing that he has achieved his goal, he has fully demonstrated how bad he is, and he believes that I will never promote him again because of everyone's pressure!

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