Li Moyang's eyes are not idle while walking, enjoying all the beauty, all kinds of whispers are constantly pouring into his ears, there is no way his eyes are good, and his ears are even better. Sometimes this is a good thing, but this time it is annoying. Li Moyang felt more disgusted the more he listened.

A few young models with cute faces and sexy and enchanting bodies with black stockings, thongs, and sexy bras were chatting together: "The Palace on the Sea is very easy to do. There is an event, and it will be better if there are more people. Last time there were a few people Look for me every day for several days, and those who look for me there will give me more tips."

"That's nothing to you. There's a dirty honey breeder who earns 60 yuan by sleeping with her in three days. When she returned to the shore, the first thing she bought was Vertu, and the second thing she bought was Kelly, because she said birkin was too Vulgar..."

"Yes, give me 40 yuan, and my wife will accompany him for seven days and seven nights, and squeeze him into jerky."

"Hee hee..." The young models laughed for a while.

Li Moyang was speechless.

Then I heard a woman say: "Last time, there was toilet paper all over the place. It is said that 2100 condoms were used, and it is said that a man was found to have HIV. It seems that a few women he had contacted also came today."

Another young model said in horror: "The palace on the sea is getting more and more chaotic now, everyone comes here."

"HIV AIDS is terrible."

"Damn!" A young model complained, "Last time, my old lady was played for nothing. I got so excited about skating, and I didn't receive any money after being wheeled. This time, my old lady must make money! There is a depth bomb game, Don't rob me!"

"What's a depth charge?" Another young model who had just arrived asked curiously.

The tender model just now gave the newcomer a contemptuous look: "Sister, I will give you some popular science, but you are not brave enough to play depth charges. For the first time, you can play Russian roulette."

"Sister, good sister, just tell them, I've earned money to treat you to a big meal!"

"There is no need for a big meal. We sisters are united. Whoever has the opportunity to introduce each other will receive a [-]% commission."

"Well, no problem, hurry up and talk!"

"This group of rich people invented a game called "Russian Roulette". A group of girls with blindfolded girls form a circle with their heads turned inward, their buttocks pouted, the music starts, and all the men get in behind, let's go! After a song is played Just switch to another girl and do it again, whoever shoots first will be out of the game and will be fined with a drink, and the winner if you stay to the end!"

"Well, this is acceptable."

"We can accept this one, and the next depth charge is not for people to play, but this time I want to try!" The eyes of the woman who broke the news were full of enthusiasm.

Several other young models were frightened by the expression of the woman who broke the news, and the woman who broke the news returned to normal. She glanced at the sisters lightly and continued: "The depth bomb is to find a young model with a lot of guts, pour red wine into it, and it will have a disinfection effect. , Shrink the inner wall again, and shoot fast. Hundreds of people poured the children and grandchildren in the used condom into a condom, tied it tightly, as thick as an enema, white and bulging, and then stuffed it into the tender mold, and everyone again Take turns to fuck her, whoever accidentally breaks it, smack! Whoever loses, you have to give this tender model a sports car."

"Huh? A sports car?"

All the young models were stunned. The unimaginable game, instead of frightening them, fueled their inner frenzy. Without any unified command, the young models scattered with high spirits and bombarded the guests with their heads and poses... …

The pier is full of business-seeking green tea whores, peripheral girls, young models, all dressed up in gorgeous clothes, taking cute selfies with their icrazy mobile phones, and posting on WeChat and Weibo after taking pictures: They are in the Sea Palace, and they will board the ship later...

Li Moyang shook his head straight away, in the current social atmosphere, men become bad when they have money, and rich only when women cheat...

Accidentally, Li Moyang bumped into the two of them, "I'm sorry!" Li Moyang opened his mouth to apologize, and spoke in a hurry.

The two big men in black suits glanced at Li Moyang coldly. Li Moyang quickly lowered his head, not daring to meet the eyes of the two big men. A black leather case.

Seeing the two big men lighting up their invitations and getting on the gangway, Li Moyang straightened up and walked slowly towards the exit of the gangway, staring at the two big men playfully.Interesting, here are two killers, hehe, what interesting things will happen tonight?I'm really looking forward to it, I've been really busy lately.

Sure enough, the security guard only recognized the invitation but not the person. Li Moyang lit up the golden invitation, but the security guard didn't even look at it, and just nodded and bowed: "Please, sir!"

It's that simple!

When he got on the boat, Li Moyang looked like an upstart, full of curiosity, and looked around. After more than 20 minutes, he almost visited the Sea Palace. Except for the driver's cab and the engine room, Li Moyang was very concerned about the layout of the Sea Palace. With a general understanding, the retreat route has also been considered. Li Moyang checked the four speedboats on the main deck on both sides, and they can be used.

Of course, the retreat route can be used until it is determined not to be used. Without the support of the backup team, the only way to escape is by jumping into the sea. Hehe, even in that case, Li Moyang is confident that he can swim ten kilometers without panting.

The whistle of the sea palace slowly left the pier, the neon lights on the ship were flickering, the lights were dim, and there was a foul smell.

On the front deck, upper deck, rear deck, and in the corners of each floor, young men and women who are in full bloom can't hold back their passionate touches, kisses, and even fight with real knives and guns without any shyness. The toilet paper used up It can be seen everywhere that someone directly throws the cover into the sea, and hundreds of millions of descendants feed the fish and shrimp.

There was the sound of gunfire and piling driving everywhere, and the whole ship was filled with gunfire.Li Moyang is speechless, Emma, ​​if someone says that Chinese people are conservative, it's best to visit here to ensure that you are speechless.

The three decks above the main deck are all kinds of private rooms. Li Moyang turned around and saw the men and women coming in and out. He understood that it was a gun room and they were all packed. Li Moyang ran directly to the bottom cabin, where is the Tonight's main battlefield --- the casino.

"Ouba!" The two peripheral girls stopped Li Moyang.

Li Moyang stood still and looked up and down at the two women. She had an awl face, long false eyelashes, and big eyes with colored contact lenses. Emma, ​​snake spirit!He is not tall, with only two pieces of cloth all over his body, his breasts are plump, ready to emerge, the ravine is deep, his lower body is tight, outlining the outline of an abalone, the smell of dust is very strong, and he is carrying an LV bag in his hand.

A peripheral girl approached: "Ouba, it's very abnormal to be alone. How can a man come here without a female companion? Why don't our sisters accompany you all night?"

Li Moyang glanced at the two girls, probably because no one wants to get on the boat, and they are staring at her, but she is right, a man without a woman by his side is too conspicuous on the boat, so he might as well borrow two props to cover him.

"Hey beauty, how much is it?"

"Accompany one night, ten thousand! Whatever you want, don't treat us as human beings!" The peripheral girl made no secret.

Li Moyang flirtatiously stretched out his arms to embrace the two peripheral girls, and made a lot of money with his hands, saying: "I really want it!"

"It's [-] per person!" The peripheral girl hastily added, in Li Moyang's arms, pretentious and coy, and said with her butt rubbing against Li Moyang's lower body.

Such a local tyrant does not kill for nothing.

"I'll accompany you, I'll give you another [-]!" Li Moyang patted the black suitcase with his hands free, his face full of arrogance.

"Ouba, let's go, or is it right here?"

"Haha, go gamble with me first, and I will give you big chips if I win."

"Yeah, yeah!" The two peripheral girls clapped their hands and gestured.

"What's your name?"

"My name is Xue'er, and her name is Shanzi. We used to be editors at the station, female Wenqing~"

"Okay, Xue'er, Shanzi, haha, uncle likes to engage in young girls, so I'll accompany you tonight, and I'll give you a car!" Li Moyang said as he walked, rubbing his big buttocks and touching his right Touching the small bump on the chest, I was very busy, and the two peripheral girls exaggerated and yelled, showing a lot of coquettishness.

"Ouba, you are so kind, I want a mini cooper."

"Well, uncle, I also want a mini cooper."

"Okay! As long as the uncle is happy, haha!" Li Moyang couldn't help sighing, such a pure ** is rare, and the requirements are too low.

Push open the gate of the casino, oh, there is a lot of voices, a miasma of smoke, mahjong tables, Pai Gow, slot machines, whatever you want.The floor is covered with a deep red carpet, the walls are resplendent and golden, and the huge chandelier emits golden brilliance. The entire casino hall is luxurious, surrounded by a circle of private rooms, and there are waitresses with Bugs Bunny ears coming in and out from time to time.

The beauties flew all over the field and let the men eat tofu. After the men finished eating the tofu, they grabbed a handful of chips and stuffed them into the deep groove in their chests. Here, you can exchange it for cash when you dock.

Li Moyang exchanged 5 yuan into chips, but the girl at the bar didn't take it lightly. This kind of situation is common. The people who come to the Palace on the Sea are all rich people, and they might even swipe their cards later.

Li Moyang grabbed a handful of chips and stuffed them into the deep grooves on the chests of the two peripheral girls: "You play first, I will find you later, and we will fight for [-] rounds."

"Okay, okay." Xue'er and Shanzi's eyes were full of light. This one is more than 2000 yuan. This silly uncle won't let us accompany him, so he can go out to catch a fish again. a goal.

Li Moyang glanced around, the mahjong table was full of people, he was not in a hurry, he walked around for a while, and saw a fat man sweating profusely at a table, his eyes were red, he thought, that's it.Walking to this mahjong table, Li Moyang sat behind the fat guy and carefully watched the situation on the table.

Fatty’s last family is a 50-year-old man in a Tang suit. He looks like a big boss. The opposite family is a middle-aged man in a white shirt with slightly bald hair. He looks like an official. The next family is also a rich middle-aged man. What is the origin.

In addition to Fatty, the biggest feature of this table is arrogance, no one looks down on anyone, and it seems that no one knows anyone, but they are all confident and born with a sense of superiority, because they all have money.

It was another three rounds, and Li Moyang could tell that the level was not good, and this kind of atmosphere was what they wanted, the feeling of spending money like water.

The fat man next to Li Moyang finally couldn't take it anymore, he pushed the mahjong: "I won't play anymore, I'm going to get a girl, change my luck, and come back later to continue."

Shangjia smiled: "Go well, remember to wash your hands when you come back, and don't let the brothers get AIDS."

Looking for someone around the house, this is the winning stall, how can the good luck be broken?

Li Moyang sat down on the chair and pushed the chips: "Old Officer Guo, I've been waiting all night, I'll come!"

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