Smuggling Daming

Chapter 303 Sneak Attack

The originally prosperous Malacca port is now full of wars, and many merchant ships in the port were also burned by the war, but more merchant ships were marked by the Portuguese, marking that these merchant ships were all received by them as spoils of war. This is also the reason why they didn't let these merchant ships leave at the beginning. After all, with the robber nature of the Portuguese, they would not just watch these goods worth tens of thousands of gold slip away from their eyes.

However, in comparison, the situation on the port side is still good, and the Malacca River side is really a miserable word. There were many villages on both sides of the river, but now they are all destroyed by artillery fire, among the ruins of the villages Corpses are scattered all over the village, wild beasts are walking back and forth in the village, all of them have round bellies and shiny coats.

On the section of the Malacca River facing Malacca City, a bridge spans both banks, but now the bridge is full of corpses, especially at both ends of the bridge, and there are also dead corpses in the bridge hole under the bridge. , and even these corpses piled up together, almost cutting off the river.No one knows whether there is hell in the world, but the scene on both sides of the Malacca River is almost the same as the legendary hell.

However, in the center of this hell scene, that is, on the west side of the Malacca River surrounded by dead bodies, a Portuguese army of thousands of people is resting together. Cooking their lunch in the room, after eating, they will attack the city of Malacca in one fell swoop, and completely occupy this sea traffic fortress.

Alfonso is now with this army, after days of shelling.He had already wiped out all the forces around the city of Malacca, and even the opponent's simple navy was also blasted into pieces by his warships. It can be said that there is no force on the sea that can threaten them.

In the battle on land, Alfonso and the others were also invincible. Now all the people of Malacca have huddled in the city, trying to rely on the strong city wall for the final resistance.But the people of Malacca are destined to be disappointed, because just this morning, Alfonso dispatched several warships to bombard a place on the city wall.As a result, before noon, the city wall that the opponent was proud of had collapsed with a big hole, and whenever the city sent people to block the big hole, the warships on the Malacca River would open fire, and the big hole not only became bigger and bigger, And there are corpses of Malacca people all over the place.

Alfonso is a very experienced general.After these days of war, he has seen that the people of Malacca are exhausted now, and after being repeatedly defeated by his army, the people of Malacca have also recognized the strength gap between the two sides, knowing that they are not their opponents anyway.

It's just that this is their capital, so the people of Malacca have been holding on.But now that the city wall is broken, it can almost be said that the people of Malacca have fallen into despair.But at this time, the people of Malacca still had the courage to fight to the death with them, so Alfonso didn't let people rush in immediately, but used artillery to slowly consume the remaining courage of the opponent, I believe that it won't take long before the entire city of Malacca will completely lose the courage to resist.

Alfonso's troops ate their lunch, and by the way exhausted the last of the courage of the Malaccans.But what they didn't know was that it was on the sea more than ten miles away from them.There is also a group of tiger and wolf masters plotting against them.

On Zhou Zhong's ship Nanyang, a group of generals gathered around a simple sand table in the meeting hall. The tall and strong Chang Xiao held a stick in his hand and was explaining to Zhou Zhong and the others the situation in Malacca port that the spies had inquired about.

"Look, my lord, now the Portuguese have cleared the port, and all the people of Malacca have shrunk into the city. Now the Portuguese have mobilized all their forces and are preparing to take the city of Malacca in one fell swoop. There are no more manpower, just gave us a chance!" Chang Xiao introduced excitedly.

During this period of time, Zhou Zhong never forgot to send someone to monitor the battle situation in Malacca City. With a sharp weapon like a telescope, spies can observe from a long distance without worrying about being discovered by the other party. Therefore, Zhou Zhong and the others are very clear about the situation in Malacca City. palm.

But when he said this, Chang Xiao paused for a moment and said in a bit of a dilemma: "It's just that this opportunity is good, but it is different from our previous expectations. The four ships are all parked in the port, and there are not many guards on board. We are sure to take them in one fell swoop, but the other four ships were transferred by Portugal to the Malacca River to bombard the city walls. If we attack the warships in the port, it will definitely disturb the river. The warships on board, so these four warships may be difficult to capture by sneak attack."

Hearing Chang Xiao said that it is impossible to capture all the battleships, Zhou Zhong couldn't help but frowned and said: "If all the battleships cannot be captured, then Portugal on the shore can withdraw to these four warships at any time. If we rush outward, we may not be able to achieve the goal of completely annihilating each other!"

When Zhou Zhong learned that the Portuguese knew nothing about their sneak attack, and most of them went ashore to fight, he was ready to wipe out the opponent, but he did not expect an accident at the last moment. Four warships left, which presented him with a problem.

But as soon as Zhou Zhong's words fell, Shenying smiled and said, "Don't worry, Admiral. General Chang and General Qu have already proposed a feasible solution. Even if the four warships are left to the Portuguese, it is not enough at all." For worry."

Zhou Zhong was overjoyed when he heard this, and hurriedly asked Chang Xiao and Qu Lie what to do, but Chang Xiao and Qu Lie looked at each other, and then Qu Lie said with a smile: "My lord, my subordinates have already sent Malacca Although the estuary of the river is wide, the water in the estuary is not deep due to the accumulation of muddy water from the upper reaches. The Portuguese warships are tall and have a deep draft. They can only enter when the tide is high, so we can take advantage of the ebb tide to sneak attack The warships in the port, so the warships in the river can’t get out in a short time, and at this time we can prepare a few boats filled with sand and gravel, which will sink when they reach the mouth of the river. Don't even think about coming out!"

"Wonderful!" Zhou Zhong clapped his hands and laughed when he heard this. As the saying goes, there is no such thing as despicable or despicable on the battlefield. There is only one ultimate goal, and that is victory. As long as you can win a battle If so, then you are a famous player, and no one cares about how you won the battle.

After the general plan was finalized, Shenying discussed the specific details of the sneak attack with Chang Xiao and others. Zhou Zhong knew almost nothing about military affairs, and he couldn't give any suggestions, so he could only listen honestly and wait until everything was cleared. After discussing the details, Shenying and others asked Zhou Zhong for orders. At this time, Zhou Zhong played his role as the coach and waved his hand to let them go. They must wipe out the Portuguese in one fell swoop.

When the Ming army was preparing to attack the Portuguese warship, Alfonso, who was on land, had almost rested. He stood up and walked to a high slope, looking up towards the direction of Malacca city. Looking at it, it is easy to find that the Malacca soldiers on the opposite wall have lost their previous fighting spirit, especially under the scorching sun, those Malacca people have become listless. It seems that they have accepted the fate of imminent failure.

Seeing this, Alfonso sneered. He is almost 60 years old this year. He has fought countless battles in the first half of his life, and what he usually meets is the half-civilized natives in front of him. Although the natives in different places are different, but He has a very precise grasp of the psychology of these natives. He knows when to attack and when to retreat. He spent more than a month this time to wear down the strength and fighting spirit of the people of Malacca. The rich fruits that have matured during the war must be rich in the city of Malacca. There must be countless treasures and belongings hidden in the city, and these are the greatest rewards for myself.

"All line up!" As Alfonso shouted, more than 1000 soldiers below immediately stood up, and then quickly lined up in a column.Although they are Portuguese, they use the Spanish phalanx, which is composed of spearmen and musketeers. During the battle, the spearmen form a dense phalanx, and the musketeers are distributed in the four corners. , and then move forward together, they are very mobile and flexible in combat, and almost no cold weapon troops can stop their progress.

Alfonso didn't have many troops, and most of these troops were navy on battleships. Therefore, in order to increase the power of the phalanx, Alfonso deliberately increased the proportion of musketeers in the phalanx. There were actually 500 of the 1000 people in the phalanx. The musketeers almost reached the proportion of the improved Spanish phalanx in later generations, and it was precisely because of the large increase in the proportion of musketeers that Alfonso's Spanish phalanx was invincible. Those Malacca people on the opposite side were still in the cold weapon era. Naturally not his opponent.

After the army was assembled, Alfonso immediately ordered all the troops to advance, and the target was the big hole blasted by the artillery on the city wall.The Malacca people on the city wall saw the Portuguese finally attacking, which shocked them, and hurriedly organized people to rush to the place where the city wall collapsed to prepare for defense, but just as the Malaccan army arrived at the collapsed place, Portugal on the river The battleship immediately fired another burst of shelling, resulting in the deaths and injuries of the people of Malacca again, and the city wall was blown down again. What's worse, the dust when the city wall collapsed completely covered that section of the city wall, making people Can't see the situation inside at all.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Alfonso led the army into the city in one fell swoop. The remaining troops in Malacca couldn't stop their attack at all, and they were soon beaten to death by the Portuguese musketeers.At the same time, Alfonso also issued an order to massacre the city. As long as they are in the city of Malacca, they will all be included in the massacre! (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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