Smuggling Daming

Chapter 304 Sneak Attack

The roads of colonization have always been covered with corpses, and the colonists' hands are full of blood. No matter how beautified in later generations, when you uncover this beautiful coat, you will find that there is nothing but corpses and blood under the coat. other things.

As Portugal was the first generation of colonial empire, their hands were covered with blood. In Africa, India, Southeast Asia and other places, countless people died at the hands of these colonists, and even a considerable part of them were old and weak women and children. It is no exaggeration to say that the Portuguese in this period were actually a group of beasts. As they expanded, countless innocent people fell under their minions. It can be said that they stepped on the bodies of countless slaughtered people every step forward.

According to the original history, after Alfonso captured the city of Malacca, he would slaughter the city according to the usual practice, and let the soldiers rob. More than 10 people in the entire city of Malacca were massacred, and the city was also destroyed by the war. Later, the Portuguese had to A fortress was rebuilt here, making Malacca a bridgehead for the Portuguese to invade Southeast Asia.

However, at the same time that Alfonso led the army into the city of Malacca, Chang Xiao and Qu Lie each led a fleet and rushed towards the port of Malacca at the fastest speed. The people left behind on the Portuguese warship were all paying attention to the land. Therefore, it was not until Chang Xiao and the others were about to rush into the port that the fourteen warships parked in the port discovered these two fleets of unknown origin. This made the Portuguese on board terrified, shouting Ready to fight.

But unfortunately it was already too late, Chang Xiao and Qu Lie wanted to sneak attack.They are all fast boats with long and narrow hulls. Although this kind of boat does not carry many soldiers and is easy to capsize, it has an advantage, that is, "fast", especially when the sails on the bow are opened, plus The soldiers on the boat rowed together, the speed was like sprinting on the sea, and they rushed to the front of the fourteen Portuguese warships in the blink of an eye.Many soldiers are ready to grab the ship.

Wu Fang stood at the bow of the ship and looked at the approaching Portuguese warships, a fiery look flashed in his eyes. When he was in Ninghaiwei, he and Qu Lie had the same disease, and they both belonged to the kind of people who were excluded by Cheng Quan. It's still a deputy thousand households.However, after the admiral took over Dinghaiwei, he immediately dismissed Cheng Quan and appointed Qu Lie as the commander. Chito was finally righted.

Wu Fang and Qu Lie are also friends in need.Coupled with his strict military training, his soldiers are the first among Dinghaiwei.Therefore, in this attack on the Portuguese warship, his subordinates were ranked at the forefront. It can be said that they were the first group of people to fight against the Portuguese. Prestige comes.

"Boom boom boom~" The Portuguese warship opened fire, and many shells fell around the speedboat, splashing a lot of sea water.Wu Fang's face was covered by a wave, which made him unable to stand still and almost fell into the sea.

But Wu Fang didn't care at all.He wiped the seawater off his face with his hand and laughed a few times, then shouted to the soldiers behind: "Brothers, work harder, as long as you rush under the opponent's boat, they won't be able to fire!"

Seeing Lord Qianhu's calmness, the soldiers behind were also shocked. The so-called generals are the courage of soldiers. The leading role of generals on the battlefield cannot be ignored, especially Zhou Zhong's men who are actually on the battlefield for the first time. Navy, their performance can be said to have a lot to do with the performance of generals, and now Wu Fang's performance is what a qualified general should do.

Although the artillery on the Portuguese battleship was ringing non-stop, most of them fell into the sea, and the very few shells that hit the target only injured a few fast boats. Although some people were injured, no one was killed.This is mainly because the Portuguese on the ship fired in a hurry and had no time to aim at all. In addition, there was an extreme shortage of manpower. Therefore, although the artillery was ringing non-stop, the density of the artillery was not high, and the lethality was extremely limited.

Wu Fang's fast boat rowed fast, and was the first to rush under the largest Portuguese warship. Because the fast boat was relatively short, it was still a bit difficult for Xiang to get on the opponent's boat, but Wu Fang and the others had already prepared for it. The long bamboo poles with hooks stretched up one by one, and when they hooked up to the ship's side, Wu Fang's people held steel knives and climbed up along the bamboo poles.

Of course, the Portuguese above would not let the people below climb. I saw many Portuguese soldiers rushing to the deck, raising their weapons and chopping, hoping to cut off the bamboo poles, but these bamboo poles have been processed. It is very tough, and it is difficult to cut it with ordinary weapons after a dozen strokes. This is why Wu Fang and the others use bamboo poles instead of ropes.

The Portuguese are also very smart. When they saw that the bamboo poles were being chopped down, some people immediately lifted up the sundries on the boat and scattered them downwards. Some even shot down with muskets. As a result, many of Wu Fang's men were killed and injured. However, the Portuguese The counterattack didn't last long. After all, their numbers were too small. There were soldiers of the Ming Dynasty climbing up the sides of the ships on all sides. They couldn't take care of them at all. The two sides fought hand-to-hand on the deck.

Wu Fang was also one of the first to rush onto the deck. When he jumped up, he immediately saw a Portuguese with red hair and green eyes slashing at him with a knife. As a result, Wu Fang dodged the opponent's knife with a low body and turned around suddenly. Turning around, he slashed at the back of the opponent's head. As a result, the upper half of the opponent's head flew out, and white brains and red blood sprayed all over the deck.

Seeing that Tangtang Qianhu was so brave, those soldiers of the Ming Dynasty were like taking aphrodisiacs, howling and rushed towards the Portuguese. There were not many Portuguese left behind on the ship. There were only two or 300 people in total, and even fewer were distributed on each ship. In the end, these people either surrendered or were killed. Fourteen warships fell into Zhou Zhong's hands very easily.

Not long after Zhou Zhong and the others attacked the battleship, Alfonso, who rushed into the city of Malacca, received the news. After the battleship, they are likely to be wiped out by the opponent.

It is precisely because of this that after receiving the news, Alfonso immediately rushed out of Malacca with his people, but unfortunately it was already too late, and the fourteen warships parked in the port had completely fallen into the hands of the raiders , which made Alfonso jump up and scold the other party for being despicable, but there was nothing he could do.

The battleship was lost, and Alfonso quickly calmed down. After weighing the situation in front of him, he immediately made a decision, which was to run away.Although he didn't know who were those who attacked his warship, the opponent's ability to control his warship in such a short period of time was obviously much stronger than the Malacca army, and on the distant sea, he had already vaguely seen Seeing some tall warships, this made Alfonso feel cold in his heart, knowing that the opponent came prepared, and might even have been waiting for this opportunity to sneak attack.

Thinking of this, Alfonso immediately ordered the army to rush to the estuary of Malacca to defend. Although he wanted to order the army to board the boat and escape immediately, it was not the high tide period, and the warships in the river could not get out at all, so they had to wait until the high tide He ran again, and he was also worried that the opponent was playing tricks at the mouth of the river, so he sent the army to defend the mouth of the river.

But Zhou Zhong and the others made a better move. When Alfonso and his army arrived at the mouth of the river, they happened to see several boats with a very high draft slowly rowing to the mouth of the river. Those ships sank slowly under the eyes of Alfonso and the others, leaving only a few solitary masts standing there on the river.

"Bastard!" Seeing several boats sinking in the water, Alfonso was so angry that he almost jumped up again. This is good, his boat in the port was taken away by the other party, and the boats in the river channel were taken away in a short time. They can't go out, unless they can clean up the sunken ship in the estuary in a short time, but this is obviously impossible, and the other party will not let them clean up the sunken ship safely.In other words, he and his army have been blocked by the opponent in the city of Malacca.

When it came time to summon even the experienced Alfonso, there was no other way. He could only ask people to drive the warship away from the river mouth as much as possible to avoid being bombarded by the warships in the port. However, his army did not retreat, but remained at the Hekou, because he wanted to see who actually attacked him?

In the distance, when Zhou Zhong heard that Chang Xiao and the others captured the Portuguese warship very smoothly, he almost jumped up in excitement. Now they can finally relax, and the Portuguese army is blocked on the shore, so they can't escape even if they want to.

The first step of the plan is finally completed, and the second step is about to be implemented, which is the time for Shenying's three thousand capital camp to show their talents. After all, the Portuguese still have more than 1000 soldiers and four warships, so it will definitely not be easy. surrender, it is even likely to be stubbornly resisted, so in the end it will be resolved by force.

"General... General, those warships are written in Chinese characters, and the other party is probably Ming's army!" At this time, the translator beside Alfonso finally saw the raiders' warships clearly, and the Chinese characters on the flags of the warships also appeared. Finally let him guess the origin of the other party.

"What? Da Ming's army?" Alfonso was also taken aback when he heard this. As the saying goes, he is afraid of what will happen. His biggest scruple in attacking Malacca is Da Ming's reaction. For this reason, he even let Sun Pinghai and those Da Ming businessmen go, but he didn't expect Daming still made a move.What Alfonso couldn't understand was that Ming Dynasty should be quite a distance away from Malacca. How could their army appear here and attack their own fleet as if premeditated? (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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