Smuggling Daming

Chapter 332 Anton Wei

The recruitment of victims in Henan Province went very smoothly. After all, the torture of hunger and the temptation of food quickly made most of the victims make the right choice. Under the organization of the government, ten households were one , the ten armors are one guarantee, and the people in the armors supervise each other. If anyone escapes, the entire armor will be severely punished.

After compiling the Baojia, these victims were escorted by the army, or escorted all the way eastward along the Yellow River. Most of the time on the road was walking on two feet. When they were lucky, they could also sit on a raft and go down the river. The relocation team of 10,000+ people stretched for dozens of miles. Although the state capital passing by received orders to cooperate with the immigrants, there were policies and countermeasures. The food provided to the immigrants was almost all discounted, but at least they could let these immigrants Eat good food, so you won't starve to death.

However, having food does not mean that there will be no deaths. The 10,000+ disaster victims in Luoyang Prefecture migrated to the east, and most of them had to walk on their own feet, walking tens of hundreds of miles almost every day. The old, the weak, the sick, and the disabled are the first to be eliminated. You can see people dying almost every day. The children are closely protected by adults, or they sit on a wheelbarrow or are carried on their backs, but there are still children who are seriously ill from time to time. Those who can survive can only add a small grave to both sides of the road. As for the elderly and the sick, there are countless people who died on the migration road.

Regarding the death on the way of migration, everyone is very indifferent. Even those victims whose relatives died, crying and burying their relatives, will still support them and continue on the road, because they already have the experience when they choose to immigrate. Mentally prepared.After all, there were several major relocations at the beginning of the founding of the Ming Dynasty, and the under the big pagoda tree in Shanxi was full of parting.Less than a hundred years have passed since the great immigration in the early Ming Dynasty, and the common people have not forgotten the pain of migration. This is one of the reasons why Gouzidae and others were unwilling to migrate.

Immigrants are not limited to Luoyang, the flood of the Yellow River has also involved several other surrounding state capitals, but the number of people affected in these state capitals is less than that of Luoyang, but the victims of these state capitals are also lured away by food. The road of immigration, and slowly merged with Luoyang immigrants, and finally formed a large immigration of tens of thousands of people.In order to prevent these victims from rioting, Masanori personally ordered tens of thousands of troops to monitor and maintain the order of the victims.

When the victims arrived at Weihui Mansion, the direction of the victims also changed. Instead of advancing along the Yellow River, they began to move straight to the east.It was not until the end of the year that these immigrants finally arrived at their destination by the sea, which was the Antonwei area of ​​Ming Dynasty.

Andong Weidi belongs to Qingzhou, and is one of the 24 guards in Shandong. With the quelling of the Japanese invasion in the early Ming Dynasty, the whole guard has become a bustling town.It's just that the commander of Antonwei is not as courageous as the commander of Weihaiwei, so the entire Antonwei is still in a state of sea ban.At most, there are only a few fishermen secretly going to sea to fish, and the military port of the guard is almost deserted.

However, when Luoyang began to recruit immigrants on a large scale, An Dongwei was temporarily taken over by Zhou Zhong's Sihai Admiral Yamen, and then the Admiral Yamen organized people to clean up the port again. The port here has inherent advantages, not only deep and wide water , and it will not freeze in winter.It is one of the excellent natural ice-free ports in the north.

In addition to repairing the port, the admiral also shipped a large amount of food through the back door.Then began to build some simple houses in the port, and the residents of Antonwei did not know the reason why the admiral's office did this until the victims suddenly poured in.

The disaster victims who have experienced countless hardships arrived in Antonwei in batches. After each batch of disaster victims arrived here, they would be re-registered by the admiral's yamen immediately. They would take a family as a unit and take a bath and change clothes in the house on the port. They will be arranged to board the ship, where they will have accommodation and food, and the voyage lasts for more than a month, which is enough for them to slowly recover their strength.

When the Gouzi family came to Andongwei, it happened to be the [-]th day of the twelfth lunar month, and tomorrow is the first day of the Lunar New Year, but even so, the immigration work at the port still did not stop. They led the victims into the two large houses on the port. There were several large pools in the houses, which were filled with water and were used for bathing the victims.

Gouzi's family originally consisted of nine members, but when they came to Antonwei, there were only eight members left. One of his younger sisters, Erya, was seriously ill last month. Although the family wrapped all the warm things around Erya, But in the end Erya died, and the family cried bitterly. They spent two hours digging a hole in the frozen soil, put Erya's body in and filled it with soil, wiped away their tears and continued on the road. Dongwei, I heard from the escort officials said that there is no need to go anymore when you get here, but take a tall sea boat and head south. As soon as you get to the south, the weather will become very warm, and you don't have to worry about freezing to death anymore.

The family, led by Chief Jia, came down to the two big houses in front of the port. At this time, men and women were separated. The one on the right entered the woman, and the one on the left entered the man. It was said that they were going to take a bath.Although Gouzi didn't understand, it was a great enjoyment to take a hot bath in this cold weather.

Now Gouzi helped Gouzi's father who was handicapped in legs and feet, and led his two younger brothers into the large room on the left. Several guard soldiers inside immediately asked them to take off their clothes and throw them into a large pool at the door. After throwing the dog's clothes into the splashy lime water, a layer of lice floated on the water, which looked very disgusting.

The naked Gouzi family followed the crowd and went through a door and finally came to the real bathroom, but the strange thing was that this huge bathroom had two large pools at the front and back, each of which was guarded by soldiers.

"Jump all of them into the first pool for me to soak in. When I let you out, you can come out!" A ferocious-looking general shouted at Gouzi and the others, scaring Gouzi and them all. With a shiver, they all jumped into the pool obediently.

As soon as the dog entered the pool, he immediately smelled a smell of lime, and he knew it was lime water without asking. When the frozen cut on his hand was soaked in lime water, it immediately hurt and itched, and he wanted to scratch it but dared not scratch it. , This feeling makes Gouzi want to chop off his hand.

But no matter how uncomfortable it is, you have to bear it. Soldiers with knives and guns are guarding around the pool, and these soldiers point at them and scold them, telling them to untie their hair and wash it well, especially the lice on their heads must be cleaned, otherwise It is likely to cause plague when it arrives on the ship.

For the orders of those military masters, Gouzi and the others dare not refuse to listen. After all, these soldiers have pulled out their knives. If anyone dares to perfunctory, he will smash the back of the knife. Although it will not bleed, it will at least be a green mark. , So Gouzi and the others honestly washed themselves up and down in the lime water several times. When they came out, the lime water in the entire pool had turned into black water.

After the lime water in the first pool was washed, they were rushed to the second pool as soon as they climbed up. This pool was filled with ordinary hot water, allowing them to wash off the remaining lime on their bodies.After everyone washed up in the second pool, Gouzi and the others climbed out of the pool again under the orders of the soldiers. At this time, someone carried a few bamboo baskets filled with clothes. Although they looked very tattered, they They were all washed very clean, probably the clothes that the victims who arrived earlier had changed.

Gouzi quickly snatched better clothes for his father and two younger brothers, but when he picked out for himself, only the worst clothes were left, but at this time, Gouzi just took a piece I put on the one that fit me, and followed the crowd out of the bathing house, but I shivered as soon as I got out, because it was too cold outside.

The bathing house is connected at both ends, the west side goes in and the east side goes out, and when it comes out is Antonwei’s wharf, there is a row of tall sea boats parked on the wharf now, Gouzi and the others are all inland people, and they have never traveled far in their entire lives. I have never seen such a big boat. Although there are boats on the Yellow River, how can the small boat rowed by one person compare with the sea boat with big sails in front of me?

Just when Gouzi and the others were frightened by the big boat in front of them, a group of people came out of the room where the woman was bathing. In a foreign land, if there is no man around these women, they will feel that they have no bottom.

After the family members of the disaster victims were reunited, Gouzi and the others were named and boarded the boat one by one. Whenever a boat was full, they would immediately sail out to sea to free up berths for other transport ships to berth.

Gouzi’s family was arranged on a ten-foot-long boat, and the family was assigned to a cabin with prepared bedding. Although Gouzi was married, it was inconvenient for the family to live together, but the space on the boat Limited, as many people as possible can be accommodated in a small cabin, and some families with a relatively small number of people will be arranged in the same cabin with another family. Gouzi and his family are very lucky to be able to live in a cabin alone.

As soon as Gouzi and the others cleaned up the cabin, the military master on the boat started to yell to serve the meal. Everyone took the bowls and chopsticks to the back cabin to receive the meal. As for the bowls and chopsticks, they were all in the cabin, and they had to wash them up after eating.

What Gouzi and the others never expected was that dumplings were prepared for them on the boat, because today is Chinese New Year's Eve, and according to the custom, they have to eat dumplings. It’s not bad, I don’t have any extravagant expectations for the New Year, but now the dumplings are even prepared on board, which makes many people cry, and stuff dumplings into their mouths while crying. The big dumplings stuffed with pork and cabbage are delicious. , although the meat is a little less, but in the eyes of Gouzi and the others, it is already supremely delicious. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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