Smuggling Daming

Chapter 333 The North Korean Coup

After Shuangyu Port was designated as the territory of the Governor of the Four Seas, it completely became the territory of Ming Dynasty. Merchant transporting goods no longer need to come here like thieves like before, but can openly sail from the coasts of Daming. Come, as long as he pays a sum of tax, his ship can sail unimpeded in Nanyang.

However, in addition to merchant ships, some special-purpose ships have come to Shuangyu Port these days. These ships are sea ships that transport disaster victims to Nanyang. The warships of the division, and even the merchant ships requisitioned in the name of the governor's office, after all, the mass migration of tens of thousands of people, without hundreds of ships, could not be transported at all.

After these disaster victims from the north arrived at Shuangyu Port, the boat replenished fresh water, and at the same time sent officials from the Governor’s Office to give the victims two choices. The first choice was to go to the newly occupied Malacca Port, where there were ready-made houses and fields. The only disadvantage is that it is a bit far away. The second option is to go to Taiwan Island. Although there are many Han Chinese living there, most of the places are dense forests. If you immigrate there, you can get more fields. , but you need to rely on your own hands to open up wasteland and build houses, and Taiwan is closer to Daming, so you don't have to travel thousands of miles by boat.

Regarding the development of Taiwan, Zhou Zhong has long wanted to do it. After all, this vast island is rich in resources, and the climate is very suitable for farming. In addition, it is close to the mainland. Many Han people have lived on the island. The only thing missing is It was Daming's jurisdiction over here, and now he has the power in his own hands, and he has to relocate the victims, so Zhou Zhong directly included Taiwan Island into his own governance area.At the same time, it also intends to relocate some of the disaster victims to enrich the population of Taiwan.

However, Zhou Zhong obviously underestimated the local complex of the people of Ming Dynasty and their fear of the sea, especially after boarding the boat, many victims suffered from seasickness. Fear has been deeply imprinted in their hearts.

It is precisely because of the above reasons that when these victims heard that they could choose to stay on Taiwan Island, which is closer to Daming, more than half of them immediately chose to go there. It is nothing if there are no ready-made fields and houses.As long as there are stutterers and laborers at home, the fields can be reclaimed and the houses can be rebuilt, and I heard that there are all forests there, and wood costs nothing at all.With these ready-made materials, building a house is no problem at all.

Therefore, in the end, under the rule of the Governor’s Yamen, of the 31 people who migrated this time, 6000 people chose to go to Taiwan, but less than 23 people chose to go to Malacca. From this, we can see how nostalgic these victims are. native land.In their words, Taiwan is next to Ming Dynasty after all.When they die, their descendants can transport them to their hometown and bury them in their ancestral graves, but if they go to Nanyang, they will never come back.

Although Zhou Zhong regretted the choice of the victims, he respected their choice. More than 20 people were sent to Taiwan.They were divided into more than a dozen parts and settled in various parts of Taiwan Island, and the Han people who originally lived on those islands were also brought back under the jurisdiction of Ming Dynasty.Help the government resettle the victims. As for food, it is also very easy to solve. Both Champa and Luzon are food producing areas in Nanyang, and the price is very low. Just send a boat to buy it.

After the arrangement to immigrate to Taiwan, the remaining nearly [-] immigrants who went to Malacca quickly re-boarded. The reasons why these immigrants chose to go to Malacca are various. , so it is better to go to the port of Malacca, and some are bold and cautious. They have learned about the richness of Malacca from various aspects, so they decide to try their luck. Some people do not want to dig food from the soil. Building various workshops requires a lot of manpower. Although the reasons are different, as long as they are willing to go to Malacca, Zhou Zhong will be very happy. After all, that is the focus of recent development.

Zhou Zhong was resting at Shuangyu Port while dealing with immigration matters. Shuangyu Port is now not only a trading center at sea, but also the administrative office of him, the governor of the world, that is, the political center. The governor's office has also been built. Zhong works here, and all government orders come from here.

The matter of immigration must not be sloppy. Zhou Zhong has already made this matter the top priority of the governor's office. Almost all officials in the governor's mansion are working around this matter. After all, migration alone is not enough. These immigrants migrated to Taiwan They also need to consider life after the port of Malacca. Food is only one aspect, and they must also consider the needs of fields and farming, otherwise a bad situation may cause a big mess.

Zhou Zhong went out early and returned late every day, almost spending time in the governor's office. At first, he was not used to it. After all, he was only an admiral before, and most of his management was military affairs, not as complicated as government affairs. But now he has to consider hundreds of thousands of dollars. The cost of food and clothing for the victims, as well as the development plans of various places, simply killed him.

Fortunately, Zhengde was considerate of Zhou Zhong's first entry into the officialdom, and he must be unfamiliar with these things, so he quickly sent a group of experienced officials to him. The system cannot only be divided into Shibo Division. Now Shuangyu Port and the surrounding Zhoushan Islands have been designated as Zhoushan Prefecture separately, and Taiwan and Malacca are also separately classified as Prefectures. The imperial court has sent officials such as magistrates and judges to belong to the Under Zhou Zhong's jurisdiction, Zhoushan Prefecture is now governed in Shuangyu Port, and officials from Taiwan Prefecture and Malacca Prefecture have also taken office.

With the help of these officials, Zhou Zhong's burden was much lighter, especially regarding immigration. As long as Zhou Zhong set a big framework, the rest would naturally be supplemented by the officials themselves, and he could inspect at any time. If he is dissatisfied, the officials can be corrected immediately, and he can be punished according to the law if he does not do well. It was only then that Zhou Zhong discovered the benefits of power.

However, since Zhou Zhong has taken over the responsibility of the Governor of the Four Seas, he will also take on a responsibility. It seems that God does not want him to have a moment of leisure. He had to get ready again because his long-awaited North Korean coup had finally begun.

It has been introduced before that the current king of North Korea, Yanshan Jun Li Long, is cruel and unrestrained. Changing it to a brothel can be said to be a well-known tyrant in the entire history of North Korea.

It was Li Long's brutality and inhumanity that made the whole of North Korea full of complaints, and the people in the country were miserable. In addition, the Wa people in the east and the Jurchens in the northwest continued to invade North Korea, which made North Korea internally and externally troubled. If the nonsense continues, then North Korea is likely to suffer a catastrophe.

At this critical moment, the people of insight in North Korea finally couldn't bear it anymore. They secretly formed an alliance and contacted the army to prepare for a coup to drive Li Long from the throne.It soon became known that Pu Yuanzong, the central government official, and Yongcheng Xiyan, the deputy secretary, were bought by them. Together with the civil servant leader Liu Shunting, these three people soon became the key figures in launching the coup.

On September [-]st of the sixth year of Zhengde, Liu Shunting and the three organized an army to enter Seoul. According to their plan, they would first lead the army to slaughter their relatives Shen Shouqin and Ren Shihong. These two were Li Long's confidantes, and Shen Shouqin Assuming the position of leading the discussion and administration, he is quite a prime minister and holds a lot of power in his hands. Ren Shihong is Li Long's close minister and also Li Long's accomplice. Many crimes committed by Li Long in the past were instigated by Ren Shihong.

Shen Shouqin and Ren Shihong are Li Long's most important supporters, and they hold military power in their hands. As long as these two people are killed, the entire city of Seoul will be under their control. At that time, Li Long has no choice but to be let down by them. Forced to abdicate.

Liu Shunting and the others had a very good plan, and according to the original history, they did succeed, but what they never expected was that Zhou Zhong would intervene in this matter. The list of several people was handed over to Jin Wenxian, and then sent to Li Long through Jin Wenxian, so every move of Liu Shunting and the others was under Li Long's supervision.

On the day of September [-]st, Liu Shunting and the others led an army into Seoul, and then went straight to Shen Shouqin's mansion. According to the news they got, Shen Shouqin hosted a banquet in the mansion today. Not only Ren Shihong, but also The other cliques who are attached to Li Long can just be wiped out by them.

But what Liu Shunting and the others never expected was that when they entered Shen Shouqin's mansion with a large army, they found that it was an empty mansion at all. No one saw it, it was bad for Liu Shunting and the others to scream inwardly. When they were about to leave the mansion, they did not expect that the outside was already surrounded by palace guards.

Seeing this situation, Liu Shunting and the others naturally knew that the matter had been brought to light, but they knew that with Li Long's cruelty, even kneeling down to beg for mercy would be of no avail, instead they would be easily captured by the other party, and their family would die in the future .

Since they were all dead, the three of Liu Shunting naturally didn't want to die so cowardly, so the three of them took the lead to fight to the death, and the soldiers under them also knew that they would die today, so they followed the three of them to kill the enemy desperately. Although the whole army was wiped out in the end, It also caused a lot of casualties to the palace guards, which also made Li Long furious, beheading all the people who participated in the rebellion and hanging them on the city wall for public display. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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