Smuggling Daming

Chapter 39 Completion of the Merit Monument

After leaving the North City Gate, Zhou Zhong and his carriage moved forward slowly. On both sides of the road were shacks built by the victims.Today's weather is bad. Most of the victims hid in their huts after receiving their morning porridge. Only some children played in the open space between the huts.

These children vary in size, the older ones are only eleven or twelve years old, and the younger ones are at most as big as Duo'er, but compared to Duo'er's chubby appearance, these children are extremely thin, with sunken cheeks, The eyes are particularly big, the hair is dry and yellow, and even because the hair is too dirty, it has been tied into strands, which looks like it is tied into small braids.

The children of these disaster victims were wearing clothes of indistinguishable colors, and at a glance, they could be seen to have been altered from adult clothes.In addition, if you observe carefully, you can also see that the faces, ears and palms of these children are all covered with frostbite, and some of them are even black and purple, but even these children are still playing very happily, with innocent smiles on their faces Splendid, no different from Duo'er's smiling appearance.

Although Zhou Zhong had heard about the situation in the camp for the victims a long time ago, he still couldn't help but feel a little sad when he saw these children today.If they were placed in later generations, these children should stay in warm and bright classrooms to study, but now because of the famine, they come here with their parents from thousands of miles, just to have a bite to eat.

Xu Shenzhong, who was in the same car, saw that Zhou Zhong had been staring at the children outside, with a serious expression on his face, so he explained, "Wenda, don't think too much, the children outside are pitiful, but because The solution you came up with last time has helped my father solve the problem of money. The food purchased is enough for these victims to support the next spring. At that time, the government’s relief food should also come down. It can be said that the reason why these victims can survive is that Wenda, you are indispensable!"

Regarding Xu Shenzhong's praise, Zhou Zhong shook his head with a wry smile and said, "Brother Shenzhong, you are being polite. I just came up with an idea. The most important thing is to have an official like Mr. Xu to promote this matter, otherwise it would be up to me Alone, even if there is a better way, it is useless."

"Wen Da is right, but it's a pity that there are so few good officials like Mr. Xu in this world!" Li Zheng next to him was also a little emotional, and then his face changed, and he said angrily, "It's a shame that the court is now The Eight Tigers are in power, and His Majesty is not clear about things, which leads to the fact that the government is completely controlled by a bunch of villains, and the honest and gentlemen cannot be promoted. Sometimes I really wish I could lift a three-foot sword and wipe out all the treacherous and villainous people in the court!"

Zhang Kuang and Xu Shenzhong agreed with Li Zheng's somewhat radical words, and they all opened their mouths to attack the treacherous court headed by the Eight Tigers, and their words were also very sharp, which surprised Zhou Zhong.In his impression, Xu Shenzhong has always been a modest gentleman, and Zhang Kuang is also a good-tempered person, but now these two people are just like Li Zheng. When they mention the Eight Tigers headed by Liu Jin, they are very angry, as if the other party is their killer. Like a father and an enemy.

Zhou Zhong liked to read books in his previous life, and he knew a lot about the Zhengde Dynasty. Although people like Liu Jin have always had a bad evaluation in history, in Zhou Zhong's view, there are no good or bad people in the struggle between the upper class of a country. There are only conflicts of interests, and only the person who wins in the end is qualified to judge right from wrong!

It is also because of the above thoughts, so Zhou Zhong has no personal likes and dislikes towards people like Liu Jin. Of course, this premise is that the other party has not hurt the people around him. Otherwise, if someone hurts his relatives like Song and his son , then no matter whether the other party is a good person or a bad person, in Zhou Zhong's view, it is unforgivable!

The monument of meritorious deeds stands next to the main road to the north of the victims camp. This road is the only way for the victims to reach Songjiang, so it is more appropriate to erect the monument of meritorious deeds here.When the carriage stopped next to the merit monument, Zhou Zhong felt a sense of relief, because he finally didn't have to listen to Li Zheng and others scolding Liu Jin for being such a traitor.

Today is the inauguration ceremony of the Merit Monument, and it was presided over by Xu Shenzhong's father, Xu Zhifu. In addition, all the well-known wealthy businessmen and gentlemen on the monument have also received invitations. Although most of the people who received the invitations were unwilling to come, but look For Xu Zhifu's sake, they had no choice but to come.

The merit monument has been erected by the side of the road, and a small pavilion has been built on the top to block the invasion of rain and snow.The entire stele is more than six feet high. Under the stele is a lotus seat, but the body of the stele is covered by a huge red silk cloth, making it impossible to see the whole stele.

Zhou Zhong and the others got out of the carriage and found that a large group of people had gathered in front of the merit monument, most of them were well-known wealthy businessmen and gentry on the monument, and there were also some idlers like them who came to watch the excitement.These people gathered in groups of three or five, pointing at the stele of merit and virtue in whispers, and when they met other acquaintances, they would also say hello to each other, and the scene seemed quite lively.

Xu Shenzhong didn't like excitement, so he dragged Zhou Zhong and the others to a corner, pointed out the people on the field to introduce them, and compared how much that old master Wu donated, how much Jiang Juren donated, and so on.

Just when Xu Shenzhong was introducing Zhou Zhong and the others, today's protagonist finally arrived late. A government carriage stopped, Xu Shenzhong's father Xu Zhifu got off the carriage, and another young man with gray hair and an old-fashioned face The old man in shirts got out of the car with him, and after getting off the car, the two stood side by side. It seemed that the status of this old man was no lower than that of Xu Zhifu.

Just when Zhou Zhong guessed the identity of the old man next to Xu Zhifu, Xu Shenzhong leaned into his ear with a smile and said, "Wenda, Wang Shibo was very angry with you last time, I know you are very angry. I'm busy, but it's better to take some time to visit his old man, otherwise I will suffer a lot!"

Zhou Zhong was taken aback when he heard Xu Shenzhong's words, and then he thought that the old man's surname was Wang, and his prospective father-in-law seemed to be also named Wang. Now he immediately understood the identity of the old man, and immediately said: "Thank you, brother Shenzhong, for reminding me." , Recently, I was so busy with family affairs that I forgot to visit Uncle Wang, I really deserve to die!"

Hearing Zhou Zhong's confession, the smile on Xu Shenzhong's face grew stronger, and he reminded again: "Wenda, if you go to visit Wang Shibo, you'd better give him a copy of the manuscript of Journey to the West, the last time I saw him At that time, I found that Wang Shibo was reading your Journey to the West, but he only had the manuscripts of the first ten chapters in his hand. If you can give him the manuscripts for later manuscripts to taste, it will definitely turn Wang Shibo's anger into joy, and maybe you can forgive me. You this time!"

For Xu Shenzhong's kindness, Zhou Zhong also thanked him again, but he was still a little apprehensive at the thought of meeting his future father-in-law.In addition, there is the fiancée who has never met, he only heard from Zhuaner that she is not only virtuous, but also very beautiful, but before seeing it with his own eyes, Zhou Zhong was still a little worried, and the appearance was fine, After all, no matter how beautiful she is, there will be a day when she will get tired of looking at her, but if her temperament is not compatible, then she will suffer for the rest of her life.

Feeling uneasy about married life, Zhou Zhong raised his head and looked at Mr. Wang next to the prefect Xu, but what he didn't expect was that Mr. Wang also happened to see him and Xu Shenzhong, and the eyes of the two just happened to meet. .

Zhou Zhong had long been engaged to the Wang family, and would visit the palace every Chinese New Year and holiday, so Mr. Wang was naturally very familiar with the original Zhou Zhong. In addition, he was angry with Zhou Zhong, so the look in his eyes when looking at Zhou Zhong also full of evil.

Feeling the unkindness in the eyes of the old man in the future, Zhou Zhong's heart also thumped. The old man must not be offended, otherwise he will suffer in the future, so I saw him brazenly showing a flattering smile to Mr. Wang, and then slightly owed his body to go A salute.It's a pity that Master Wang's anger was not so easy to dissipate. He gave Zhou Zhong a glance and turned his head away, ignoring Zhou Zhong's flattery.

Seeing how stubborn the future father-in-law is, Zhou Zhong also mourned for his future life, saying that his daughter is like a father. Judging from Master Wang's performance today, he must have a bad temper. From this we can see that, That Miss Wang is probably not as virtuous as Bracelet said.

When Zhou Zhong was secretly worried about his marriage, Xu Zhifu and Master Wang had already walked into the pavilion arm in arm, and then Xu Zhifu gave a speech. Get over this difficult time and so on, it's all the same old stuff, basically there is no substance.

After finally waiting for the magistrate Xu to finish his speech, Master Wang stepped forward and said, "The completion of the monument of merit and virtue today is indeed a great event in Songjiang Prefecture. I was entrusted by the magistrate to unveil the monument of merit and virtue. I am deeply honored, and I would also like to invite a benevolent person who has donated the most money to unveil the stele together with me!"

When Master Wang said this, he paused on purpose, and there was a lot of discussion immediately below. Many of them added a lot of donations for the sake of face, but the government did not announce the list after the additional donations. Therefore, apart from knowing how much they donated, they don't know the amount of other people's donations. Naturally, they don't know who donated the most?

Master Wang saw that he had successfully attracted the attention of everyone below, so he showed a satisfied smile, and then said loudly again: "Now I invite Master Song Qiansong!"

"Boom~" Hearing the name 'Song Qian', it was as if a pot was exploding below. There was a continuous discussion, and most of the people showed expressions of disbelief.

In contrast, the Songs and their sons looked proud. They saw the black and fat Mr. Song walking through the crowd with square steps, bowing his hands and saluting to the people around him, with a smile on his face. flowers.Donate 2000 taels of silver all at once, just for today's effect!

When Zhou Zhong saw Master Song coming out of the crowd, the expression on his face froze at first, his eyes widened, and after a while, he suddenly said rudely: "Your sister, I didn't expect that I would come up with an idea, but instead Come here and be used by this bastard!"

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