ps: I wish the book lovers a happy New Year of the Horse and rich money immediately, and please recommend and collect!

Everyone present probably didn't expect that the one who donated the most was actually the Song family who was disgraced because of their divorce some time ago, which surprised most of them.But after being surprised, many people immediately understood that the Song family father and son wanted to use this method to restore their lost prestige.

It has to be said that the Song family did make a good move, and even used the donation to rebuild their reputation, which also made many people present admire the Song family and his son very much.Of course, Zhou Zhong was not included among these people. Now he can't wait to slap himself twice. If he had known that the Song family and his son had used his own ideas to restore their reputation, he wouldn't have...

But when he thought of this, Zhou Zhong was suddenly discouraged. Even if he knew that the Songs and his sons had made a name for themselves with their own method, he would still tell Xu Shenzhong about this method. After all, it was related to the lives of more than 2 disaster victims behind him.

"Wenda, don't be too depressed. Credit is the most important thing in business. Through the incident of retiring the engagement last time, many people have seen the true colors of the Song family, so even if they try to remedy it, they won't be too disappointed. It may change their impression in everyone's mind at once, and their family's business will not recover immediately!" At this time, Li Zheng, who was beside him, also saw Zhou Zhong's frustration, and immediately comforted him.

"Forget it, there is no way to do good deeds without paying a price. If the Song family and his son can win the first place in donations, they must have donated a lot of money. I don't know how many victims of the disaster can be saved by this money. Let them all be their substitutes for the young master. I donated it!" Zhou Zhong seemed very open-minded, and he would have plenty of opportunities to deal with people like the Song family and his son in the future, but if he slapped him to death, it would be rather boring.

Then the ceremony continued. Master Wang and Master Song jointly uncovered the red silk on the stele of meritorious deeds. The stele revealed was about six feet high, with cloud patterns and auspicious beasts carved on the top. On the side facing the road, densely carved Rows of small characters, that is, the name, hometown and other information of the person who donated.

After the unveiling ceremony was completed, Zhifu Xu came to the stage to say a few more words, and then announced that the ceremony was completed, and the people below rushed into the pavilion to carefully observe the amount of donations from each family on the inscription. As a result, when they saw the Song family They donated 2000 taels all of a sudden, causing a sensation again, and they all looked at the Song family, which made Master Song even more proud.

Zhou Zhong didn't want to go to the pavilion at first, but Li Zheng and Zhang Kuang were very curious people, so they dragged him into the pavilion to read the inscriptions for a long time, discussing which one donated too little money, etc., gossip She looks no different from the gossiping women on the street.Xu Shenzhong was called away by the prefect Xu, and he didn't know what happened.

However, when Zhou Zhong accompanied Li Zheng to read the inscription, he suddenly felt someone approaching him. When he turned around, he found that it was the Second Young Master Song who had been tricked by him several times.

"Mr. Zhou really has the leisure and elegance to come here to look at the stele of merit and virtue. Unfortunately, our Song family ranks first on the stele, but your Zhou family doesn't even have a name. What a pity!" The second son of the Song Dynasty looked smug provocatively said to Zhou Zhong.Today, the Song family showed a lot of limelight, which made the second son of Song more confident. He happened to see Zhou Zhong in the crowd, so he came over and prepared to ridicule him.

Zhou Zhong didn't expect that the Second Young Master Song would dare to take the initiative to provoke him. He looked him up and down first, and then retorted, "Who am I? It turned out to be the Second Young Master Song who invited me to tea last time. Why, do you want to invite Zhou to drink tea again today?"

Hearing Zhou Zhong mentioning the fact that he was cheated in the teahouse last time, the Second Young Master Song suddenly felt a surge of anger, pointing at Zhou Zhong angrily and said: "Shameless, only a villain like you would use that It's a dirty trick!"

"Hahaha~, each other! Your Song family is treacherous, and the name of a villain has been known all over the city. In comparison, Zhou's shamelessness is really far behind the noble father and son!" In his previous life, Zhou Zhong had dealt with all kinds of people, and he knew that if he wanted to bully someone with words, the most important thing was not to get angry, and it was best to put on a smile, so that he could get twice the result with half the effort.

Sure enough, seeing Zhou Zhong's grinning appearance, coupled with his words that made people so angry that people would not pay for their lives, Second Young Master Song was furious, pointed at Zhou Zhong's whole body and trembled, and kept saying " "I'm speechless.

Seeing that the second son of the Song Dynasty was so restless, Zhou Zhong despised him. This kind of person was run away by himself with a few words, and he had no city at all.In contrast, that Mr. Song was much more difficult to deal with. Although he had only met him once, Zhou Zhong discovered that Mr. Song was not only thick-skinned, but also good at seizing opportunities after fighting overtly and secretly during this period. Only this kind of person is qualified to be his current opponent.

Thinking of this, Zhou Zhong looked at the blushing Second Young Master Song in front of him, and suddenly felt dull, as if he had bullied a child, without any sense of accomplishment at all.Fortunately, Li Zheng and Zhang Kuang had also finished reading the inscription at this time, and Zhou Zhong ignored the second son Song, walked over and pulled Li Zheng and the two out of the pavilion, leaving behind the second son Song who wanted to chase but didn't dare. Zhui was very unwilling, and in the end he could only stomp his feet on the spot angrily.

But just as Zhou Zhong came out of the pavilion, someone suddenly stopped him again, this time it was a middle-aged man dressed as a servant who stopped Zhou Zhong, and he saluted Zhou Zhong: "Young Master Zhou, please stay, my master is here to welcome you! "

As the middle-aged servant said, he stretched out his finger to the north of the pavilion. Zhou Zhong turned his head to look, only to find that his prospective father-in-law, Mr. Wang Lun Wang, was standing there, and he was still staring at him with an unkind expression as before.

Seeing that it was Wang Lun who invited him over, Zhou Zhong immediately felt his scalp go numb.After hearing Xu Shenzhong's words before, he planned to go back and make preparations before visiting the Zhou Mansion, but he didn't expect Wang Lun to be so irritable that he came to him right after the ceremony?

Li Zheng and Zhang Kuang also saw Wang Lun in the distance. As Zhou Zhong's friends, they naturally knew the relationship between Mr. Wang and Zhou Zhong, so they immediately cheered Zhou Zhong up with a smile.In addition, under the watchful eyes of Master Wang, Zhou Zhong had nowhere to escape, so he had no choice but to bite the bullet and follow the middle-aged servant to Wang Lun.

"Cough~, little nephew Zhou Zhong, pay my respects to Uncle Wang!" Zhou Zhong cleared his throat, and then bowed deeply. Although he knew that the other party was angry with him, but his identity was there, Zhou Zhong could only take it My hot face is attached to someone else's cold ass.

"Come with me, I have something to ask you!" Seeing Zhou Zhong's courtesy, Wang Lun snorted coldly, and then said in a cold tone.And after finishing speaking, he turned his back to the pavilion and left. Zhou Zhong had no choice but to follow behind Wang Lun.

The two walked north along the road in front of the pavilion, because it snowed just two days ago, although the snow on the road has been cleared, there is still a lot of snow on the ground, which makes the cars on this road There were very few pedestrians, but it also gave the prospective son-in-law a quiet atmosphere for conversation.

"I heard that you paid off all the debts at home?" Wang Lun asked first.

"Report to Uncle Wang, my nephew has indeed paid off the debt!" Zhou Zhong did not dare to stand side by side with Wang Lun, so he followed closely behind him and replied.

"Well, how is your home now?" Wang Lun asked again, but his tone was no longer as cold as before.

"Everything is fine at home now, but among the four aunts, only Aunt Wang stayed behind, and there are Zhuan'er and Duo'er, who are still young and girls. As the eldest brother, I naturally can't let them follow me Suffering, so during this period of time, I have tried my best to improve the conditions at home, and I have never had the opportunity to visit Uncle Wang, which is extremely rude!" By asking Wang Lun about the situation at home, Zhou Zhong finally had a chance to explain that he did not go Reason for visiting him.

But it's okay if he didn't explain, but as soon as he finished explaining, Wang Lun snorted heavily and said, "Did I say that I was angry with you because you didn't go to my place?"

Zhou Zhong was taken aback when he heard this, thinking that since you saw me, you have always had such a stinky face, and Xu Shenzhong also said before that Wang Lun was angry because he didn't visit him. Could there be something wrong with that? ?

I saw that Wang Lun did not stop, he still walked forward unhurriedly, and then said without looking back: "As the only man in the family, it is your responsibility to support the family, and you need to write a book To make money in this way is not a disgrace to the identity of a scholar, so I still support this point very much, as for whether to visit me or not, it doesn't matter."

When he said this, Wang Lun turned his head to look at Zhou Zhong, and then said, "But you are really too bold, you dare to write anything in the book, although in my Ming Dynasty, few people will be convicted of words, but you That Journey to the West satirizes the present with the help of ghosts, some places are too sensitive, so it is best to find a knowledgeable person to help you pass it!"

In the past, Zhou Zhong really didn't quite understand what Wang Lun meant when he said the above words. However, as Journey to the West became more and more famous, many scholars came to ask for books. To put it bluntly, everyone is abducted, and Zhou Zhong has to understand what they mean by himself, and then take the initiative to take out the book for them to borrow.

It was precisely because of his previous experience that after listening to Wang Lun's words, Zhou Zhong immediately understood the meaning of the other party, because what the other party said was almost the same as those scholars who came to ask for books, but in terms of tone, Wang Lun seemed more serious. He is confident, after all, he is Zhou Zhong's prospective father-in-law, shouldn't it be right for the father-in-law to ask his son-in-law for something?

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