Smuggling Daming

Chapter 417 Establishment of Military Academy

In the autumn of the ninth year of Zhengde, there was a quarrel in the Ming Dynasty because of the military academy. Among them, Zhang Yong, the head of the inner court, under the instruction of Zhengde and with the help of Yang Yiqing, had a huge conflict with the cabinet that opposed the construction of the military academy for the first time. Both sides are sticking to each other's arguments, and no one is willing to back down.

Regarding the quarrel in the court, Zhengde sat firmly in the Jinluan Hall, and seemed not to care at all, but Li Dongyang and the others did not dare to take it lightly, because they all knew that the reason why Zhang Yong, who had a good relationship with the cabinet, was so tough on the military academy. The key is because of the support of His Majesty the Emperor.

Sure enough, at the court one month later, both the inner court and the cabinet were exhausted from quarreling over the military academy. At this time, Zhengde finally made a move. He made a very strong decision to build the Daming Military Academy, and personally named it "Daming "Royal Military Academy", referred to as the Royal Military Academy, and the military academy has two branches, one of which is the Royal Army Academy in Beijing, and the other is the Royal Navy Academy in Songjiang.

For Zhengde's tough decision to build a military academy, the following ministers also firmly opposed it. Many ministers even kneeled outside the main hall and begged His Majesty to take back the order, otherwise they would kneel and die in the imperial city.It's a pity that the threats of these ministers had no effect on Zhengde at all, because he was a heartless guy. As a result, several old ministers outside knelt down and fainted, and one of them was declared dead because the treatment was ineffective. Seeing that it didn't work, the servants had no choice but to ask their family members to carry it back to the mansion.

No matter how much civil officials in Ming Dynasty objected, Zhengde was determined to build a military academy.Moreover, Yang Yiqing also formally took over the burden of building the military academy. Anyway, he is the Secretary of the Ministry of War, and this is his duty, and no one can intervene.But speaking of Yang Yiqing, in order to support the construction of the military academy, he also paid a huge price. The civil servants in the entire court regarded him as a traitor, and many former friends broke up with him. This made Yang Yiqing, who had black and white hair In just a few days, the hair and beard of the whole person became snow-white.From this we can see what kind of mental pressure he was under.

However, Yang Yiqing is also a person who admits death. Since he took over the important task of building the military academy, and was appointed by Zhengde as the first supervisor of the army academy, he is now determined to build the military academy. Neither the Ministry nor the Ministry of Industry cooperated, and one was unwilling to pay.One was unwilling to produce craftsmen, but this did not trouble Yang Yiqing, because they and Zhengde had expected this situation a long time ago, so all the construction costs of the military academy were paid by Zhengde's internal treasury.

Speaking of which, since Zhou Zhong vigorously developed maritime trade, Zhengde no longer has to worry about lack of money in his hands, and the taxes collected by various ports are naturally handed over to the national treasury.However, Zhengde provided money early to let Zhou Zhong help with the operation, and now the money has become a fleet.Traveling between Daming and Nanyang, he can make huge profits every time. It can be said that Zhengde has now become a sea trader, and he is still the top one. Except for Zhou Zhong's Nanyang Chamber of Commerce, there is no one on the sea who can compete with him. Compared with Zhengde's fleet, it is precisely this fleet.So Zhengde is not short of money at all.

As for craftsmen, it is easier to handle, Daming may be short of food and money.But there will be no shortage of people. As for craftsmen, there are many craftsmen everywhere. Although the Ministry of Industry has a group of craftsmen, there are more craftsmen among the people, and there are even special craftsmen in the army. With someone, and with the support of the army, it is easy to recruit some craftsmen to work.

With money and people, the construction of the military academy was quickly put on the agenda. Yang Yiqing took the head craftsman to choose a place with mountains and rivers in Xixiao, the capital, and immediately began to build the military academy.It is said to be a military academy, but in fact the entire military academy was built according to the military camps of the Ming Dynasty. The school buildings inside do not need to be beautiful, as long as they are strong, and there are canteens, dormitories, drill grounds, and firearms testing grounds in the military academy. Implement militarized management, no one is allowed to go out.

In addition to the hardware facilities of the military academy, the military academy naturally needs some instructors who are proficient in the art of war, or they must be military warriors who have experienced battles. Only under the guidance of these people can the students in the military academy become useful. , so Zhengde also attached great importance to this, and ordered Qiu Yue to find the instructor of the military academy himself, and then let him inspect it himself.

Qiu Yue was originally a general in the army, and he was very familiar with the situation in the army, so he quickly drew up a batch of lists. These people were all veterans in the army. In the past, he was suppressed by civil officials, so he was not as good as Shenying and Qiu Yue in terms of titles, but when it comes to real contributions, he was no worse than them.

It is also worth mentioning that just when Zhengde stepped up his time to recruit teachers for the army school, he finally attracted a big shot. This person was named Xu Yu, whose name was Gongfu, the fifth grandson of Xu Da, and also the Duke of Wei of this generation. He used to be in charge of the Zuojun Dudufu and the Zhongjun Dudufu before, but now he is getting older, so he retired a few years ago. This time he heard that Zhengde was going to open a military academy, so he asked for his own order to serve in the military academy.

At that time, Xu Da was named the Duke of Wei and guarded Nanjing for generations. In addition, Xu Da had another son who was named the Duke of Ning, and the family of Duke Ning stayed in Beijing. The Xu family is of the same family, and although Wei Guogong and Ningguo Gongfu live in two places, they are closely connected. It can be said that one is prosperous and the other is damaged. The descendants of the two dukes are also full of talents. Those who lack the Xu family can be said to be the most powerful family in the Ming army.

Xu Wu is more than 60 years old this year. He has been in the army since he was young. Over the past few decades, he has led troops to suppress the border troubles and rebellions of Ming Dynasty several times. Chu's prestige in the army is extremely high, and people like Shenying and Qiu Yue can't compare with it. Therefore, when Qiu Yue drew up the list of teachers in the military academy, he didn't dare to list Xu Chu at all, even if Zhengde wanted to To let Xu Yu go out of the mountain, he must discuss with Xu Yu in advance. Only when the other party agrees can Zhengde dare to list the other party's name on the list of teachers in the military academy. Xu Chu was not notified either, but to everyone's surprise, after hearing about the military academy, Xu Chu immediately sent someone to write a letter requesting to serve in the school. At the same time, he had already set off from Nanjing and would arrive soon. Beijing.

For Xu Wu's sudden joining, the Zhengde side was overjoyed. You must know that Wei Guogong and Ning Guogong's mansions have always been representatives of the Ming dignitaries. It can be said that he is the leading figure among the nobles of the Ming Dynasty, and he is also extremely influential among the nobles. It can be said that having such a person join can reduce the resistance in the construction of the military academy, and secondly, it can greatly improve the military academy. authority.

It is precisely because of this that Zhengde welcomed Xu Yu's arrival very much. He even discussed with Yang Yiqing and finally decided to give up the post of school supervisor to Xu Yu. It can't be compared with Xu Yu, and if Xu Yu is the school supervisor, no matter who sends their children to the military academy in the future, they must obediently abide by the discipline of the military academy, otherwise they will be merciless when fighting with military sticks.

The Army Military Academy on the Zhengde side was joined by people like Xu Yu, and Yang Yiqing, Zhang Yong, Qiu Yue and others assisted, so the entire military academy became the focus of the entire Ming Dynasty from the beginning of its construction, and everyone concentrated on this building. In military academies, civil servants are gnashing their teeth against it, while military generals prepare their own children and grandchildren. As soon as the military academy starts enrolling students, they will send their children and grandchildren in. No matter whether they can become talented in it or not, at least they will have one more emperor when they come out. The title of student, and more importantly, they can meet a group of friends in the military academy, which is extremely beneficial to their future development.

Compared with the vigor and vigor of the Beijing Army Academy, the Naval Academy over there in Songjiang is much more low-key. For one thing, everyone in Ming Dynasty did not pay much attention to the navy. Although the maritime trade has developed rapidly in recent years, people's eyes are still habitual. Staring at the land, except for a few people, almost no one cares about the affairs of the sea.Secondly, the Army Military Academy also attracted everyone's attention, so the Naval Academy, which was opened together with the Army Academy, was ignored by most people.

However, this lack of attention is exactly Zhou Zhong's dream, because when everyone is paying attention to the Army Academy in Beijing, the Naval Academy has already broken ground in Songjiang, and the construction speed is faster than Beijing. The entire Naval Academy Using bricks, stones and cement as building materials, the first batch of military academy buildings were quickly built, and then those recruited scholars immediately entered the military academy, followed by some old men in the navy and astronomy and arithmetic masters hired by Zhou Zhong with a high salary. , and Portuguese prisoners of war study.

In addition to those scholars above, Zhou Zhong also began to select some smart young people from the Nanyang Navy, and then let them enter the Naval Academy. After all, the navy is expanding too fast, not only lacking soldiers, but also lacking generals. Scholars can only be used as technical officers. As for those who actually command the navy to fight, they need real naval officers.

Speaking of the difference between the navy and the army, Ming's navy was originally blank, so there were no conflicts of interest in the navy, which allowed Zhou Zhong to freely spread his wings on the big canvas of the navy. The thickest stroke painted on this canvas. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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