Smuggling Daming

Chapter 418 The Tatars Go South

The autumn of the ninth year of Zhengde came early, and the leaves in most parts of the north began to turn yellow and fall, and people put on cotton clothes early. Everyone was a little worried about this early autumn, because people hadn’t recovered from the seventh year of Zhengde. After getting rid of the fear brought about by that cold winter, and now encountering such an early autumn again, everyone is very worried that this winter will repeat the previous severe cold.

However, not everyone complains about the winter of the seventh year of Zhengde. For example, in the Xuanfu area in the west of Beijing, the people here are grateful for the cold winter of the seventh year of Zhengde, even though they were also in that winter. They suffered a lot in winter, but because the imperial court brought food in time, not many people died in Xuanfu area, but the Mongols on the grassland not only froze to death a lot of cattle and sheep, even people froze to death. At least, I heard that by the beginning of spring in the eighth year of Zhengde, there were dead bodies everywhere on the grassland, and they often belonged to a tribe when they died.

It is precisely because so many Mongols froze to death in the winter of the seventh year of Zhengde that the Mongols were greatly injured. In the eighth year of Zhengde, the Mongols who had recuperated for a year were unable to go south. On the frontier with the grassland, it is very rare to see a year of peace, which makes most of the Xuanfu people excited. After all, as long as there is no war, the men in their family don’t have to go to the battlefield, and there will be no war. With no casualties, they can finally live a safe year.

In addition to not having to fight, the people of Xuanfu also encountered another happy event, that is, the promotion of two crops, sweet potato and corn, which is very close to Beijing.I have heard of the names of sweet potatoes and corn for a long time, so when the imperial court began to promote sweet potatoes and corn, the people here in Xuanfu immediately received seedlings and seeds from the government, and then planted them in the fields. A large amount of food grew in the very barren land, and Xuan Mansion became self-sufficient for the first time. After two years of bumper harvests, almost every household has a lot of dried sweet potatoes and corn, which is almost enough for every household to eat. It's been a year.But even so, no one is willing to sell, after all, everyone is frightened by hunger.

As the saying goes, there is food at home, and there is no panic when things happen. After the people of Xuanfu in the ninth year of Zhengde had their stomachs full, what they hoped most was another cold like the seventh year of Zhengde.Frozen all those Mongolian Mongolians to death on the grassland, so that they can survive another year in the coming year, and now this early autumn has given all the people in Xuanfu some hope.

However, the Mongols are not fools, and they still remember the cold winter in the seventh year of Zhengde, which is in the memory of all Mongols.That winter was full of raging white devils, and their yurts were collapsed several times by the heavy snow.Many people were trying to build the yurt again, and then ran outside in the wind and snow. When they found them, all of them had been killed by zombies. In addition, some tribes failed to store enough fuel. The entire tribe even the elderly and children were frozen to death, not to mention the cattle and sheep.Flocks of sheep that were not taken care of by herdsmen also died in large numbers, which indirectly led to the rampage of wolves in the eight years of Zhengde.Once again, it caused a lot of casualties to the Mongols.

It is also because of the lessons learned from the cold winter in the seventh year of Zhengde, so in the ninth year of Zhengde, the Mongols who finally recovered a little strength learned a lesson, especially when they saw that this year's autumn came very early, He was even more afraid, so at this time, the little Tatar prince who ruled Mongolia led an army of [-] to attack Xuanfu, preparing to rob enough supplies for the winter.

The little Tatar prince, whose real name is Batu Monk, is the fifteenth grandson of Genghis Khan. Because he was young when he inherited the Khan throne, the Han people called him the little prince. But now the little prince is no longer young, but already As a middle-aged man in his 40s, he defeated tribes such as Wala and Huozhai during his reign, and finally unified the Mongolian grassland, claiming to be the master of ZTE of the Mongols.

Since the unification of Mongolia, this little Tatar prince has taken it as his mission to restore the Great Yuan. Every year, he will lead the army to the south, and as soon as he enters the customs, he will send troops to plunder, bringing endless suffering to the people on the border of the Ming Dynasty. Therefore, the people in the north hated this little Tatar prince deeply.

This year, the little Tatar prince was going to enter the customs from the Xuanfu, so [-] troops came from the grasslands to attack Huai'an, Weizhou and other places, and then plundered them. Originally, the little Tatar prince was very confident. Liao felt that the [-] troops he brought would definitely be able to grab enough supplies for the tribe to spend the winter, but he ignored the changes in the Ming army.

The binoculars, artillery, and muskets that Zhou Zhong dedicated to Zhengde before have already begun to be equipped in the army of Ming Dynasty, especially the frontier troops like Xuanfu, which are the priority for equipment. When the Mongolian cavalry charged from a distance, they immediately ordered the artillery and muskets at the top of the city to prepare. As a result, as soon as the Mongolian cavalry rushed within the range of the artillery, the sound of intensive artillery sounded from the top of the city.

These cannons are all newly equipped Franco cannons, with an extremely fast rate of fire, and because casting is relatively easy, they have been equipped with a large number of troops. For example, there are thirty such cannons on the city wall of Huaianwei. When these cannons fired in salvo, although the lethality was limited, the momentum could destroy the world.

Although this is not the first time for the Mongols to encounter artillery attacks, in the past, the number of artillery pieces in the Ming Dynasty was small, and they were easy to explode, so they could not shoot continuously at all. Therefore, in the experience of the Mongols, as long as they survived the first round of shells, Afterwards, Daming's artillery became a decoration, but today's continuous artillery sound broke their previous experience, especially when they saw their companions around them being hit by artillery shells, and even the man and horse turned into a puddle of meat, everyone was shocked. I couldn't help but feel a chill.

The little Tatar prince did not expect that Daming's firearms would become so sharp after only one year had passed since he did not go south. Moreover, these cannons could not only fire continuously, but the most important thing was that they fired very fast. He stood on a dirt hill and watched He fired a cannon at a place on the top of the city, and then calculated the time secretly. It turned out that after firing a shell, Daming's cannon stopped for less than five breaths before firing again. This made him turn pale with shock. His ancestors had suffered a lot from firearms, but he did not expect that the firearms of the Ming people would develop so rapidly. If this continues, his wish to restore the homeland of the Yuan Dynasty may never be realized.

However, although the little prince was shocked by Da Ming's firearms, he was not too afraid. After all, Da Ming did not have many officers and soldiers stationed in Huai'an Guard. Even with the help of artillery, his army of [-] was enough to defeat him. The only annoying thing is that Huai'an Guard has just been repaired, the city wall has been raised and widened a lot, and the surrounding people have also moved to the city, which makes Huai'an Guard even more difficult to conquer.

In fact, the cavalry brought by the little prince are not suitable for attacking the city. According to their habits in the past, if they encountered a fortified city, they would usually go around and rob the people in the rear. Anyway, they were all alone and marched very fast. Generally speaking, even if they robbed all the land, Daming's army might not be able to arrive.

However, after suffering several losses, Daming gradually found a way to deal with it. For example, in the various guards under the Xuanfu, as soon as the guards in the front saw the grassland cavalry going south, they would immediately set off a beacon to notify the rear. All those people would hide in the guards with food and livestock. When the grassland people arrived, all the people in the rear had already run away. The guards bypassed by them will also unite to form an encirclement circle with the Ming army in front. If the grassland people are not careful, they may be dumped by the Ming army.

It is precisely because of this that now few grassland people dare to go around the guard post in front of Daming and attack directly behind. Every time they go south, they will honestly attack one city after another. If they were made dumplings, not only would they be finished as the prairie cavalry, but more old and weak women would die on the grassland behind because of lack of food, so they didn't dare to take risks.

Naturally, the grassland cavalry could not attack the city on horseback. After approaching the Huai'an guard, they immediately took off the utensils they carried on the horse, and then assembled them one by one, and finally turned into a series of siege ladders. The trees around Anwei had been cut down a long time ago, so they could only prepare materials from the rear, otherwise there would be no siege equipment at all.

Seeing that the prairie people are about to attack the city after assembling the siege ladder, if it were in the past, the commander of Huai'anwei would have been furious, and even started to prepare people to retreat, but today's The commander did not look anxious at all, obviously relying on something.

After the prairie people got off their horses, these natural cavalrymen carried the ladder with their bowed legs and rushed forward desperately despite the arrows above their heads. Although many people fell on the way forward, no one dared to stop or turn back , even if it is an injured person, as long as the injury is not fatal, these prairie people will pull out the arrows and follow up again with a roar.

Seeing a series of siege ladders standing on the city wall, those prairie characters holding scimitars in their mouths are holding on to the ladders and climbing up quickly. Stones, and even hot boiling water, this thing is the most vicious thing, and it will immediately tear the skin and flesh when it is poured on a person's face, it is simply a supreme weapon for disfigurement.

In addition, the muskets on the top of the city finally opened fire, but instead of hitting the prairie people below, they worked with the archers to suppress those prairie people riding horses and throwing arrows outside the city.However, the entire Huai'an Guard is only a few thousand people, which is ten times worse than the prairie people. Even if they have the advantages of the city walls and weapons, they have become a little precarious for a while under the strong attack of the prairie people regardless of losses. Seeing that there is a possibility of falling. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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