Smuggling Daming

Chapter 419 The Battle of Huai'an Guard

The little prince saw that someone on his side had already attacked the city of Huai'anwei, and he couldn't help showing a smile on his face. Although the firearms of the Han people were much sharper than before, it was people who decided the outcome of the war. Everyone is fierce and fierce, far from being comparable to those cowardly Han people. Now Huai'an Guard can be broken at any time. As long as they can break through here, the materials and Han women in the city are their own. As for the remaining Han people, they can't kill them. It is possible to drive them to attack the city ahead. It must be very interesting to watch those Ming troops massacre these Han people!

Thinking of this, the little prince couldn't help showing a cruel smile. Generally speaking, as long as they can conquer the first city when they go south every year, the next city will be frightened, especially those Han people who are also driven away by them. When attacking the city, many generals who defended the city did not dare to order an attack when they saw the people. As a result, they conquered the city in one fell swoop and got more people as cannon fodder.

Similarly, the Mongolian cavalrymen under the little prince are also very excited. They are all elites gathered from various tribes on the grassland. The beautiful women of the Han family in the city, as well as the inexhaustible food, all let out howls of excitement, and at the same time rushed to the top of the city even more desperately, although most of the Mongols who rushed to the top of the city were captured again by the Ming soldiers. They squeezed down and fell to pieces, but the other prairie people were not afraid at all. Everyone thought that victory was at hand.

But just as the grassland people were cheering for the upcoming victory, they suddenly heard the roar of horseshoes coming from behind Huai'anwei.Immediately afterwards, two cavalrymen rushed out from both sides of Huai'anwei's city wall, all of them were Daming's cavalry.

In order to attack the city, the Mongols all got off their horses at this time, either assembling ladders in the back, or rushing in front. They never thought that the cavalry of Ming Dynasty would come over at this time, which made it too late for them to get on their horses for a while, and they were killed in the end. The two cavalry rushed into the front line, and the blood flowed into rivers after being killed for a while.

The little prince was equally surprised and angry.Seeing that Huai'an Guard was about to break through the city, the army was disrupted by these two cavalrymen who suddenly appeared. Moreover, the banners of these two cavalrymen turned out to be Weizhou Guard and Wanquan Left Guard. The Ming army is dominated by cavalry, and many of them are Mongols recruited by Ming.The combat power is very strong, at least the dismounted Mongolian cavalry in the front line will only be slaughtered when facing these two or two guard cavalry.

However, the little prince has also been through battles for a long time, and he has encountered all kinds of things. Although he was shocked, he ordered the army behind to mount his horse.Then go to rescue the Mongols in front.It's a pity that Ming's two cavalry guards are very shrewd, they know that there are few people on their side.They couldn't fight head-on with the Mongols, so when the Mongol cavalry came from behind, they immediately withdrew to Huai'an Guard's city defenses. As soon as those Mongol cavalry approached, Daming, who had already cleaned up the Mongols who had killed them, The soldiers immediately fired arrows and cannons, causing heavy casualties to the Mongolian cavalry for a while, and they had to retreat again.

"Bastard!" The little prince saw that his attack was frustrated again.Immediately he cursed angrily, but he didn't know he was cursing Daming's cavalry.Still scolding the prairie people under him.

Just when the little prince was preparing to organize another army to wipe out the Ming cavalry under the city, suddenly there was another rumbling sound from both sides of Huai'an City, and then two large Ming troops came again, this time it was The infantry of the Ming army is also the main force of the Ming frontier army, and it seems that there are at least no less than 2 people.

Before the little prince could react, he saw countless cannons suddenly launched from the Da Ming army who had just arrived, and then groups of soldiers began to operate on the cannons. A hundred artillery pieces fired almost at the same time, and the huge rumbling sound almost deafened people's ears.

Many Mongolian cavalrymen only felt that the top of their heads was dark, and before they could raise their heads, they felt a pain all over their bodies, and then they lost consciousness again. In comparison, these people who were hit by shells and died were considered lucky, and the most unlucky Those who happened to be hit by shells but did not die. These people either had broken arms or legs, or broken bones and tendons. Anyway, only one is complete. With the medical level of the Mongolians, it is estimated that they may survive Sex is not big.

Daming's Franc machine guns are generally equipped with five sub-cannons, that is to say, these cannons can fire five rounds in succession. The ammunition has already been loaded, and as long as the soldiers are physically strong enough, the entire Frang machine cannon can be fired continuously.

But this time the Ming army did not intend to use only artillery to win. After they fired the first round of five shells, the Mongolian cavalry on the opposite side had been disrupted, and thousands of musketeers lined up immediately. Before, it was divided into three rounds of continuous shooting, and the three-stage shooting invented by Muying was brought into full play, and the Mongolians were beaten on their backs for a while.

Seeing the casualties of the Mongols killed by artillery and muskets, the cavalry of the two guards rushed up immediately, followed by the infantry, and took the initiative to fight a field battle with the Mongolian cavalry.The army of Ming Dynasty hadn't completely corrupted yet, especially these frontier troops fought against the Mongols all the year round, they can be said to be very brave and good at fighting, but they were often harsh by their superiors, their weapons, armor and food could not be guaranteed, and sometimes they even fought against the Mongols. There were no rewards for victorious battles, so naturally these frontier soldiers would not give up their lives when fighting, and even muddled through. As a result, in later generations, they couldn't even defeat the little Jurchens.

The little prince was also taken aback by the Ming army who took the initiative to kill him. According to his past experience, every time he went south, the Ming army would stick to the city and then fight with them, unless the troops were superior. I will fight with them in the wild, but the army in front of me is smaller than their Mongols, so it is unreasonable to dare to rush up to fight on their own initiative.

What's even more unreasonable is still to come. Today's Ming army seems to be desperate, and they charge very bravely, especially those generals who lead troops. The middle and low-level generals charge around on horseback, and they are not as scared as they used to be. To die, the senior general also stood in front of the formation, shouting loudly to direct the troops under his command to charge and kill, turning a blind eye to the flying arrows.

Seeing such a heroic Ming general, the little prince and the Mongolian generals under him were all stunned. At this moment, they could also see that the main reason why this Ming army was so brave was that these generals fought desperately. If they take the lead, the soldiers under them will naturally spare their lives. As the saying goes, there are raging soldiers, and there are raging generals. Especially in the era of cold weapons, the leading role of generals can almost determine the outcome of a war.

Not only the little prince and the Mongolian generals were shocked, but also the Mongolian soldiers who rushed forward. It was not the first time they had fought against the Ming Dynasty, but it was the first time they had encountered such a heroic army of the Ming Dynasty. Well-equipped, artillery and muskets fired non-stop. During the period, some special soldiers threw a kind of iron ball. As long as it fell into the group of Mongolian soldiers, it would explode. Although not many people were killed directly, it could break the skin Armor, causing many people to be covered with injuries, and even when the vitals are injured, they can directly kill people.

Seeing that the battle situation in front of him was beginning to turn against him, the little Tatar prince was also very anxious. He had fought against Da Ming for many years, but this was the first time he encountered Da Ming's army, which was smaller than his own, but dared to fight in the field, and even took up If the situation of the upper hand was placed in the past, I am afraid that he would not believe it no matter what, but it is a pity that the facts are in front of him now, so he cannot help but not believe it.

"Retreat!" The little prince finally issued this order that damaged his prestige. After all, the battle situation has begun to be against him, and the [-] cavalry under him have also suffered heavy casualties. These are the elite in his hands. To die would make him feel heartbroken, so no matter how unwilling he was, he still resolutely ordered to retreat.

The prairie cavalry who were fighting in front heard the order to retreat, and immediately they were amnesty. They killed the enemies around them one by one, then turned their horses and prepared to flee. Anyway, they were all cavalry, and they dared not pursue the Ming army.

But seeing these Mongolian cavalry fleeing, the morale of the Ming army was greatly shaken, and immediately followed the Mongolian horse's buttocks and killed them, especially the two guard cavalry came from both sides, apparently wanting to kill them. Biting the rear of the Mongols tightly, in this way, if the Mongols in front wanted to escape, they might have to leave the cavalry behind to die.

The little prince's nine white flags had long attracted the attention of all the Ming troops. Now that the Mongols were about to flee, two of the strongest cavalry immediately charged towards the little prince. Greedy, even prepared to capture the little prince alive in one fell swoop.

As the master of Zhongxing who unified the Mongolian grassland, the little prince was naturally led by powerful soldiers. When he saw those Ming cavalry rushing forward, an elite force of thousands of people immediately went up to meet them.Originally, the little prince thought that the elite cavalry around him would definitely defeat the two ignorant Ming cavalry, but to his surprise, the Da Ming cavalry on the right was extremely brave, especially the leading troops in the front. The Ming general who was here unexpectedly killed the elite Mongolian cavalry like a sharp arrow, and he was about to rush under the little prince's white banner. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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