Smuggling Daming

Chapter 449 Conferring King Zhao

At the Great Court Meeting at the beginning of March in the 11th year of Zhengde, Zhengde participated in the court meeting very rarely, which surprised the ministers who had long been accustomed to not having the emperor to attend the court meeting.Speaking of which, except for the few court meetings that Zhengde had attended just after he ascended the throne, he would be absent from most of the other court meetings. I was taken aback.

But the thing that surprised the ministers was still to come. After they finished some government affairs, Zhengde suddenly said: "Masters, I have a big announcement today!"

As soon as Zhengde's words fell, Gu Dayong stood up and read the imperial decree in person, and all the officials in the court were surprised again. After all, the content of the imperial decree that Gu Dayong could read out in person must be extraordinary. .

Sure enough, following Gu Dayong's reading, the faces of the ministers below all became brighter. They never thought that His Majesty the current Emperor actually has a brother who is separated from other countries, and it is the one who did it overseas. Zhou Zhong, who was in the wind and water, made all the people who heard the news have wonderful expressions on their faces.

The sudden appearance of His Royal Highness the Prince of Ming Dynasty made all the courtiers a little unbelievable, and some people even doubted the authenticity of this incident. , there are hundreds of adoptive sons accepted, and it is not impossible to create another fake brother.

But after the imperial decree was read out, Zhou Zhong helped Empress Dowager Zhang and walked in from outside the hall, and Empress Dowager Zhang personally testified.Zhou Zhong was his second son who was stolen by thieves back then.Next, Li Dongyang also confirmed that Zhu Houwei was indeed stolen out of the palace.It was just to take into account the face of the Tian family, so it was announced that it was a premature death.

With the testimony of two heavyweights, Empress Dowager Zhang and Li Dongyang, Zhou Zhong's identity was no longer doubted. At present, all the officials shouted "Long Live", and congratulated Zhengde and the Queen Mother on the joy of their family reunion. Zhengde was also very happy and announced immediately He named his younger brother Zhu Houwei as King Zhao Kang, or King Zhao for short.In history, the State of Zhao was located in the south of Hebei, close to the capital. This honor can be said to be the No. 1 since the founding of the Ming Dynasty. It is next to the capital, so it is generally not granted to the vassal king.

In addition, because Zhou Zhong was stolen by thieves since he was a child, both the Queen Mother and Zhengde missed him very much, so Zhengde granted Zhou Zhong not to go to the fiefdom, but to live in Beijing.The former Nine Thousand Years Mansion of Liu Jin has now been renamed Zhao Wang Mansion.It became Zhou Zhong's mansion in the capital.

Zhou Zhong restored Zhu Houwei's real name and identity, and the news quickly spread from the court to the people, which caused a huge disturbance among the people for a while. After all, Zhou Zhong was not an ordinary person, and his Journey to the West had already been written. It is widely circulated among the people, coupled with his vigorous development of overseas immigration during the presidency of the Governor's Mansion of the World, millions of disaster victims survived because of him, and many people even returned home in fine clothes after making a fortune in Nanyang, attracting other people. They are all jealous and envious, and all of this is due to Zhou Zhong's credit, so Zhou Zhong's reputation among the people can be compared with Zhengde.

It is also Zhou Zhong's own reputation, coupled with his legendary life experience, that makes the people very curious about Zhou Zhong, and even in just a few days, some rumors about Zhou Zhong began to spread among teahouses and restaurants. Legends and anecdotes, such as how Zhou Zhong was stolen out of the palace, how he met His Majesty today, and so on.

Zhou Zhong had no time to care about the folk rumors about himself. He was too busy during this time. Ever since his identity was made public, there was a lot of traffic in front of Zhao Wangfu, and the road several feet wide was visited by these people. The people are blocked tightly, such a situation can be compared with when Liu Jin was alive before.

Speaking of which, although Zhou Zhong is the prince of Ming Dynasty, Ming Dynasty has always had strict control over the relatives of the emperor. They can enjoy various privileges, but they do not have any political power.However, Zhou Zhong is different from ordinary princes. For example, Zhou Zhong was granted the right to be a vassal without enfeoffing land. In addition, Zhengde did not have any scruples about Zhou Zhong because of his identity. His military academy was handed over to Zhou Zhong to manage, and Zhengde had no heirs, and he didn't like government affairs, so anyone with a certain vision knew that apart from the emperor Zhengde, Daming would have another high-ranking prince in the future.

It is precisely because of the particularity of Zhou Zhong, the prince, that ever since he was named Queen Zhao, there has been an endless stream of people who have come to visit him. At first, Zhou Zhong received a few, but later there were too many people. In desperation, Zhou Zhong had no choice but to ask Jiao Fang to find an experienced palace aide who would be in charge of many people who came to visit. Only those who had a particularly important status would be received by Zhou Zhong, otherwise no one would come. useless.

Except for the headaches from those who blocked the door to visit, Zhou Zhong did not forget about the military academy.After all, the military academy was Zhou Zhong's first step in reforming the political situation of the Ming Dynasty. Unfortunately, Jiang Bin messed it up now. Wei Guogong Xu Yu was old and virtuous, but he was pushed aside by Jiang Bin, and almost pissed off the old man. Cheng has a hemiplegia, and now he is trying to prevent the military academy from becoming chaotic. Fortunately, there is a veteran like Xu Chu, so when Zhou Zhong took over the military academy, the entire military academy was still operating normally on the surface.

Zhou Zhong finally escaped from the mansion that day, and rushed to the military academy in the western suburbs of the capital together with Jiao Fang.Speaking of which, after Jiang Bin gained power during this period of time, his ambitions soared and he began to fight for power with various imperial institutions. Among them, the military academy was the most important part of him. After all, he was not stupid. If more students enter the military academy, he can rely on his control over the military academy to become No. 1 in the army.

However, although Jiang Bin had a good plan, Xu Yu had always been in charge of the daily management of the military academy. After all, not everyone can do the job of school supervisor. But Xu Chu was tougher than he expected. Even though he had Zhengde's approval to intervene in the management of the military academy, Xu Chu still firmly grasped the core power of the military academy, even if he watched the military academy It was a mess, but they still didn't let go.

Originally, according to Jiang Bin's plan, he would use his own identity to erode the hearts of the instructors in the military academy. After all, he is now the number one favorite in front of Zhengde. So in just a few months, Jiang Bin recruited nearly half of the instructors in the military academy, and most of the rest are on the sidelines. Even as long as Xu Yu relinquishes the management of the military academy, these people will immediately join him. Jiang Bin.

But it is a pity that with the arrival of Zhou Zhong, Jiang Bin's invasion plan of the military academy was completely bankrupt. When he was about to take over the management of the military academy, Zhengde agreed without even thinking about it, and even encouraged Zhou Zhong to learn more about the government, so that he could share some of the pressure in the future.

Regarding Zhengde's thoughts, Zhou Zhong knows better than anyone else. Now that Zhengde is encouraged by Jiang Bin, he has been wanting to go to Xuanfu for a while, but there is no shortage of people to sit in the capital. It just so happens that Zhou Zhong, the newly appointed Zhao Wang is the most suitable candidate.Of course, since Zhou Zhong had just arrived in the capital, it is impossible for Zhengde to let Zhou Zhong supervise the country on his behalf, at least he needs to let Zhou Zhong get acquainted with the affairs of the capital, and at the same time let the courtiers get used to Zhou Zhong's existence, otherwise those ministers would be Won't let him go.

However, although Zhou Zhong understood Zhengde's eagerness to leave the capital, he did not intend to really interfere with the government as Zhengde hoped. After all, he was just a vassal, not an emperor, and staying in the capital was already very suspicious. If he intervened in government affairs as soon as he arrived in the capital, Zhou Zhong can be sure that Li Dongyang, Yang Ting and those ministers will definitely attack him.

So Zhou Zhongzai discussed with Jiao Fang and planned to spend the last few months on the military academy. After all, the military academy is different from ordinary imperial court institutions. There is not much connection, and the cadets in the military academy have been studying for quite a while, and some of them are about to graduate from the fast-track classes. As long as these people successfully graduate and enter the army, then the military academy is equivalent to taking some time in the army. The foundation, with the development of time, the foundation will become deeper and deeper in the future until it grows into a towering tree.

The military academy was first proposed by Zhou Zhong, but he only proposed to build a naval military academy. This army military academy was the product of Zhengde's own flash of inspiration. Zhou Zhong was also very curious about it. How did the military academy look like? As a result, when he came to the gate of the military academy and saw the huge statue of a knight of Zhengde, he was also taken aback. He did not expect that Zhengde had learned to attack the heart. When every student passed the gate of the military academy, You can see the knight statues of Zhengde, which invisibly increases the prestige of Zhengde, and at the same time increases the loyalty of the students to Zhengde. Although this may be a momentary unintentional act of Zhengde, it still makes Zhou Zhong feel admiration.

As soon as Zhou Zhong and Jiao Fang walked to the gate of the military academy, they saw an old man with white hair leading several instructors from the military academy standing in front of the gate to welcome him. No need to ask, the old man in front must be Wei Guogong Xu But what surprised Zhou Zhong was that he was a prince after all, so it was normal for Xu Chu to bring people out to meet him, but there were too few instructors around Xu Chu, and there were less than ten of them. Where have all the people under you gone? (to be continued..)

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