Smuggling Daming

Chapter 450 Adding the Military Supervision Section

Seeing the arrival of His Royal Highness Zhou Zhong, Xu Wu immediately led the people behind him to greet him, and they were very enthusiastic. Although Zhou Zhong accepted the post of school supervisor, Xu Wu was very happy, because he originally He was about to be kicked out of the military academy by Jiang Bin, and it was Zhou Zhong's appearance that turned the military academy into a turning point.Moreover, he had heard of Zhou Zhong's name long ago, and even had the idea of ​​visiting Zhou Zhong in Shuangyu Port, but unfortunately, he never had the chance. He never expected to meet him in the capital, and the other party turned out to be His Majesty's younger brother. This surprised Xu Chu even more.

For Xu Wu's enthusiasm, Zhou Zhong also smiled back, and the two exchanged a few words outside the door, then Xu Wu didn't ask Zhou Zhong if he wanted to, and immediately introduced a few people who went out with him to welcome him. At first, Zhou Zhong thought that these people were important figures in the military academy, but after Xu Chu finished his introduction, he realized that these people were just ordinary instructors in the military academy, and they were not too important figures at all. It was also very surprising.

"Mr. Xu, as far as I know, there are more than 200 instructors in the military academy. Why are you the only ones who came out to greet them?" Zhou Zhong asked a very straightforward question, even though he knew that many instructors in the military academy were killed by Jiang Bin. Soliciting, but now he is the most popular Prince of Ming Dynasty, and he has taken over the affairs of the military academy, how dare the people in the military academy not come out to greet him?

Hearing Zhou Zhong's question, Xu Chu smiled and said, "His Royal Highness Zhao Wang didn't know something. A while ago, there was an unhealthy trend in the military academy, which caused many people to be affected by this trend. Only the few loyal people behind the old man can maintain their true hearts. It is very rare, so this time when he heard that His Highness came, the old man asked those half-hearted guys to stay in the military academy to reflect, so as not to pollute His Highness's eyes!"

Hearing Xu Yu's explanation, Zhou Zhong and Jiao Fang almost laughed out loud. They didn't expect that the old man in front of him was really small-minded. Before Jiang Bin gained power, the instructors in the military academy either went to Jiang Bin's side, or they didn't help each other. .As a result, Xu Yu now bears a grudge. Even for such an important event as Zhou Zhong's coming, he only notified a few confidants who have been by his side all the time, and introduced them to Zhou Zhong first. This is for his sake. These confidants paved the way for Zhou Zhong to remember that these people are loyal and reliable people.

Next, Xu Chu accompanied Zhou Zhong into the military academy.While walking, he introduced the current situation of the military academy to Zhou Zhong. In fact, Zhou Zhong had read some reports about the military academy before he came. For example, he knew that the military academy is divided into several subjects such as cavalry, infantry, and firearms. Instructors, and more than 200 students, and it is the same as the Naval Academy.The first batch of fast-track cadets who entered the military academy should have entered the army long ago.It's a pity that because of Jiang Bin's involvement in the military academy before, the entry of those students into the army was delayed.

Speaking of which, Jiang Bin was messing around in the military academy some time ago, pulling away nearly half of the instructors in the military academy, but since the news of Zhou Zhong taking over the military academy came, Jiang Bin immediately stopped. The instructors recruited by him all attended the class honestly, and no one dared to have any other thoughts.This is the deterrent power of Prince Zhou Zhong.

Zhou Zhong regretted Jiang Bin's resolute withdrawal from the military academy.Because in his opinion, Jiang Bin is definitely the biggest uneasy factor around Zhengde, so he has always wanted to find an opportunity to face Jiang Bin head-on, and in his capacity, even if he used this excuse to kill Jiang Bin At most, Zhengde just complained to him a few words.It's a pity that Jiang Bin is not stupid, and he dare not go against Zhou Zhong who is in the limelight.

However, it was Jiang Bin's retreat on the matter of the military academy that brought the military academy back to its original order. Xu Wu also took advantage of Zhou Zhong's prestige to reorganize the discipline of the military academy. He had cleared out the particularly unsavory guys, so when Zhou Zhong arrived, the military academy he saw was similar to when Jiang Bin was not in his early years.

The layout of the entire military academy is completely different from Zhou Zhong's naval academy in Shanghai, but the strict discipline in the military academy is generally the same. The entire military academy is actually a high-level military camp, where the instructors are officers and the students are soldiers. They are different from ordinary soldiers. In addition to training their physical fitness, they also need to learn various military affairs, and even some post-demand officers need to learn algorithm scheduling and so on. It can be said that the division of labor is clear.

Zhou Zhong actually didn't know the art of war. When he was governor, although he controlled the army in name, in fact, generals Shen Ying and Qu Lie took care of the affairs of the army. He could manage the logistics at most. As for the establishment of the Naval Academy, most of them relied on the strength of the admirals and Wang Shouren, who had a good understanding of the military, with great help. Otherwise, if he was allowed to build the Naval Academy himself, I am afraid that it may not be able to be completed until now.

It was also because Zhou Zhong didn't understand military affairs, so he couldn't raise any big opinions on the army school in front of him. At most, he raised some small opinions on some management methods of the military school, such as the normalization of sports competitions in the military school, Students in military academies should also master as much knowledge in mathematics, astronomy, and geography as possible so that they can lead the army in the future.In addition, the biggest improvement proposed by Zhou Zhong is to add a military supervision department to the military academy.

Speaking of the name Supervising Army, it can be said to be notorious in Daming's army. The supervising army in Daming is generally served by eunuchs, and the eunuchs in Daming have always been known for their greed. Regardless of the life or death of the soldiers below, each of them is desperately drinking the blood of the soldiers. If some generals do not feed these supervising troops, they are likely to be killed by these supervising troops. Criticizing the command of the army led to the failure of the command of the army, and finally caused the army to be defeated. However, the charges for the defeat were all borne by the generals who led the army, and the supervisor of the army did not have to bear any responsibility at all.

However, although eunuchs and supervising troops have very serious disadvantages, they are an indispensable group of people in the army. After all, the supervising military system has been in contact for a long time, especially when the generals lead troops outside. If there is no supervising army in the army, I am afraid that the rear The emperor would not be able to sit still, so there must be a supervising army who can restrain the generals in the army. In the past, the supervising army in the army was not necessarily a eunuch, but could also be a civil servant or the emperor's relatives and other cronies of the emperor. But in the Ming Dynasty, In particular, Ming Chengzu trusted eunuchs, so eunuchs generally served as military supervisors in the army, and by the time of Zhengde, it had been established.

Zhou Zhong did not intend to change the military supervision system of the Ming army, and he did not even intend to change the rule that eunuchs serve as military supervisors. After all, it involves the interests of all aspects of the palace. If it is changed rashly, it is likely that those who hold great power Eunuchs pushed to the opposite side of the army.

It’s just that there are good and bad eunuchs. Some eunuchs know a little about military affairs, and they don’t interfere with the generals when they are supervising troops. For example, Zhang Yong, the No. 1 eunuch, is a eunuch who is proficient in military affairs, and he has been supervising the army several times. , did a good job, and in the end, it was because of the contribution to quelling the rebellion of King Anhua and defeating Liu Jin that he was able to sit in his current position.

It is precisely because of this that Zhou Zhong planned to set up a military supervision department in the military academy, and specially recruited some young eunuchs from the palace to study in the military supervision department. They have done things beyond their own abilities. On the other hand, they also need to strengthen the education of loyalty and patriotism to the eunuchs, so that they only have the belief of being loyal to the Ming emperor. After all, the supervising army is used to supervise the army. Ambition, if you rebel with the leading generals, what do you want them for?

For Zhou Zhong's idea of ​​letting eunuchs enter the military academy, Xu Chu still resisted a little at first. Don't look at Liu Jin's powerful people, but in the eyes of this Wei Guogong, they are just a group of clowns relying on the emperor's prestige. , and Liu Jin can bully those ordinary civil and military officials, but Liu Jin doesn't dare to provoke a meritorious family like him too much.It can be said that Xu Yu looked down on eunuchs from the bottom of his heart, and in his opinion, the military academy was the key to revitalizing the military prestige of the Ming Dynasty. How could a group of eunuchs with low status be allowed to enter?

Seeing Xu Yu's resistance, Zhou Zhong could only personally explain to him the benefits of establishing the Supervision Department, especially the fundamental limitation of the power of the Supervision Army, so as to prevent the other party from commanding indiscriminately in the army. As for asking for property or something, those It's all trivial matters, as long as these supervising troops don't affect the normal operation of the army.

Xu Wu is also a person who has led soldiers, and he is well aware of the negative impact that eunuchs and supervising troops have brought to the army. In addition, Zhou Zhong took the trouble to explain the joints to him, which made Xu Wu slowly change his mind. , and finally agreed to this matter, but he insisted that eunuchs should not be allowed to enter the current military academy, but that a special military academy should be built next to the military academy, so that the supervisors and the students of the military academy would teach separately, and the two sides would not be able to communicate with each other. Influence.

Regarding Xu Yu's last small request, Zhou Zhong agreed without hesitation. Anyway, the supervising army and the generals of the army are inherently opposed, and the students in the military academy are all future generals. The army and the generals had private contacts, which made it easier for the supervisor to perform his duties in the future.

After visiting the military academy, Zhou Zhong and Jiao Fang returned to the palace together. Now Jiao Fang has resigned from the governor's mansion and served as Zhou Zhong's private staff temporarily. However, Zhengde is very satisfied with Jiao Fang's work in the governor's mansion. It won't be long before Jiao Fang will become an official again, maybe even enter the cabinet directly.

Just when Zhou Zhong returned to the palace, he received an invitation. During this period of time, the invitations he received almost filled a room, but the land was not as important as this invitation. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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