Smuggling Daming

Chapter 462 Capture of Goa

After Shenzhou blocked Goa, he gave the Portuguese only one day to consider, either surrendering the city the next morning, or waiting for him to bombard the city of Goa. As a result, his such a strong order made Goa The city fell into a kind of hopeless chaos. Fortunately, Da Gama sent the few thousand remaining soldiers in the city to suppress it, which prevented Goa from falling into civil strife.

The night passed quickly, and Shenzhou, who had a hasty rest for the night in the cabin, woke up again, washed his face with cold water, and came to the deck refreshed again.Now the eastern sky had just turned white, and it was not long before dawn. Shenzhou picked up the binoculars and observed the city of Goa not far away, and found that there was no sign of surrender on the top of the city.

"Transfer the general's order, and all warships are ready for bombardment!" Shenzhou put down the binoculars and ordered immediately. He knew that the Portuguese would not surrender so easily. After the Portuguese was captured last time, those captives have not been released until now, so the Portuguese are worried that they will suffer the same consequences after being captured, so they are ready to fight to the end.

As Shenzhou's order was conveyed by the flag-bearer on the flagship, the 24 warships under him quickly made preparations, one after another crossed the hull, and the artillery on one side of the hull was all facing the city of Goa. As long as Shenzhou gives an order, the next thing will be a scene of thousands of guns firing.At the same time, the marines to which the fleet belongs are also ready. The small boats used for the charge are released one after another. Those tough-looking marines are full of murderous looks. To be able to watch my brothers in the navy perform.Now I finally have the opportunity to show my talents.

As time goes by.The sun in the east finally rose slowly.But the Goa city in the distance still showed no sign of surrender, instead there were a lot of defensive soldiers on the top of the city, which made Shenzhou snort coldly, raised his right hand high and put it down heavily: "Fire!"

"Boom~boom~boom..." Following Shenzhou's order, there was a thunderous sound of cannonballs on the sea, and rows of shells were shot out from the black muzzle with thick smoke, hitting the ground in the blink of an eye. On the solid city wall, stone chips flew all of a sudden.Some shells fell directly on the top of the city, and the splashed gravel killed and injured the Portuguese soldiers on the top of the city.

When the Portuguese built the city of Goa, in addition to considering commercial use, the most important thing was its protective performance, so the city wall was built extremely strong, which was Da Gama's last reliance.It’s just that the Portuguese never thought that their navy would be defeated at all, so when they considered Goa’s defensive performance, they mainly considered what to do when they encountered enemies in land battles, so Goa City was very close to the sea, and even at that time under consideration.In case the enemy on land is too strong, they can also use Portuguese warships on the sea to provide fire support for Goa.

It cannot be said that there is something wrong with the designers of Goa City.At that time, all the Portuguese believed that their country's navy was invincible, so when they designed the city defense, they naturally seldom considered the enemy's attack from the sea. The bombardment of the city walls of Goa made the defenders on the top of the city unable to lift their heads for a while.

The artillery on the top of the city of Goa counterattacked a few times at the beginning, but every time the artillery on the top of the city was fired, it would immediately attract concentrated bombardment from the Ming fleet until the artillery on the top of the city was blown up. By an hour, there were not many artillery pieces left on the city of Goa, and they could no longer pose a threat to Daming's fleet.

While the two sides were engaged in artillery battles, the assault boats under the Ming battleship also began to rush towards the deserted beach next to the Goa port. The Portuguese only had a few thousand soldiers left, and the defense of Goa seemed insufficient, so there was no Ability to send soldiers to prevent Ming's army from landing.

Shenzhou brought 3000 marines this time, and now all of them have landed. At this time, the artillery on the Goa city has been cleaned up by Ming's warships, and there is almost nothing on the city that can threaten their safety. , In addition, the small boat behind also brought some siege equipment from the battleship, such as a thing called a tortoise car.

The so-called tortoise car, as the name suggests, is a car similar to a tortoise shell. The bottom is empty, allowing soldiers to hide. When they got to the city wall or the city gate, the soldiers under the vehicle would drill holes in the city wall, then stuff gunpowder into it, ignite the fuse and then leave, which could be used to blow up the city wall and city gate.

One side of Goa faces the sea, and the other side faces the Zua River. Because they didn't consider the enemy coming from the sea, they dug moats on the other two sides, but the moats were not dug under the walls on these two sides. The soldiers of the clan can directly push the tortoise-shell cart under the city wall, and dig a hole to bury the gunpowder calmly.

"Boom, boom, boom~" With the departure of several tortoise shell vehicles, a series of explosions occurred under the city walls of Goa. The city wall of Goa exploded a large pit one person high, but the pit was relatively shallow and did not hurt the main body of the city wall.

However, the members of the Marine Corps did not expect to blow up the city wall in one go, so they pushed the tortoise car forward again and repeated the previous action.Although the Portuguese soldiers on the top of the city really wanted to stop the Ming soldiers below from blowing up the city wall, but the Ming warships on the sea kept firing, suppressing them on the top of the city and unable to raise their heads. Stop throwing boulders down on the tortoise.

After nearly ten days of continuous blasting, a section of the city wall finally couldn't hold on and collapsed with the sound of an explosion, forming a collapse hole several feet long. As for the original defenders on it, they were all buried in the earth In the pile, very few people survived.

Seeing that the gap was opened, the marines did not rush in, but retreated again. As a result, the warships on the sea fired tens of thousands of artillery shells at the gap, and countless shells were all concentrated near the gap. It expanded again, and at the same time allowed the surrounding Portuguese soldiers to escape further.

It wasn't until the intensive shelling on the battleship stopped that the soldiers of the Marine Corps let out a scream, and then rushed into Goa City through the gap with their muskets. As long as they encountered any creatures standing on their feet, they would be attacked by them. Shooting muskets, after all, war has never tolerated any kindness. For the marines who rushed into the city, any creature in the city may be their enemy, so there must be no mercy.

There were not many troops in Goa, and they had to defend the city walls before, but they were all dispersed. Now that the city walls were blown up, the Portuguese soldiers on the city walls could not gather for a while, so they had to gather some soldiers nearby to resist. It's a pity that the marines they encountered were all elites from Ming Dynasty. Not only were their muskets sharp, but they were also very capable in melee combat. Therefore, when those small groups of Portuguese soldiers resisted, they couldn't hold out for too long.

After the marines rushed into Goa, Shenzhou also immediately organized the navy in the fleet to land. Although the marines were elite, they were too small in number. Their few people are definitely not enough, they must use the manpower in the navy.

Navy soldiers are not only good at maneuvering boats and firing cannons, they are also elite fighters with guns.Zhou Zhong spent so much manpower, material and financial resources to build the Nanyang Fleet in order to create a world-class navy. This navy can not only compete with the enemy on the sea, but also be able to go ashore. After all, this The navy at that time was actually synonymous with robbers. If they couldn't go ashore, how could they rob wealth from all over the world?

Following Shenzhou's order, soon some naval soldiers were assigned to each warship. Under the leadership of various generals, these soldiers rushed to the city of Goa again in small boats. After they gathered on the beach, Immediately followed the footsteps of the Marine Corps and rushed into Goa. As a result, the addition of their new force made the Portuguese, who were already at a disadvantage, finally robbed the will to resist, and many Portuguese soldiers began to put down their weapons and surrender.

As more and more Portuguese soldiers surrendered, the resistance of the city of Goa became weaker and weaker. In the end, except for a few soldiers who resisted stubbornly and were killed, most of the other soldiers chose to surrender. All of them stayed at home honestly, the timid ones got into the bed and shivered directly, and the courageous ones only dared to crawl quietly in the crack of the door and look out, their eyes full of horror.

For those ordinary Portuguese residents, Ming's soldiers didn't have the time to pay attention to them. After all, they only broke through the city wall now, but there was still a solid fortress in Goa City that hadn't been broken, and that was the City Lord's Mansion where Vasco da Gama lived.

Speaking of which, Europeans have been at war all year round, so almost all the cities they live in serve the war. This habit has been deeply rooted in their bones. It was not until after the first industrial revolution that they got rid of this habit. Trouble, the planning of the city has also become random.

However, the current Goa city is still a traditional European fortress. In addition to the outer city walls, the Santo's Mansion in the city is also a small war fortress. In the Santo's Mansion, there are not only separate garrisons, but also armories and grain warehouses. , and even a separate water source, so even if the outer cities fell into the hands of the enemy, as long as the City Lord's Mansion was not breached, the entire city would still have a chance to turn defeat into victory. (To be continued..)

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