Cakir sat in a large courtyard behind the Governor's Mansion with a blank face, surrounded by Portuguese like him who hid in the Governor's Mansion, most of them were women and children, except for those ignorant children, the rest People either looked numb or terrified, and no one spoke. Any noise would cause the crowd to panic.

Kakir is a plantation owner. He owns a large tea garden more than a dozen miles east of Goa City. After several years of operation and care, the tea leaves in the tea garden are ready to be picked this year. For example, the tea picked this spring The tea was bought by the Governor's Mansion at a high price. The tea income from that time alone has already reached half of Kajier's investment in the tea garden. I believe that he will turn his losses into profits by picking two more times this year. After the borrowed debt is paid off, he will become a wealthy person among Portuguese immigrants in one fell swoop.

The future is bright, even just a few days ago Kakir was planning to take over his wife and children from his hometown in Europe after earning money, and then the whole family lives in Goa, which gave him hope On the land, when I die of old age, I will pass the tea garden to my son, and this tea garden must never be sold. It will become the ancestral property of the Kajier family and will be passed down from generation to generation.

However, with the arrival of the Ming Fleet, all the good fantasies of Kakir were shattered. First, the port was blocked, and then the army of the Ming Dynasty began to attack the city of Goa.At the beginning, Kagil didn't enter the city, but stayed in the tea garden outside the city. After all, the tea garden was his life. Until the last moment, he didn't want to give up his painstaking efforts over the past few years anyway.

But what Kakir didn't expect was that at the same time that the Ming army was attacking the city of Goa.Several earth kings around Goa brought their barbaric troops to kill them.These Indian natives are extremely cruel.As long as they saw the Portuguese, men would be caught and cut off their limbs, and the end of women would be even more miserable, and regardless of adults or children, they would be treated the same.

In addition, the native slaves in the Kagil tea garden are also a little uneasy. After all, Kagil cannot take care of such a large tea garden alone, so he bought a lot of native slaves to help him work. A common practice in plantations.Of course, the money that Kagil invested in the tea garden was borrowed from others, so it is natural to try to keep the cost down as much as possible. Naturally, he also tried his best to squeeze the slaves who belonged to his private property. Resistance, but now with the instability of the Portuguese rule and the attacks of the surrounding soil kings, the natives in the plantation also began to riot.

Although Kajir regards the tea garden as his life, he doesn't want those natives to cut off his hands and feet.What's more, the Portuguese supervisors he hired in the tea garden were unwilling to stay outside the dangerous city, so Kagil finally discussed with several surrounding manor owners.A group of hundreds of people sneaked to the other side of Goa City in a dark night, and bribed the soldiers at the city gate with money, and then let the other side open the city gate, allowing them to enter the city of Goa to hide.

However, Kajier's luck was really bad. Just two days after several of their manor owners brought their people into the city of Goa, the Ming army had already blown up the city walls of Goa. soon.Moreover, the natives outside the city were killing people indiscriminately, which made the Portuguese in the city dare not go out at all, and could only stay in the city and wait for the final judgment.

Although Kakir was disappointed with his country's army, he was unwilling to wait in the city to die. He had a friend who worked in the Governor's Mansion and knew a lot of inside information about Ming. It is said that the last battle of Malacca was defeated The captured Portuguese soldiers are still working as slaves in Daming, and have not been able to return until now. It was this news that made Kajir understand that Daming is not like the European legends, where gold is everywhere, but a powerful and A great empire with a strong vengeance.

Knowing what happened to those Portuguese prisoners of war before, Cakir spent all his money through his friend who worked in the Governor's Mansion in exchange for a place to take refuge in the Governor's Mansion. The Governor's Mansion is very solidly built, and there are enough soldiers stationed there. As long as there are no accidents, even if the city of Goa outside is breached, the Governor's Mansion can still hold on for a few months or even a year. Reinforcements would arrive, and they would be saved.

There are not a few people who have the same idea as Kakir. Before the city was destroyed, these people either used money or sex, and a few had relatives or friends with the officials of the Governor's Mansion, and finally got in The Governor's Mansion, but for the Governor's Mansion, they can't help the defense at all, and they have to consume food every day, so they are simply a bunch of burdens.

Kagil looked up at the sky. It was already afternoon. The soldiers in the Governor's Mansion were running around, moving buckets of gunpowder to the city wall of the Governor's Mansion. It seemed that they were making final preparations. Listen It is said that the outer city wall of Goa has been blown open by Daming's army, which makes the kingdom's army only able to block the attack in the city, but now the Wang's army has suffered heavy casualties, and it is estimated that it will not take long before Daming's army will attack Governor's Mansion, their safety will only depend on the strong walls of the Governor's Mansion and those brave soldiers.

"Boom, boom, boom~" The artillery on the city wall of the Governor's Mansion finally opened fire. Although the thunderous sound made people feel safe, Kajir was surprised when he heard it, because it marked Daming's The army has already reached the governor's mansion, and the next thing is to see if the soldiers can hold the governor's mansion?

The Governor's Mansion is a polygonal fortress. In fact, the Goa city wall outside is the same. It is also a regular polygon. This kind of city wall is called a bastion, which can greatly exert the power of the artillery on the city wall, making it impossible to defend. Shooting blind spots, the entire Governor's Mansion is also a shrunken bastion.

Although the Governor's Mansion occupies a small area, the city walls are built stronger than the outer walls. In addition, the Governor's Mansion has sufficient troops to defend the entire city wall. It was frustrated repeatedly, even if the artillery on the battleship was mobilized, it still failed to take advantage.

Shenzhou did not expect that the city of Goa would be destroyed, and there would be a small fortress hidden in the city, and it was so strong that it would be impossible to fight in a short time unless he let the soldiers fill it with their lives regardless of the casualties. down.

Since you can't fight, then don't attack at all. The soldiers under Shenzhou are all elites accumulated over the years. Every death is his loss, so he will never let the soldiers take their lives. In addition, the city of Goa has been regarded as Ming's enclave in India, and the garrison sent from the rear is already on the way, although the Nail of the City Lord's Mansion in Goa makes people feel uncomfortable, and may even It will come out to bite people at critical moments, but as long as the defense is tight, there should be no problem. At worst, it will be a stalemate for a few months. When the food inside is exhausted, the opponent will naturally come out and surrender.

However, although Shenzhou did not attack the Governor's Mansion again, he was not completely relieved of the nail of the Governor's Mansion. At the beginning, he demolished all the buildings near the Governor's Mansion, and then used these A wall was built around the Governor's Mansion with bricks and stones, and this wall was used to completely isolate the Governor's Mansion. Even if the people in the Governor's Mansion wanted to rush out, it would not be so easy.

The people in the Governor's Mansion were ignored for the time being, but Shenzhou then started to carry out cruel actions against the Portuguese in the city. There were nearly [-] Portuguese in Goa, and a small Governor's Mansion alone could not accommodate them. There are so many people, so most of the Portuguese can only stay at home in the city. If you have the courage, you will pick up your guns to protect your family.

Originally in Shenzhou's plan, as long as Goa was conquered, he would clean up the Portuguese forces in the area, but the most important thing was only those Portuguese troops. He didn't want to do anything to ordinary Portuguese residents. At most, they would collect some money from them, and they would not implement the brutal slaughter policy like Portugal did to the natives. After all, the Portuguese still had a lot of craftsmen and scholars, which might still be useful to Ming Dynasty.

But now the situation has changed. Although Goa has been defeated, the Governor's Palace inside is still in the hands of Portugal. In addition to officials like Vasco da Gama, the Governor's Palace has nearly 2000 soldiers. There is such an army in the In addition, the city of Goa is full of Portuguese, if the army in the Governor's Mansion mobilizes the Portuguese in the city to make trouble together, it may end up causing great losses to Daming's army, and even be driven to the sea Maybe.

It was also in consideration of the above that Shenzhou quickly made a decision to move out all the Portuguese in Goa and absolutely not allow them to stay in the city.As for where to move the Portuguese, this is not a problem. Anyway, there are many plantations outside the city of Goa. Temporarily arrange the Portuguese to work in a few plantations, and then hire some natives as supervisors. There will be no problems. As for how to deal with those Portuguese in the future, he doesn't need to waste his brains. Anyway, the governor Wang Shouren will send officials to take over Goa later, and then the civil servants will have a headache.

Shen Zhou is a general, he will do whatever he thinks of, so on the second day after occupying Goa City, the Portuguese in the city were driven out from their homes by Ming's army. They were not opponents of professional troops like Daming, and after a few days, the Portuguese in the entire city of Goa were finally relocated. (to be continued..)

ps: I'm sorry, I'm late for some things today, this is the first update, and the second update will be on time tonight.

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