Shenzhou resolutely moved all the Portuguese in Goa to work in the plantations outside the city, and appointed the slaves who had worked in the plantations as supervisors, which reversed the identities of slaves and supervisors. As a result, those slaves who turned over didn't just sing, but returned the humiliation they had suffered a thousand times to each other.

Of course, although Shenzhou sent those Portuguese to the plantation as slaves, he still has a conscience, and he is a civilized person anyway, such as the women, children and old people among the Portuguese, although they are also in the plantation, But they don't participate in the work, and they don't allow those slaves who turned over to bully them wantonly. After all, Daming may still need these Portuguese talents in the future, so naturally they can't do everything.

As Shenzhou turned Goa into an empty city, this also made the whole Goa no longer have any threats except for the governor's mansion in the center, and he has already sent a battleship to Malacca, and it is estimated that it will be closed soon. When he replied to the letter, when the real garrison arrived, his mission would be considered complete, and this great achievement would naturally fall on his head. In the future, no one would say that he relied on his own father to sit in his current seat. superior.

The Goa city outside has been stabilized by Shenzhou with the simplest and most effective means, but the governor's mansion, which has been besieged, is in bleakness. Everyone in the governor's mansion can see the situation outside very clearly , especially some people who only cared about coming in, but left their family and friends outside. As a result, when they heard that their family and friends were dragged to the plantation as slaves, all of these people cried unceasingly.

But soon those people stopped crying.Because they haven't eaten anything during this period of time, and their body strength has been exhausted. A movement that usually seems very simple is already a bit difficult for these people, not to mention that crying is a labor-intensive thing. .

Kagil watched the people in the room go out to bask in the sun one by one, and take a breath of fresh air. After all, there were more than 30 people living in this small room, and they were not allowed to move around at night, so they could only stay in the room defecate.In addition, Europeans don't take a shower, which makes the smell in the house extremely stinky, even people who are used to body odor can't stand it, so no one wants to stay in the house after dawn .

However, Kakir was the last one to go out these days, because he was waiting for others to go out.He would secretly take out a piece of dry and hard dried sweet potato from the bag in his arms. People with bad teeth could not bite at all. In the past, Kajir used dried sweet potato as food for the slaves in the plantation Eat, before he fled to the governor's mansion this time, he deliberately kept an extra eye on it and exchanged his fur hat for a pack of the cheapest dried sweet potatoes.Because he was worried that he would not be full after entering the Governor's Mansion.

In fact, Kagil's concerns were indeed correct, when he first entered the Governor's Mansion.The Governor's Mansion will also distribute some food to them as usual. Although they are not full, at least they will not be too hungry.But since some time ago, the Ming army outside began to build walls outside the Governor's Mansion, and moved the Portuguese out of the city, it seemed that they wanted to besiege them in the Governor's Mansion for a long time.

Regarding this situation, everyone headed by Governor Vasco da Gama was terrified.There are several wells in the Governor's Mansion, so there is no need to worry about the water source.However, the food stored in the warehouse is always limited. According to the original personnel in the Governor’s Mansion, the food was enough for them to eat for a year, but now there are more than [-] ordinary Portuguese residents pouring into the Governor’s Mansion from outside. In this way, it is enough to eat A year's food can only last for ** months at most, and this is still a very economical situation. Although seven or eight months is already a long time, judging by the actions of the Ming army outside, the other party intends to occupy it for a long time. Goa will definitely not let go easily. In this way, I am afraid that they will run out of food before they wait for the reinforcements sent by Europe.

It is precisely because of this that when he saw that Ming was planning to confront them for a long time, Vasco da Gama personally ordered to reduce the daily food supply for everyone in the Governor's Mansion, especially ordinary people like Kagil who did not need to defend the Governor's Mansion. People, they can only drink a little bean soup every day, and they can't find a few beans in the soup. As for the food of those soldiers, they can eat a fist-sized black bread every meal besides the bean soup.

The clear water-like bean soup has no nutrition at all. It can only fill the stomach with water after drinking it. After going to the toilet a few times, the stomach will be empty.It was nothing at the beginning, and some people brought some food like Kajir, but after they finished eating the food they brought, they could only drink bean soup every day, and their eyes turned red quickly due to hunger. Even some people who are hungry and crazy will snatch other people's food. The soldiers of the Governor's Mansion have shot and killed several looters in the past few days. Or physically strong to snatch other people's food.

When Kagil entered the city before, he brought a few hired supervisors and some familiar manor owners, but these people either had no money to buy a place to enter the Governor's Mansion, or they did not give up all their money. They were all taken out, so they all stayed in the city of Goa in the end. If they are not dead now, they are probably all slaves in the plantations outside the city.

It is precisely because of this that Cakir appears weak among the Portuguese who entered the Governor's Palace. He was robbed of the bean soup for breakfast two days ago. Fortunately, he is a man in his prime, so Those who rob food will not risk robbing his food unless they have to.

But in comparison, those women, old people, and children who entered the Governor's Mansion will be much more miserable. They don't have much self-defense ability, so when facing those vicious companions, they can't keep their own food at all. It's fine if you hand over the food, if you refuse to hand it over, then you will be retaliated by those people in private.

For example, a few days ago, an old man who lived in the same room as Kajir was unwilling to hand over his food. As a result, the old man died the next morning, although Kajir and many other people saw it with their own eyes. When it came to who killed the old man, but no one dared to say it, because the other party was so many and ruthless, it was useless to deal with a murderer who killed someone, and the other people would retaliate against the person who reported it. And the methods are even more cruel.

It is also because of those people who snatch food, that’s why Kajir will take care of the dried sweet potatoes he brought in in advance. Every time he will quietly eat a slice after others go out, although it’s nothing Hungry, but in the case of extreme hunger, it is already a very luxurious enjoyment to have a piece of dried sweet potato to eat.

Kajir carefully ate a piece of dried sweet potato, and then wiped his mouth several times until he felt that no one could see that he had eaten, then he carefully hid the remaining dried sweet potato and cleaned it up. After getting dressed, he slowly walked out of the smelly room, enjoying the warmth of the sun shining on his body outside.

After basking in the sun for a while, the breakfast prepared for them by the Governor's Mansion finally came. Although it was almost noon now, no one dared to have any objections. After all, they were a burden to the Governor's Mansion, and now the Governor's Mansion can give It is very rare for them to eat in one bite.

Today's breakfast is no longer bean soup, but a soup made of corn kernels. The corn kernels in it are also very rare. At least the corn kernels in the kakir bowl can be counted clearly with eyes, but even if it is such a clear soup, Everyone was rushing to line up, and most of them immediately drank their stomachs after receiving their hands, for fear that others would snatch their soup away.

However, there were also some children and women who, after receiving their breakfast, tremblingly carried their wooden bowls to the side under the watchful eyes of some menacing people, and were snatched away by those people, even though the food had always been in their hands. But they dare not eat it, because if they eat it, they will be brutally retaliated by those people afterwards.

In addition, some young women, after eating their own breakfast, began to flirt in front of the men who robbed other people's food. As a result, they were soon dragged into the house, and when they came out again, their hands were swollen. With a little more food, these things are happening every day, and Kagil has long been tired of watching them.

After breakfast, everyone was lying lazily in the yard basking in the sun. If it was not necessary, no one would move. The second meal of the day would not be delivered until dark. It’s the same in the morning, it’s all corn clear soup, everyone will go back to the house to rest immediately after drinking a stomach full of water, the whole day is like a repeat of yesterday, except for some changes in the food, everything else is exactly the same .

Originally, according to Shenzhou's prediction, the Portuguese in the Governor's Mansion of Goa would not be able to help but surrender for half a year at most, but he really underestimated the strong will of Da Gama and others.When the garrison sent by Ming arrived in Goa, the Portuguese in the Governor’s Mansion did not surrender. When the first batch of Ming businessmen arrived in Goa, the Portuguese in the Governor’s Mansion still did not surrender. When the Portuguese were transported back to Ming Dynasty, the Portuguese in the Governor's Mansion still persisted.

As for the Portuguese who refused to surrender in the Governor's Mansion, Shenzhou finally began to compete with them. He did not send troops to attack, but just kept sending troops to surround him. He planned to see how well the Portuguese food could last when? (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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