Smuggling Daming

Chapter 479 Battle of Yingzhou

The little Tatar prince was frightened by Wang Xun's initiative to fight. He couldn't guess whether it was because the Ming army was too strong, or because the Ming army had already set a trap?For a while, I didn't know whether to attack or defend.

However, Wang Xun on the opposite side knew his family's situation, and he was also an experienced military general. He was overjoyed when he saw the prairie people on the opposite side hesitated. .

As a result, the little Tatar prince was startled again when he saw the bravery of the Ming army rushing towards him. He thought that the Ming army was indeed several times stronger than before, so he had the courage to charge forward. This made the little Tatar prince dare not Fighting resolutely with the Ming army is just to let the army under him arrange a defensive formation, and fight an offensive and defensive battle with the Ming army in a regular manner. It's just that they used to attack Da Ming's defense before, but this time it's completely reversed.

Anyone with a bit of military knowledge knows that cavalry are good at attacking but not defending. Now the little Tatar prince gave up his strengths and let the soldiers defend. Naturally, he suffered a bit. In addition, Ming's army carried a lot of firearms. Under the salvo of artillery and muskets, the prairie cavalry suffered a lot of casualties. However, the overall quality of Daming's army was still a bit behind that of the prairie cavalry. Therefore, after the prairie cavalry adapted to the tactics of Daming, they quickly regained their strength. Disadvantages, the two sides attacked and defended in Yingzhou City, but they fought vigorously. In the end, they fought for a whole day, and no one could do anything about it.

At the beginning, the little Tatar prince was taken aback by the onslaught of the Ming army and the sharp firearms, but after fighting for a whole day, the little Tatar prince suddenly found himself fooled. The Ming army is not the elite of the Ming Dynasty at all. Although the combat power is stronger than before, it is also due to the advantage of firearms, and the number is smaller than that of our own. It should have been celebrated in Yingzhou City long ago.

Although the little Tartar prince knew he had been fooled.But at this time, it was already dusk, and the two armies were already in a stalemate. It was not easy to separate, let alone let the cavalry charge.So under such circumstances, the little Tatar prince could only rely on his large number of horses and speed to surround Wang Xun's army. I dare not fight at night, so I can only suspend the attack, and plan to avenge today's revenge at dawn tomorrow.

Speaking of it, God Bless Daming, after Wang Xun was surrounded, although he wanted to break out at night.It's a pity that the prairie people's defense is also very tight. Even under the influence of night blindness, Wang Xun still failed to rush out.But just when Wang Xun was feeling desperate, there was a turning point in the early hours of the morning, when a thick fog suddenly appeared between the sky and the earth.After more than a foot, you can no longer see clearly what is in front of you.

Seeing the thick fog, Wang Xun also yelled "God help me", and then rushed into the army of the prairie people with his army. As a result, there was no distinction between the enemy and us in the fog, and the prairie people couldn't even find the soldiers. , In the end, Wang Xun rushed out, although many people in the Ming army were lost in the fog.But at least most of them rushed out.

After this battle, both Daming and the Mongols suffered a lot, especially when Wang Xun and the others took advantage of the thick fog to rush out, because both sides were blind, and a large number of troops often fell into most of them. , and even one of the Mongols followed Wang Xun's army into Daming's barracks.The end was miserable.It is precisely because of this that although the confrontation in the early morning took a lot of time, it caused a lot of casualties. In the end, after the rule, the Ming army lost more than 3000 people.The Mongols did the same thing, and it was the Ming army who took advantage.

The 3000 casualties are already a great loss for Wang Xun, and he did not suffer from the battle yesterday. It can be said that he has perfectly completed the task assigned by Zhengde. Confrontation, and then wait for reinforcements to arrive, when the Mongols will naturally retreat.

But Wang Xun still underestimated Zhengde. Just a few days after he confronted the little Tatar prince, he suddenly received an order from Zhengde. This time he was still ordered to take the initiative, but this time Zhengde still had a little conscience He told Wang Xun that he had mobilized the surrounding Xuanfu, Liaodong and other frontier troops for support, and he would rush to Yingzhou soon, so Wang Xun only needed to be at ease and boldly fight with the little Tatar prince. Can wipe out the Mongolian cavalry.

This time receiving Zhengde's order, Wang Xun still feels a little unreliable. After all, the situation on the battlefield is changing rapidly. God knows when those reinforcements will arrive. If he goes out to fight, those reinforcements are delayed on the road. If one party is dead and people come here, then they can only collect the body for themselves.

But it’s still the same sentence, the king’s order is hard to disobey, let alone on the battlefield, Zhengde also named himself a general and commander-in-chief, so the order he issued was a real military order. If Wang Xun disobeyed the order, then Zhengde No one would dare to say anything after cutting him off.

In desperation, Wang Xun could only take the initiative to attack again.It is also very interesting to say that the little Tatar prince suffered a small loss last time, but let Wang Xun escape from the siege, which almost made his lungs explode. After a few days of recuperation, he was preparing to When he used the cavalry to rush across Wang Xun's barracks, he never expected that Wang Xun would take the initiative to take it out of the barracks again. This completely unruly way of fighting made the little Tatar prince puzzled. Even almost suffered again.

But as the saying goes, there is nothing to do again. Last time Wang Xun caught the little Tatar prince by surprise last time. Although the little Tatar prince was surprised when he took the initiative to attack this time, he quickly reacted and commanded his own cavalry divisions As a result of the impact, Wang Xun's army was quickly divided into several sections and surrounded again.

Although Wang Xun can be regarded as a good general, the Datong army in his hands is not as elite as the prairie cavalry, and they do not have an advantage in numbers, so he can only watch helplessly as his troops are divided and surrounded. He was also trapped in the siege of the prairie people, no matter how he rushed, he still couldn't escape the fast horses of the prairie people in the end, and what's worse, there were fewer and fewer soldiers around him, and he probably couldn't last for too long.

Seeing the brothers around him die one by one, the reinforcements promised by His Majesty the Emperor in the order have not yet been seen. This makes Wang Xun angry and angry. The unreliable emperor scolded him all over, but soon he didn't have time to scold, because he, the chief soldier, was going to fight the enemy himself, and the servants around him were no longer enough to protect his safety.

However, Wang Xun is indeed a good general. Even in this desperate situation, he still insisted on not surrendering, and even led his own soldiers to fight through several sieges, and gathered some divided Datong. In the end, he was allowed to hold on for a day and a night, until the next morning, the little Tatar prince ordered another storm, this time Wang Xun really couldn't hold on, and the whole army was about to collapse, and if the army collapsed on the battlefield , then there will be a brutal massacre next, because the unorganized army is actually similar to ordinary people.

It was at this critical moment that our wise and mighty Emperor Zhengde finally arrived with a large number of reinforcements riding on a bloody BMW and riding colorful clouds.Moreover, Zhengde also saw the tragic situation of Wang Xun's imminent defeat at a glance, and without any delay, he immediately ordered the reinforcements to attack, and he also took the lead, rushing to the past with the army.

Wang Xun, who was already determined to die, saw the reinforcements rushing towards the rising sun, his eyes were hot at that time, and he almost burst into tears with excitement, especially when he saw His Majesty the Emperor in armor personally leading troops to kill him At that time, the spirit was also shaken. Immediately shouting "reinforcement is coming", while reorganizing the army, desperately entangled the Mongols to prevent them from retreating.

The little Tatar prince didn't know that Emperor Zhengde personally led the Ming reinforcements, and he didn't even know that Emperor Zhengde was not in the capital, but came to the frontier army instead.But these are not important to him. After fighting with Wang Xun for a day and a night, the cavalry under him lost their vigor. At this time, they met the reinforcements of Ming Dynasty. Although it seemed that there were only more than 2 people, it was enough to decide the battlefield. win or lose.

The little Tatar prince was also a very decisive person. Seeing that the situation on the battlefield was not good for him, he immediately ordered the whole army to retreat.Speaking of which, the army of the little Tatar prince is all cavalry, which can be said to come and go like the wind, so Zhengde's reinforcements only fought against the grassland cavalry a few times, but found that the opponent had retreated for several miles, and they couldn't catch up even if they wanted to.

However, the little Tatar prince is not a person who gives up easily. Although he retreated temporarily, he did not retreat very far. Fight to the death with the Ming army. After all, Wang Xun's army was half disabled by himself yesterday. Although a group of reinforcements came, there were only more than 2 people. If he fought desperately, he might not be sure of victory.

For the little Tatar prince who came here again, Zhengde was also prepared. After he rescued Wang Xun's Datong army yesterday, he immediately ordered the opponent to reorganize the army, and at the same time personally rewarded the three armies with wine. The Datong army did not expect this This time it turned out that His Majesty the Emperor came in person, and he also brought reinforcements, wine and meat, which greatly shocked their morale. After all, in this era, the emperor's personal conquest has a great effect on the morale of the army, and can even affect the victory of a war. Therefore, although the Datong army was beaten badly, after being encouraged by Zhengde, their morale was restored again the next day, and everyone was ready to avenge their shame, and Zhengde would also usher in his first battle on the battlefield.

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