Smuggling Daming

Chapter 480 Battle of Yingzhou

The little Tatar prince came here again. He originally wanted to take advantage of the early morning to catch the Ming army by surprise, but he did not expect that this morning was still full of fog. It is the twelfth lunar month, and sometimes it is common for there to be heavy fog for several days.

However, it was precisely because of the thick fog that the little Tatar prince's surprise attack plan went bankrupt. When the sun rose in the east and the fog cleared, he found that the Ming army in front of him was already armed with swords and guns, ready to fight. , and what the little prince of Tatar did not expect was that the soldiers of the Datong Army, which was almost wiped out yesterday, turned out to be high-spirited, without any signs of depression. up.

Zhengde on the opposite side looked at the prairie cavalry slowly appearing in the mist, and felt nervous. Although he charged forward yesterday, it was naturally impossible for the surrounding soldiers to let him really fight the enemy, so in the end he even killed the Mongols. Before he could see clearly, the opponent retreated. Today was his first time on the battlefield. Although the art of war he learned before was exquisite, it still needs to be tested in actual combat, which made him feel very confident.

However, although Zhengde was worried, it was his biggest dream in his life to go to battle and kill the enemy. Now that he was on the battlefield, and in front of him were the Mongols who had been driven away from the Central Plains by his ancestors, his confidence suddenly increased. , what my ancestors could do, then I can certainly do it myself, even better than Taizu and Chengzu.

Thinking of this, Zhengde was also full of confidence. He drew out the sword at his waist, pointed at the Mongolian cavalry in front, and shouted: "Kill! Kill! Kill!"

As the emperor, Zhengde stood in front of the battle wearing armor and holding a sword. The only emperors of the Ming Dynasty who could have the courage of him were Taizu and Chengzu who were the founders of the country, and the emperor personally commanded the battle.This would have an immeasurable impact on the morale of the Ming army, so following Zhengde's roar, the Ming army in front of the formation also roared three times, and rushed towards the cavalry of the little Tatar prince with murderous intent.

Although the little Tartar prince didn't understand why it was only for one night.The morale of the Ming army on the opposite side has become so high, but he is also extremely conceited, especially the Ming army gave up the defense of the city, and instead fought with their cavalry, except that the Ming army could win in the field at the beginning of the Ming Dynasty Except for their prairie people, the subsequent prairie people have never lost in a field battle.

It was also because of this that the little Tatar prince couldn't help but sneered when he saw the Ming army charging again, and immediately ordered his cavalry to meet the enemy head-on. He didn't believe that Ming's infantry could be stronger than his own cavalry.Even in the early Ming Dynasty, the Ming army fought cavalry against the cavalry to defeat the grassland cavalry. Now the cavalry of the Ming Dynasty are no longer the elite of the early Ming Dynasty. How can they resist their own iron cavalry?

But the little Tartar prince was wrong this time.To be precise, his concept is outdated. In the past, only cavalry could defeat cavalry, but with the invention of new weapons, cavalry is no longer the only way to restrain cavalry, but there are other options. For example, Zhengde has mastered a restraint The method of cavalry, this method is firearms.

The little Tatar prince only cared about commanding the cavalry to charge.But he didn't realize that on the battlefield between them and the Ming army, there was a long stretch of new soil. When the grassland cavalry was about to rush to this battlefield, Jiang Bin behind Zhengde immediately ordered someone to light the fire. .

"Boom, boom, boom~" With a thunderous sound, the prairie cavalry who had just rushed over found that the ground under their feet was exploding.It was as if a thunderbolt suddenly sounded underground. Many cavalrymen and horses were blown up into the sky. At the same time, broken pieces of iron and stones on the ground flew randomly, and many cavalrymen and horses were injured. The neighing and screaming of horses continued on the battlefield.The blood even stained the earth red.

When Zhengde left Beijing this time, Zhou Zhong researched a lot of new firearms, landmines are one of them, but this kind of landmines are still very primitive and can only be detonated by ignition. If they are used unexpectedly on the battlefield, they can be used It has a miraculous effect, but if the prairie people know it in advance, it will have no effect. After all, they can quickly bypass the minefield on horseback.In addition, this kind of landmine needs to be detonated with a live wire, and it is very troublesome to install. Therefore, Zhengde only planted more than 200 landmines in one night, and it is estimated that only [-] mines actually detonated. Be careful so that the fuse does not burn to the end, and naturally it will not explode.

The black powder mines have limited lethality, but it explodes from the ground, which has a miraculous effect on the cavalry. After all, even if it can't kill the horse, it can scare the horse. Therefore, the cavalry of the prairie people were thrown into chaos by the landmine for a while, making Their charge also slowed down.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the artillery on both sides of the Ming army finally opened fire. This time, Zhengde brought more than 200 artillery pieces at once. Xun Xun's Datong army was wiped out, but now it's finally time for these artillery to show their power.

"Boom, boom, boom~" More than 200 cannons fired in salvo. This is what Zhou Zhong specially told Zhengde, because the history of the battlefield in later generations has proved that the artillery, the god of war, can only be used together, and the effect is far greater than one plus one. It is equal to two, especially the scene of more than a hundred artillery salvos, which can be compared with Kaitianpidi. The trembling power made the Ming army excited again, but most of the prairie cavalry were ashen-faced, and their morale was high for a while frustrated.

It was also with the help of the artillery that when Daming's army met the prairie cavalry, not only did they not show any fear, but each of them was full of courage. Several people united to pull down the prairie cavalry on their horses, followed by a group of prairie cavalry. Suddenly hacking, but thanks to the previous mines and artillery, the grassland cavalry rushing in front suffered heavy casualties, and the cavalry's charge was interrupted, making the opponent unable to exert the speed and impact of the cavalry at all.

The little Tatar prince did not expect that the Ming army on the other side would be so brave, especially the Datong army who was surrounded by him yesterday, and now it seems to be a different person, no matter whether it is a general or a soldier, everyone is fearless Death, some wounded soldiers even desperately wanted their lives, but also hugged the horse legs of the steppe cavalry, and exchanged their own lives for the life of a cavalry. If yesterday's Datong army was so brave, I am afraid that the little prince of Tatar would have died. lost.

However, even if the start was unfavorable, the little Tatar prince still did not retreat. After all, as a grassland overlord, tenacity is an essential quality, and it is impossible to give up because of temporary setbacks. Being held back by Ming's army, they couldn't grab anything. The mutual market alone was not enough. Now all the tribes on the grassland were extremely scarce in products. Not to mention, they had already suffered enough from the salt and tea. .

It is precisely because of the above reasons that when the little Tatar prince saw that the front army was blocked, he immediately commanded the cavalry on both sides to attack separately, intending to tear apart the defense of the Ming army from the side. As long as the cavalry can rush into the Ming army, Then charge from the inside out, this is much easier than breaking through Daming's defense from the outside.

Zhengde saw that the front line he commanded not only blocked the Mongolian cavalry, but also killed more and more bravely, which made him very excited. At the same time, he also gained a lot of confidence in himself. At that time, he immediately commanded Ming's army to block it, and at the same time, let the artillery of the two Jis turn their muzzles and start bombarding the charging cavalry. Although the effect this time was not as good as the previous one, it still made the rushing Mongolian cavalry The shape is in chaos.

I have to say that Zhengde is indeed very talented in military affairs, especially after he got used to the atmosphere on the battlefield, he slowly brought out his military talents little by little, and gradually felt handy in commanding the army, no matter what No matter how the little Tatar prince on the opposite side changed his attacking formation, he was blocked by Zhengde troops in the end.

But soon Zhengde was no longer satisfied with commanding from the rear. He drew out his sword and rushed to the front line of the battlefield with his guards. Although Jiang Bin and others urged him not to take risks, Zhengde had already He was completely ignited by the atmosphere on the battlefield. At this moment, even Queen Mother Zhang and Zhou Zhong couldn't persuade him.

"Kill! Kill! Kill!" Zhengde galloped back and forth on the battlefield on horseback, constantly cheering for his soldiers, and even stepped forward to fight when his side couldn't resist. The guards stood in front of him desperately to help Zhengde deal with the rushing enemies, but how could he take good care of him on the battlefield? Finally, when Zhengde was cheering for the soldiers on the right, he encountered a very strong Mongolian cavalry. There were not many of them, but they were extremely brave. The soldiers of Ming Dynasty standing here were about to be punched open by the opponent.

At such a critical moment, Zhengde threw away his commanding sword, pulled out the machete used to kill the enemy, and rushed forward with a roar. At this time, many guards around him were also killed and injured, and the defense was insufficient. In the end, a Mongolian officer broke through. Moreover, the Mongolian officer also saw that Zhengde, who was surrounded by the crowd, must be the main general in the army. If he could be beheaded, then the Ming army would definitely be chaotic without a fight, and he would be able to stand up at that time. first success.

It was precisely with this mentality that the Mongolian officer put his legs on his horse's ribs and rushed towards Zhengde with a roar, with a ferocious smile on his blood-stained face. The Ming generals are definitely not his opponents.Seeing that Zhengde was in danger, the surrounding Ming soldiers screamed out, but there was no time to rescue him.

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