Smuggling Daming

Chapter 539 Years

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Time flies, another ten years have passed in a blink of an eye, and Zhou Zhong has been in charge of the country again for a full ten years, but he is now gradually handing over government affairs to his son Zhu Zaiyuan, after all, he is already in his 20s, and A few years ago, he got married and even gave birth to a grandson for him, so now Zhou Zhong began to shift the focus of his life to his family, leaving most of the government affairs to the cabinet and Zhu Zaiyuan.

Compared with Zhou Zhong's children and grandchildren, Zhengde, the emperor of the Ming Dynasty, stayed alone in the Western Regions all the time. No matter how many letters Zhou Zhong wrote to him, Zhengde refused to come back. Later, Zhengde's wife, Empress Xia, was unwilling to stay in the capital. , so he took people to the Western Regions, and now he has been by Zhengde's side. Perhaps it was Empress Xia's move that moved Zhengde. I heard that the relationship between the two of them is very good now.

Of course, Zhengde did not waste time in the Western Regions in the past ten years. After integrating the Mongolian cavalry, he marched all the way to the West, and after destroying Yili, he entered the Western Regions. This made the Central Plains Dynasty enter the Central Plains again after the Tang Dynasty. subregion.

Central Asia was originally the territory of the Timur Khanate, but in the second year of Zhengde, the Timur Khanate’s national power declined due to civil wars and other issues, and was finally destroyed by the Uzbeks. Uzbeks are also nomadic peoples. It is composed of tribes one by one. On the surface they are called the Uzbek Khanate to the outside world, but in fact they are still divided into small and large forces internally, and they are constantly fighting with each other.

The scattered Uzbeks were no match for the Ming army at all, so when Zhengde led the army into Central Asia, the Uzbeks retreated steadily, and Samarahan, the capital of the original Timur Khanate, was also captured by the Ming Dynasty and became the Ming Dynasty The most important military town in Central Asia.

However, the Central Asia region is too vast. Although the army led by Zhengde has no opponents in Central Asia, as the front line is stretched, it is very difficult to supply the army in the country. Therefore, under such circumstances, Zhengde is unable to fully occupy it. Originally the territory of the Timurid Khanate.In the end, it only occupied one-third of the huge territory of the Timur Khanate, and the remaining two-thirds were still ruled by the Uzbeks.

It's just that although the war has stopped, Ming's external economic expansion has become more rapid, especially for those who caused Uzbeks.They had been frightened by Ming's army, and finally had to sign a trade treaty with Ming, allowing Ming's caravans to pass through their territory to the Asia Minor Peninsula, which is the territory of the Ottoman Empire. The Upper Silk Road was once again opened up.

While the Ming Dynasty was expanding to the west, Zhou Zhong did not ignore the expansion in the southeast direction, especially Vietnam and other countries in the southeast peninsula. Originally, when the Ming Dynasty became the ancestor, the Ming Dynasty had already wiped out Vietnam, and set up a political envoy to declare allegiance to Jiaozhi. .It is a pity that a hundred years ago, the Vietnamese Le Loi launched the Nanshan Uprising, once again independent Vietnam from Daming, and established a vassal relationship with Daming, but this relationship is not stable. hit.

In the past, the national power of Ming Dynasty was limited.Therefore, we cannot directly send troops to the southeast peninsula. However, with the increase of Ming’s national strength, it has become tougher on various countries in the southeast peninsula. Vietnam, which once resisted Ming, was directly hit by Ming. This is not just for the sake of Revenge for the Vietnamese resistance back then was even more due to economic interests.

The territory of Vietnam is a long and narrow strip.Moreover, the eastern coast of the southeastern peninsula is almost completely occupied. Originally, southern Vietnam was the territory of Champa, but decades ago, Champa was captured by Vietnam. Although Champa is still a country in name, it has actually become a subsidiary of Vietnam. .Moreover, Champa is also a vassal state of Ming Dynasty. It was a pity that Ming Dynasty was not strong enough at that time. Although it asked Vietnam to withdraw from Champa City, it was rejected by Vietnam in the end.

It is also in this case.Under the banner of helping Champa to become independent, Ming Dynasty launched an attack on Vietnam's Le Dynasty from both land and water. It took only one month to defeat most of Vietnam's army and occupy various important ports along the coast. These ports will play a greater role in the hands of Daming, and it will also make Daming more closely connected with all parts of Southeast Asia.

Moreover, in the last year of the decade, the Suez Canal jointly built by Ming and Ottoman was finally successfully opened to navigation. Fleets from Asia and Europe can communicate with each other through this canal. This not only increases the civilization exchanges between the two continents, but also improves It has greatly promoted the economic exchanges between the two places, and the one who has benefited the most is Daming. Daming, which dominates the South China Sea and the Indian Ocean, can send its own fleet directly to the Mediterranean through this canal, and trade with merchants in Venice and other places. It directly raised the trading volume of Daming's sea trade to a higher level.

Of course, as the direct controller of the Suez Canal, the Ottoman Empire can earn huge amounts of tax from the canal every year, which has also become a major source of income for the Ottoman Empire, but the amount of tax they collect on the passing ships of the canal is not random. It was formulated, but it must be approved by Daming. Firstly, Daming is one of the contractors of the canal. Secondly, Daming’s merchant ships are also the largest users of the canal. Finally, Daming also maintains a strong navy in the Gulf of Aden. Controlling the number of fleets entering and leaving the Red Sea, Daming also has considerable say in the Suez Canal.

Speaking of which, since the signing of the Suez Canal Treaty between the Ming Dynasty and the Ottoman Empire, the relationship between the two sides has always been very good. Even after the death of Selim, Suleiman became the new sultan. Exchanges, the two sides have had a lot of cooperation in industry and commerce, not only civil cooperation, but Ming also agreed to export some weapons to the Ottoman Empire, such as Ming’s artillery, muskets and swords, etc., which are urgently needed by the expanding Ottoman Empire .

But beasts are beasts after all, they may be able to live in peace in a short period of time, but after a long time, some conflicts will break out sooner or later, the same is true between the Ming Dynasty and the Ottoman Empire, with the expansion of the Ming Dynasty in Central Asia, the Ottoman Empire also They began to expand eastward, and they have defeated the emerging Safavid Empire several times and pushed their territory into the Azerbaijan region. As long as they completely destroy the Safavid Empire, they can enter the original Timur Khanate In the territory, it may be difficult for them and Daming to get along peacefully.

In addition, the huge annual profits of the Suez Canal made the Ottoman Empire pay more attention to it, and they have been fighting abroad for years, requiring huge financial support. Now the Suez Canal is one of their economic backing, and they even want to increase the amount of taxation Some, but this will undoubtedly damage Daming's interests, so the two sides have already disagreed on this issue, but the time is still short, and it has not yet exploded.

In addition to the above, the most important breakthrough of Ming Dynasty is the interests in the Pacific Ocean. Ten years ago, Da Ming organized the first expedition fleet to America. Due to the sufficient preparations in advance, the exploration went very smoothly. The team soon arrived in America, and went south along the coastline of North America, and finally came to Central America, and also met the Spaniards.

The Spaniards were also very surprised when they saw Deming's fleet. Although many people in Europe believed that the earth was round, this guess had not been confirmed, so they always thought that Deming was in their east, but they did not expect Deming to be in the east. But suddenly appeared from his own west, which made the Spaniards unbelievable for a while.

The Spaniards had long regarded America as their private territory, and any invasion by other forces would be regarded as an enemy by them. Therefore, after the Spaniards reacted, they quickly attacked Daming's exploration fleet. Their sea power is concentrated on the east side of the Americas. For the Deming fleet from the west, they block the coast at most and prevent the Deming fleet from docking for supplies. However, the coastline of the Americas is very long. The team didn't have much effect, except that Da Ming lost some manpower at the beginning, there were not too many casualties.

However, the arrival of the Deming Fleet also awakened the Spaniards from their dream of dominating the Americas. They immediately organized manpower to explore the route to the west coast of the Americas. Finally, they finally found the Strait of Magellan. Although this Strait is very dangerous, it is still Let the Spaniards mobilize several fleets to reach the west coast to prevent the Ming fleet from invading again.

The Spaniards are too greedy. They clearly know that the two great Americas are vast, but they still want to prevent the invasion of other forces. In the original history, they did rely on their strong national power to keep other European countries out of the Americas, but Later, as they weakened, European countries entered the Americas one after another, and quickly divided up the power of Spain. Except for those mixed Spanish and local people in the Americas, Spain left almost nothing in the Americas.

Zhou Zhong knew the importance of America, and he also coveted the vast land and rich resources there, so he was bound to win America. When the exploration fleet came back and learned of the conflict with the Spaniards, this made him Very annoyed, he stepped up and dispatched several exploration fleets. After thoroughly clarifying the route, the Ming Dynasty Navy had also completed its reorganization. The newly formed Pacific Fleet went out for the first time. The goal was to defeat all the forces of the Spaniards on the west coast. , and build a port belonging to Ming Dynasty there.

It was under such circumstances that the war between the Ming Dynasty and the Spaniards finally broke out. When the fleet of the Ming Dynasty and the Spaniards met on the west coast of America, the first conflict broke out between the two fleets. The curtain of war that lasted hundreds of years.

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