Smuggling Daming

Chapter 79 Conception of Tea House Reform

Zhou Zhong sat in the lobby of Beigang Tea House for a long time, carefully observing the transactions of these merchants in the lobby. During the period, many merchants came up to ask him what goods he wanted to receive, and Zhou Zhong was no longer stupid this time. He said that he came to drink tea, but proposed that he wanted to buy a batch of Nanyang coral, which is relatively rare, so the businessmen who came up to inquire shook their heads and left.

It wasn't until Zhou Zhong felt that the situation in the hall was almost the same, and then he came to the counter in the hall with wealth and wealth. The shopkeeper of the teahouse didn't know Zhou Zhong, but when Zhou Zhong reported his identity, the other party I was also taken aback, and immediately took them up to the second floor.

Most of the second and third floors are separate private rooms. If the merchants in the hall reach a preliminary deal, the two parties can go upstairs to have a private talk. Cotton has excellent sound insulation, so you don't have to worry about someone eavesdropping.However, there is a separate area on the second floor, which can only be accessed through the small stairs behind the counter. This area is where Uncle Tuo and some of his confidantes handle the affairs of the teahouse.

Zhou Zhong followed the shopkeeper to the second floor, only to find that the purpose of entering was a relatively spacious hall. There were two long tables in the hall, and three people dressed as accountants were busy on each table. .I saw that they brought a batch of documents from downstairs through a hook, and after sorting and checking, they handed over these documents to a person for review, and finally tied the sorted documents with a red tape and sent them to the hall in a small room.

After the shopkeeper of the teahouse came up, he greeted these busy accountants, and then led Zhou Zhong into the small room where the documents were finally delivered.As soon as he entered, Zhou Zhong saw Uncle Tuo sitting behind the only desk in the room, reviewing the sent documents one by one. When he saw Zhou Zhong coming in, he was taken aback at first, and then immediately He stood up and greeted him: "Master, why are you here, please sit down quickly!"

But as soon as Uncle Tuo said something, he immediately showed an embarrassed expression, because this small room is very small, except for the chair and table he sat on, there is no furniture anymore, and there are piles of piles on the ground. There are piles of documents, not to mention sitting, it is hard to find a place to stand.

Zhou Zhong didn't care about these things, he found a relatively high pile of documents and sat down, and said, "I used to hear Sanniang say that you are very busy, and I don't see you often in the chamber of commerce. I just saw you today." I know, it turns out that Uncle Tuo has to deal with so many documents every day, but you are busy, Uncle Tuo, you are not young anymore, you must pay more attention to rest!"

Hearing that Zhou Zhong cared about his body, Uncle Tuo was also very moved: "Thank you for your concern, my subordinates will definitely pay attention in the future!"

"Well, Uncle Tuo, what kind of documents are you all dealing with? It seems to be very important?" Zhou Zhong nodded after hearing this, and then asked curiously. These documents have to be classified and reviewed by several people, so No need to ask, it must be very important.

After hearing this, Uncle Tuo smiled and introduced: "Boss, these documents are all information left by merchants who have not found a buyer or seller downstairs for the time being. After we collect them, they will be divided into two categories according to sales and purchases, and then These two categories are further divided into many sub-categories according to the types of goods. Finally, outsiders will match them according to the information, and then hand them over to me for review. If there is no problem, they will send someone to notify the two parties to discuss in the teahouse. If it is suitable This business is done, and the teahouse will take a little commission from it, and if it is not suitable, the teahouse will help them find it again until it succeeds."

After Zhou Zhong listened to Uncle Tuo's introduction, he couldn't help frowning, because in his opinion, the teahouse's method of connecting the two parties was too inefficient, and there were many loopholes to exploit. Transactions, but they are unwilling to let the teahouse take a cut, they can pretend that the business is not successful, and then trade in private, as long as all these are done in a confidential manner, they can save a lot of expenses.

Of course, the above is just an example. In fact, there are far more loopholes in the entire transaction process. Although the chamber of commerce has severely punished those who exploit these loopholes, it cannot completely prevent others from exploiting these loopholes.

"Uncle Tuo, I have some ideas about the way the teahouse is run, and I don't know whether I should talk about it or not?" Zhou Zhong was observing and thinking at the same time. He already had a rough idea in his mind. Uncle chat, let him refer to see if it is feasible?

Uncle Tuo was also very happy to hear that Zhou Zhong had different opinions on the management of the teahouse. Although he thought that Zhou Zhong's age and experience should not make any useful suggestions, it meant that Zhou Zhong really put his heart into it. He runs the chamber of commerce, so no matter whether Zhou Zhong’s opinion is useful or not, Uncle Tuo is very happy. After all, age and experience can grow. As long as Zhou Zhong can manage the chamber of commerce with his heart, coupled with their old support, I believe he will become a leader sooner or later. A fine businessman.

However, Uncle Tuo miscalculated this time. With Zhou Zhong’s experience as a person in two lives, especially in the age of information explosion in his previous life, his knowledge and vision are far from those of people in the era of Ming Dynasty, so it is also important to offer opinions. He directly hit the disadvantages of the teahouse, and his brand-new idea of ​​the operation mode of the teahouse also shocked Uncle Tuo. He has worked in the port for most of his life, but he never thought that he could still operate it like this.

Finally, when Zhou Zhong finally finished his idea, Uncle Tuo slapped the table and praised loudly: "Master, your idea is really wonderful. Today I will discuss it with the people in the teahouse, and we will send you as soon as possible." With these suggestions made, buyers will definitely be able to find sellers in the shortest possible time, and the income of our teahouse will definitely be raised to another level!"

Hearing Uncle Tuo's praise, Zhou Zhong was also a little embarrassed. In addition, this was the first time he put forward his idea in business, so he didn't know whether it was feasible at the beginning, but he did not expect to be praised by Uncle Tuo like this. This greatly increased his confidence, and he became bolder and more confident when doing business in the future.

Next, Uncle Tuo didn't deal with any documents anymore, but pulled Zhou Zhong to discuss some details in detail, and humbly asked Zhou Zhong for some things he didn't understand. The two chatted endlessly until the sun was about to set. Only then will a satisfactory plan be discussed, but this plan is not just some opinions on the teahouse, but a whole set of reform plan for the teahouse.

In the end, Uncle Tuo took advantage of Zhou Zhong's presence, picked up a pen and wrote down the whole plan, and then the two of them had dinner together before personally sending Zhou Zhong back to the chamber of commerce.And Uncle Tuo also assured Zhou Zhong that he would roll out the reform plan of the teahouse step by step in the next few days, and then wait and see that their Beigang Teahouse caused a huge sensation again in Shuangyu Port.

Zhou Zhong, who returned to the Chamber of Commerce's residence, was also very excited. He also wanted to see if the business plan he proposed for the first time would be successful.Especially after a few days, he wants the old customers of the chamber of commerce to discuss matters related to the smuggling business. If he can show his talent in business before then, he believes that those old customers will have more confidence in him, and things will be fine. It is easier to succeed.

But being too excited is not a good thing. For example, like Zhou Zhong now, because of the reform of the teahouse and the meeting with old customers a few days later, his mind has always been imagining that after the reform of the Chamber of Commerce, he will immediately go to work. Soaring into the sky, not only will he recover in a short period of time, but he will even surpass the Xie family, the Hong family, and the Ashikaga Chamber of Commerce to become the well-deserved overlord of Shuangyu Port, and then become the overlord of the smuggling industry along the coast of Daming. As a result, Zhou Zhong was even more excited when he thought of this place. Couldn't sleep at all in bed.

In this way, Zhou Zhong lay on the bed until two o'clock at night, but he still didn't feel sleepy at all. At this time, the wind outside also stopped, but there was a kind of "sounding" sound. Zhou Zhong simply put on his clothes and got up. I opened the window and looked, only to find that it was finally snowing outside. Large flakes of snow fell from the window, and the ground was already white.

Although there was no wind outside, the cold air coming in with the snowflakes was still unbearable. Zhou Zhong had no choice but to close the window again, and walked around the bedroom a few times in a very boring way.Now he misses the TV, computer and mobile phone of the later generations very much. When he can’t sleep at night, he at least has a way to entertain himself. Unfortunately, the entertainment methods in the Ming Dynasty are really lacking. For example, Zhou Zhong can’t sleep now, so he can only be bored in the room go in circles.

"It's no wonder that most men in Ming Dynasty like sex. I guess this is the best way for them to pass the time at night." Zhou Zhong turned around a few times before suddenly stopping and muttering to himself helplessly. Don't do as the Romans do, go to the brothels on the port, after all, he also went to places like nightclubs in his previous life.

But Zhou Zhong quickly dismissed the idea of ​​going to the brothel. First of all, he has a different identity now, and on the surface he has to maintain a close relationship with Xie Lingyun. If he is recognized in the brothel, his face will not look good. Second, he was also worried that the women in the brothel were not clean, especially in the age of Ming Dynasty when medical care was underdeveloped. If he contracted some dirty disease, it would be a big trouble, and it might even lead to death.

Thinking of this, Zhou Zhong could only lie on the bed unwillingly again, trying to force himself to sleep. Anyone who has experienced insomnia should know that the more you want to sleep when you are insomnia, the less you can fall asleep, and your mind is still extremely clear, even Sometimes I can't even close my eyes.

In the end, Zhou Zhong couldn't lie down on the bed anymore, so he jumped up from the bed again, and then went to the desk to start writing, because he remembered that he hadn't finished writing Jin Ping Mei before, although Xie Lingyun said that he would not publish such a book , but it’s boring anyway, why not write it out now, when you can’t sleep in the future, you can take it out to pass the time, and if you get married in the future, it can also add some interest to life.

It's a pity that Zhou Zhong didn't know how much trouble the Jin Ping Mei book would bring him after it was completed.

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