Smuggling Daming

Chapter 80 Shipping List

In the swaying cabin, Xia Qianfeng, who had just turned 30, woke up from his sleep. He shook his swollen head, then stood up helplessly and opened the cabin door to have a look, only to find that the sky outside was still There is no light, and the heavy snow that fell two days ago still hasn't melted, adding a touch of whiteness to the distant scenery, and the temperature is surprisingly low. Fortunately, Shuangyu Port is relatively south, unlike northern ports that freeze in winter , otherwise the entire port will be temporarily unavailable.

Seeing that it was not yet dawn, Xia Qianfeng went back to bed and lay down again, but he couldn't fall asleep because of tossing and turning.Speaking of which, he only slept for three nights last night, and he only slept for two hours at most, but because he had something on his mind, he couldn't fall asleep no matter what.

Xia Qianfeng is a businessman from Yingtianfu, Nanjing. This time, he transported a batch of silk from Nanjing to Shuangyu Port, and sold it quickly. However, he must not go back empty. According to the previous plan, he I plan to bring a batch of pepper back, and the buyer has not only contacted me, but even paid a deposit. As long as the pepper can be shipped back, I can get the rest of the payment immediately.

Originally, Xia Qianfeng thought that he would be able to purchase the pepper he needed soon, but no one expected that something unexpected happened. Originally, pepper was a specialty in Nanyang, and Nanyang's trade had always been monopolized by the Nanyang Chamber of Commerce. Naturally, pepper also It has always been provided by the Nanyang Chamber of Commerce, but I did not expect that dozens of cargo ships from the Nanyang Chamber of Commerce went to sea some time ago and never came back. As a result, this caused a shortage of pepper in Shuangyu Port. He ran around the entire Shuangyu Port for nearly ten days. Finally But still no one willing to sell pepper was found.

Seeing that the Chinese New Year is coming, if he does not leave, he may not only be unable to go back to celebrate the New Year, but may even exceed the transaction time agreed with the buyer. If he has not been able to sell pepper by then, it is a small matter to lose money for breach of contract, the key It is your reputation, as the saying goes, a promise is a thousand dollars, especially in business. If your reputation is damaged because of this business, then the business at home will definitely be greatly affected in the future, and the business may even shrink. Every time I think of this, Xia Qianfeng All feel extra headache.

Xia Qianfeng, who was lying on the bed, was extremely anxious because of the lack of pepper. Finally, he finally survived until the sky in the east turned pale. After eating something casually, he hurried to Beigang Tea House.

Speaking of which, when Xia Qianfeng first arrived at Shuangyu Port, he also stayed in the Beigang teahouse every day. After all, Beigang is the old nest of the Nanyang Chamber of Commerce, so pepper, spices and other goods are generally traded in Beigang.However, because of an accident at the Nanyang Chamber of Commerce, Xia Qianfeng stayed in the Beigang Tea House for four or five days in a row, but he still couldn't find anyone willing to sell pepper.

Under such circumstances, Xia Qianfeng was really disappointed with Beigang, thinking about what happened, so he went to Nangang teahouse and Xigang teahouse to try his luck, but unfortunately the miracle did not happen, and stayed in the other two teahouses in the port area A few days later, he still got nothing, so early this morning, he came to Beigang Tea House again, hoping to meet someone willing to sell pepper.

The Beigang teahouse always opens at dawn, and today is no exception. When Xia Qianfeng entered the teahouse, he found that many businessmen were already sitting and drinking tea in the hall, so he immediately found an empty table and sat down. Then, according to the old rules, put a plate of pepper on the table and wait for the seller to come up and talk.

However, not long after Xia Qianfeng sat down, many businessmen in the teahouse started to commotion, and all of them looked in the direction of the innermost counter of the teahouse. Xia Qianfeng happened to have his back to the counter, so he didn't know these things What the person was looking at, he turned his head curiously at the moment, only to find that he hadn't seen him for a few days, but the pattern in the teahouse had changed. On the wide wall next to the counter, there was actually a painting with red paint. Several areas, each with words written on it.

"Silk area, cotton cloth area, porcelain area..." Xia Qianfeng looked at the words written on the wall, and couldn't help reading aloud, and he also found that a few guys in the teahouse were climbing ladders with A piece of paper was being pasted on the wall. Seeing this situation, the merchants in the teahouse rushed to the wall and looked up as if they had been bloodied.

Seeing the strange situation that had never happened in the teahouse, Xia Qianfeng couldn't help but feel very curious. He stood up and went to the wall, raised his head and looked at the things posted by the teahouse guys. I was taken aback.

It turns out that in each area of ​​the wall, there are strips of corresponding business information. For example, in the area of ​​cotton cloth, there is a kind of paper strip with the width of the palm and about two feet long. On each note, there is a piece of information about the cotton goods, such as the origin, price, quantity, etc. of this batch of cloth. In addition, each piece of information has its own serial number.

The number of such cargo information in each area varies, but at most it will not exceed [-] pieces. After all, the area on the wall is limited, and no more can be posted.Moreover, [-] deals are almost enough, and the number of transactions in many less popular areas has not reached [-] deals at all.At this time, almost all the merchants in the teahouse gathered under this wall, pointing to the information on the goods above and talking about it.

Xia Qianfeng looked at the goods information on the wall and listened to the discussions around him. Suddenly he seemed to understand something, but he had many doubts. Immediately grabbed the other party and said: "Little brother, what's the matter with this wall? Why have I not been here for a few days, and there has been such a big change in the teahouse?"

The waiter in the teahouse is also used to the guests’ questions these days, so he immediately smiled and pointed in the direction of the gate: “Guest officer, this wall can’t be explained clearly in a few sentences, but there is a lot of trouble on the other side of the gate. There is a notice on this wall on the screen, you may not have noticed it when you came in, I believe you will understand as long as you take a look!"

Xia Qianfeng looked along the clerk's fingers, and he found that there was an extra screen just after entering the teahouse, which seemed to have something stuck on it. When he came here before, he was only thinking about business matters and didn't pay attention at all.

After Xia Qianfeng thanked the staff, he quickly walked to the screen and carefully read the notice on it. Only then did he finally understand what the wall was for.

It turns out that the wall is called "Shipping List". According to the type of goods, information about the goods sold by various merchants is written on it. The number in front of the information, and then go to the counter to pay a little fee, the teahouse will provide the owner’s name, address, and even help them contact each other, and what is different from before is that even if the seller and the buyer reach a deal, the teahouse will not Then take a commission from it, because the owner’s registration information and the buyer’s request for the owner’s information have already paid the money, so the commission is waived.

In addition, at the end of the notice, it is also stated that, opposite to the shipping list, there is also a buying list. This list will announce the information of some goods that merchants need to buy. However, due to time and manpower constraints, it can only be announced for the time being. A shipping list, as for the buying list, you need to wait another two days.

After figuring out the function of the shipping list, Xia Qianfeng took a look at the date of the notice, and found that this notice was only posted yesterday, that is to say, the shipping list only started yesterday, which made Xia Qianfeng couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. Although he missed a day yesterday, as long as someone is willing to sell pepper, he may still meet him.

Xia Qianfeng thought of this, and immediately ran to the shipment list, looking for information about pepper.Speaking of which, because of the annihilation of the fleet of the Nanyang Chamber of Commerce, Nanyang's goods are now in short supply. There is even a "Nanyang District" listed on the shipping list, which lists some information on goods produced in Nanyang.

Seeing the goods in Nanyang District, Xia Qianfeng silently said "Buddha Blessing" in his heart, and then read them one by one. As the saying goes, "Heaven pays off those who wait and see", he finally saw a message about the sale of pepper on the third last item. , which made him overjoyed immediately, and looked at the price and quantity of pepper, the result was a pleasant surprise, the amount of pepper in this batch was quite large, enough to meet his needs, but the price was more than [-]% higher than before, If he bought it at this price, he might not make much money even if it was shipped to Nanjing.

But this pepper is related to Xia Qianfeng's reputation, so even if he loses money, he can't let it go, so he immediately wrote down the number in front of this message, and then ran to the counter to pay a tael of silver to get the owner's message , and then immediately ran to find the owner of the goods according to the information, because the shopkeeper on the counter had told him that two merchants had already gone to find the owner of the goods. In such a sought-after situation, no one can guarantee when the batch of peppers will be sold?

Xia Qianfeng was lucky. When he found the owner, he was negotiating with two merchants who wanted to buy pepper. Xia Qianfeng immediately joined in without hesitation. As a result, he finally bought the pepper at a price that was [-]% higher than before. A batch of pepper, and the price he shipped back to Nanjing was only this price, and if the shipping cost was included, he even lost money.Fortunately, the silk that was shipped in before made a lot of money and kept its reputation, so Xia Qianfeng was very happy.

There are still many businessmen like Xia Qianfeng in Shuangyu Port, and the shipping list launched by Beigang Tea House quickly spread throughout the entire Shuangyu Port following the mouths of these merchants, causing an unprecedented sensation!

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