base of war

Chapter 308 One Point Siege

When Su Yuan led the troops to break through from Ancheng, it was under the support and cover of the New Fourth Army and the Eighth Route Army, and they kept opening the road for themselves and covering on both sides along the way, which allowed them to reach the Lunan base safely.

This time was different. After resting and expanding, the exhausted team had become a strong team that dared to fight, and this time it was either breaking through or fighting back.

Originally, according to the commander of the base area, it was best for Su Yuan to return in a concealed manner, and try not to expose it prematurely, so that he could approach Ancheng secretly, and then take a sudden attack with the support of the Eighth Route Army to regain Ancheng in one fell swoop.

But Su Yuan changed his mind as soon as he came out of the base, and it would be more certain to return secretly to take a surprise attack, but Su Yuan was unwilling, and he wanted to fight back with a dignified teacher.

In addition, he has another plan. He has two main regiments of the Eighth Route Army on his left and right flanks to cooperate with him, which increases his confidence. willing to pass up this opportunity.

And on the way, I happened to be able to regain an area for the Eighth Route Army, which can be regarded as contributing to the development and expansion of the Eighth Route Army, but after Su Yuan launched his own actions, he couldn't hold back anymore.

Su Yuan led the troops towards the west, and the two main regiments of the Eighth Route Army followed closely on his two wings. After leaving the base, they quickly entered the enemy-occupied area, and soon encountered a county blocking their way.

According to the plan, Su Yuan should lead the troops to avoid it, but Su Yuan immediately ordered the troops to make preparations to attack the city. The head of the regiment was actually preparing to attack the city, and everyone wanted to dissuade him.

"Tuan Zuo, let's keep our energy and go back to recover Ancheng." Meng Tian persuaded.

"Yeah, what if you hit the injured brother here?" Zhang Hao said.

"We'll recover Ancheng when we go back. Do you have experience in siege?" Su Yuan said, "I'm trying everyone's siege power and gaining experience. As for the wounded, we'll send them back to the Eighth Route Army."

"Didn't you take down Ancheng before?" Li Qian also came up and said.

"How can it be counted!" Su Yuan replied: "That time I was in the city to support the attack on the devil's headquarters, and there were people inside to cooperate."

"I listened to the head of the regiment." Li Zhuang said: "Since the Anti-Japanese War, I have guarded the Marco Polo Bridge with the regiment, and I have defended the daimyo. It's our turn!"

"Yes, let's try it out. If it doesn't work, we can withdraw." Yuan Zhenze said.

"Alright then." Everyone finally unified their opinions and began to discuss the deployment of the siege.

But unexpectedly, Su Yuan already had a plan in mind, and he directly began to assign tasks to each battalion, which made everyone understand that this Su Yuan had premeditated.And Su Yuan's style of play is unique. Although it sounds surprising that he has never seen it before, he feels that he can succeed in one fell swoop.

Su Yuan has fought for so many years, but he has never really fought a tough battle to occupy the county seat, so he would not have much experience.However, he has fought countless defensive battles. In Daming, he fought with devils for three days, and saw the various siege strategies adopted by devils in desperation. In Ancheng, he also fought a fierce defense with devils .

For holding on to a town, he knows where and how to build fortifications, and he also knows how to deploy troops to defend, and this can be done in reverse.

Su Yuan has absolute confidence in winning. First of all, he can safely press the whole regiment on this attack. Naturally, the Eighth Route Army on both sides will block the enemy's reinforcements.

In addition, this time his purpose is to occupy the county in front of him. As for the enemies inside, there is no need to encircle them, and he will launch a full-scale attack from the front. There are Eighth Route Army enemies on both sides who cannot escape. direction of pursuit.

The reason why Su Yuan adopted the tactic of concentrating his forces to attack one point was also deliberate. During the siege, the enemy defended the city from all sides. If he divided his forces, his strength would be weakened. scattered his strength.

It is better to concentrate the artillery fire of the whole regiment to attack one point, and quickly open a gap with a swift attack. This also avoids a fierce battle with the enemy under the city. The successive attacks will inevitably cause considerable casualties.

In addition, as long as an opening is opened, after the troops enter the city, the soldiers can effectively use the weapons in their hands, the submachine guns and grenades in the hands of the soldiers. A bolt-on rifle is much more effective. If the enemy doesn't hit a single bullet, they can be swept over here with a single shot...

The siege battle began soon. Although the devils defending the city had discovered the movement of the siege troops, they still didn't expect the Chinese army to launch an attack immediately, and they didn't expect that the opponent would attack one point.

Except for the Chinese army moving to the east, there was no movement or even a single person on the other three sides. This made the devil commander who was defending the city very puzzled. He guessed that this must be a suspicious strategy of the Chinese. It is the opponent who wants to attack. From a military point of view, we will never do the opposite here.

The suspicion and hesitation of the devils made them quickly lose their initiative. When the devils learned that the city wall had been breached, it was all over. The opponent's attack was fierce. They thought it was the Eighth Route Army from the east. , when they learned that this was Su Yuan's troops, the assault troops had already entered the center of the city.

Su Yuan ordered the artillery fire of the whole regiment to be aimed at a designated section of the city wall for violent shelling. Soon, the city wall was blown down. With the continuous bombing, the collapsed area became bigger and bigger, and broken bricks and rocks fell under the city wall to form a wall. slope...

It's time to attack. Following Su Yuan's order, the commandos with grenades on their waists, submachine guns and light machine guns were the first to attack, while the artillery and heavy machine guns covering the walls began to attack the devils on the walls on both sides. The firepower struck, and at the same time the artillery fire also began to extend.

The strategy of concentrating forces to attack one point was successful. The figures of commandos soon appeared on the city wall and began to expand to both sides. The subsequent large troops swarmed up and then launched an attack in depth.

The violent blows stunned the fierce devils in the past, and the rapid development of the battle situation also made the devils' command unable to issue timely and effective orders, and the devils seemed a little panicked.

Even if there is a crazy devil who dares to raise his gun and shoot, before he raises the gun and pulls the trigger, a dozen or even dozens of bullets will smash his body, and the devil hiding in the fortification will be killed by a few bullets falling in front of him. Even a dozen smoking grenades scared the shit out of me.

The commandos quickly attacked the devil headquarters under the guidance of the common people in the city, and the resistance of the devils completely collapsed. Except for a few devils in the west who escaped, most of the remaining devils were killed, and others surrendered with their hands up.

The gunfire gradually stopped, and the gunpowder smoke gradually dissipated in the air, and what followed were the cheers of the soldiers in the city and the common people who poured into the streets to celebrate the liberation...

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