base of war

Chapter 309 Siege

Su Yuan led the whole regiment to conquer the first county town after leaving the base area. His original intention was to give this liberated county town to the Eighth Route Army, so after the troops entered the city, they took a short rest, and Su Yuan prepared to gather troops to advance westward again.

However, this was opposed by Li Qian, Zhang Hao and even Meng Tian. They didn't want to hand over the county town they had worked so hard to conquer to the Eighth Route Army. Enter.

"Keep some troops, thanks to your imagination. If we stay too much, we can't guarantee to continue westward. How will we recover Ancheng? Do you think it can be defended if you stay less? Behind here is the base of the Eighth Route Army, but the other three sides It's the devils, this is the southward route that the devils have just opened up, what should they do if they counterattack?" Su Yuan immediately objected.

But Li Qian and Zhang Hao proposed to hand over this place to the national army, they can contact as soon as possible, in short, they can't hand it over to the Eighth Route Army.

"Where do you go to contact the national army? They have already run away, and they can't hold it." Su Yuan said: "We can only hand it over to the Eighth Route Army. It is close to the base area. They can hold it, and we gave them a big gift. They will definitely reciprocate, they can continue to cover our westward advance, and help us regain the county town in the west near Ancheng, and we will not suffer any loss when we exchange."

The three of them had no other good ideas, but they felt reconciled, and at the same time, they had objections to Su Yuan's idea. At this moment, scouts were sent to the west to report that the Eighth Route Army on the left and right flanks had already approached the west. And rushed to Lin County ahead.

"Is it for this county to open a channel for us?" Everyone guessed.

"It's not like that." Li Qian judged based on the positions of the two Eighth Route Army troops: "They originally protected our two wings, but why are they on both sides of the county in front? They won't be waiting for us to attack the city again?"

"Looking at the posture, it looks like it." Zhang Hao and Meng Tian looked at the map and said, "If we continue to go west, the county in front will block us."

"Could it be that they are preparing to attack the city?" Su Yuan said.

"Could it be that they want to attack the city from the north and the south." Meng Tian analyzed, "But is there such a way of attack?"

"Tuan Zuo, let's go immediately." Li Qian immediately changed her mind. What she thought was that if the Eighth Route Army really occupied the county in front, then this place would become the Eighth Route Army's hinterland, and it would be worthless to stay here. It would be better to take it down The county seat ahead.

"That's what you said." Su Yuan said immediately, and he immediately ordered: "Li Zhuang, you lead your battalion and artillery company forward immediately, and threaten the devils from the front."

"Yes!" Li Zhuang responded immediately.

Just as Su Yuan led the troops to move on, the two main regiments of the Eighth Route Army had already launched an attack on the devils from the north and the south.

They didn't expect that Su Yuan would launch an attack on the county town occupied by the devils on the road, and so quickly, before they came to support, Su Yuan had already taken it, and it was meaningless to bring troops here again, and it was also suspected of stealing the results of the battle.

Moreover, as the main regiment of the Eighth Route Army, the two regiment leaders also felt unconvinced. They came to escort them, but those who were covered started fighting. Since Su Yuan was able to take down a county with the strength of one regiment, why couldn't they! ?And Su Yuan is likely to launch an attack on the next county.

Therefore, the two heads of regiments led the troops to advance quickly, taking down the county in front of them was a feat. They could not only take down the county where the devils belonged, wipe out the devils to obtain supplies, but also expand the base area, and at the same time open the passage for Su Yuan and earn a fortune. tone.

The two regiment leaders were also unconvinced with each other. They both wanted to win a county by their own abilities, but they couldn't stop the other side. In the end, they wanted to negotiate who would do the main attack and who would do the feint.

The two of them quarreled again. Both wanted to be the main attacker. The two of them fought hard and couldn't decide. Finally, the two decided to attack the enemy at the same time. There would be no feint to attract the enemy, and see who can attack the city first. .

The devils defending the city were a little confused when they were not attacked. According to the report of the soldiers who fled back, they learned about the opponent's siege tactics and capabilities, and began to mobilize troops to defend the east gate. A large number of Eighth Route Army was found.

The devils began to judge that the two directions might be feint attacks, coupled with their contempt for the weapons of the Eighth Route Army, they did not mobilize troops for a while, but they did not expect that there was no movement at the east gate, and the attacks from the north and south directions were equally ferocious. It is impossible to judge which is the main attack. direction.The two Eighth Route Army units refused to lag behind each other, and put all their firepower into a strong attack as soon as they came up.

Soon the two directions with weak troops were in danger. The devils were about to deploy troops from the east gate to support them, but at this moment, the national army was found in the east. They were troops with a large number of artillery, and this should be the main direction of attack.

The devil hesitated again in his timidity. How could there be thousands of people attacking the city suddenly here? If they can't hold it, they don't know how to deal with it even if they stick to it.

Soon, red flags were flying from the north and south of the city, and two Eighth Route Army troops entered the city almost at the same time. When Su Yuan led the large troops to arrive, the two regiment leaders lined up at the east gate to welcome them with satisfied smiles. .

After taking down two county towns in a row, the morale of the soldiers of the three regiments was even higher, and there was only one county town between here and Ancheng. chant.

And Su Yuan also has this intention, the county in front must be taken down, so that when Ancheng is recovered, there will be a channel to communicate with the Eighth Route Army, and what's more, the road from Lunan to Ancheng has reached Taihang Donglu, that is to say, that would cut across the mainland communication line that the devils had just opened up, and cut off their communication line here. The devil's large-scale No. [-] operation not only failed but failed, their The traffic line has no effect.

Su Yuan's decision was approved by everyone, and no one had any reason to object to this suggestion. The two regiment leaders of the Eighth Route Army were naturally willing, and Li Qian even more agreed with cutting off the devil's communication line.

Next, the three regiments almost scrambled towards the last county seat, attacking the city from three sides, and the attack from each direction was so strong that the devils who defended the city felt extremely frightened. What happened to the Chinese? How did they become so powerful overnight, and because they hadn't seen the KMT and the Communist Party attacking in the past, they completely lost the confidence to resist.And those puppet troops were even more terrified. There was the Eighth Route Army that made them terrified, and there was also the National Army that they would turn to in the future.

Another county town was quickly taken down. After three sieges, all the soldiers were a little tired. What was before them was their final goal. Although Ancheng was stronger and defended with more devils, when this At that time, they were already panicked.

To the east is the murderous Chinese main force of several thousand, and to the west of them, Yujia Village is gradually pushing towards Sun Jianyun and the whole regiment, while several guerrillas and militia self-defense forces in the mountains from Sujia Village also began to counterattack. Yes, the people around have seen the hope of victory. Tens of thousands of people are holding hoes and sickles and everything that can kill the enemy, shouting and surrounding Ancheng...

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