country sex

Chapter 85

Liu Ting came to Yan Xiang's side and said in a low voice, "Xiao Xiang, I think what he said makes a lot of sense. If we open a shopping mall here, we may really lose everything, or you sell the shopping mall to him and take the money. Find another way out!"

Yan Xiang didn't answer.Instead, he looked at the beautiful cousin Qin Juan who had never spoken, and asked, "Cousin, what do you think?"

This cousin is well-informed, and Yan Xiang expected that Qin Juan would give him a reasonable answer.Unexpectedly, the beautiful cousin blinked her big innocent eyes and asked, "What do you think?"

Yan Xiang was so angry that he bumped his head against the wall, "Cousin, are you listening? He wants to buy our shopping mall, what do you think?"

"Oh, this." Qin Juan seemed to have just realized it, and then took two steps forward and looked at Zhao Kuo coldly and asked, "You want to buy a shopping mall?"

Zhao Kuo's eyes suddenly brightened. Qin Juan is really beautiful, but she is still beautiful without makeup.Although the aura on her body is as unapproachable as an iceberg, it is this kind of woman that is attractive.Zhao Kuo's tone immediately said kindly, "I really want to buy the mall, who is this lady?"

Qin Juan said, "I also own this mall. How much do you plan to pay for it?"

Yan Xiang's heart tightened, what is Qin Juan doing.He didn't even agree to sell it, so Qin Juan went out and sold it?Do you really think he has no talent for business?But anyway, we have to discuss it, it's too casual.

Zhao Kuo shook his hair and said with a chic smile, "I am willing to pay the same price as the completion of the shopping mall. Did the lady agree to sell it? You just need to sign the contract."

Seeing Qin Juan speak so simply.Zhao Kuo thought Qin Juan was going to sell the mall.Unexpectedly, Qin Juan smiled coldly and said, "From what you said just now, it seems that you also opened several supermarkets?"

Zhao Kuo didn't know what Qin Juan meant by asking this question, but he still said proudly, "Of course, I have been in business since I was 15 years old. Now my supermarkets have spread all over the village and even the city. In the future, I am the tycoon in the business world, and maybe I am also on the Forbes rich list."

Zhao Kuo tried his best to show his prestige.I thought, he is young and promising.After hearing his words, Qin Juan was immediately bowed down at his crotch.Even if the acquisition fails to become a shopping mall, it is not bad to conquer a beautiful woman.

However, there was no admiration on Qin Juan's face.He just said lightly, "Very good, then you make a price, and I will buy all the supermarkets you opened."

"What?" Zhao Kuo's eyes widened.He really didn't expect Qin Juan to say such a shocking statement.All his supermarkets add up to millions, even tens of millions.Qin Juan actually said that she wanted to buy it. Isn't this a foolish lie and extremely ridiculous.

Zhao Kuo couldn't help laughing, and mocked sarcastically, "Beauty, I'm not talking about you. But that's not what I say. I have more than ten supermarkets, big and small. It's not something you can buy just by saying it. Don't say I won't give you a chance, as long as you can get 500 million, I will give you all the supermarkets under my command."

Zhao Kuo thought that Qin Juan said such words out of a whim, and she couldn't afford that much money at all.That's why he said such words to mock Qin Juan.

But so many incredible things have happened in this world, and now I don't care if one more happens.Qin Juan casually took out a white bank card smaller than the palm of her hand from her pocket, shook Zhao Kuo and said, "This is a diamond card of Citibank Worldwide, with a maximum overdraft limit of over ten million, are you sure I Give you 500 million and you will give me the supermarket under your command."

Qin Juan said this very calmly.However, everyone present was stunned in place.Especially Zhao Kuo, whose jaw almost dropped to the ground in surprise.Looking at the bank card in Qin Juan's hand, she couldn't believe it, and murmured, "Impossible, impossible, how could you have a Citibank diamond card."

The village head was also surprised.But he already knew that Qin Juan was a woman with a strong background.But he never expected to be so powerful. Money is really not money to her.

Yan Xiang was no less surprised than the others present.He only knew that cousin Qin Juan was very beautiful and seemed to have some skills.But unexpectedly, Qin Juan was so rich.Although he didn't know what Citibank was, he could tell from everyone's expressions that it was not simple.

Since there is such a beautiful and rich cousin Bai Fumei, Yanxiang is still afraid of being a hair.If you lose, you lose, our family has more money.Although this cousin is not related by blood, she may become Yan Xiang's woman in the future. By then, Qin Juan's money will still be his money, and his money will still be his money.

Under the unbelievable eyes of everyone, Zhao Kuo took Qin Juan's silver bank card with a trembling hand, and looked at it with infinite doubt and disbelief in his eyes.Then he just stayed where he was and didn't speak, and after ten seconds of stunned, he handed over the credit card to Qin Juan.

It's really the Diamond Credit Card from Citibank.It also appears to have an anti-counterfeiting Citibank logo on it.Zhao Kuo was struck by lightning, speechless.

Citibank is one of the top banks in the world.It is difficult for ordinary people to get a Citibank bank card, let alone a credit card.But now Qin Juan has a Citibank diamond card, which is a level higher than the platinum card.Qin Juan said that the upper limit of the overdraft can reach tens of millions, and Zhao Kuo has no doubts about this.

But he couldn't figure it out.If Qin Juan is really so rich and powerful, why would she go to these poor mountain villages?Is it really that there is so much money that I can't run out, and I'm tired of the luxury of big cities, so I go to these small places for entertainment?

There is also this possibility, after all, these rich people have very strange tempers.

But now Zhao Kuo has no idea how it will end.Fortunately, he kept showing off in front of Qin Juan just now. If he knew that Qin Juan was so rich, he would still be showing off.It is estimated that Qin Juan regarded his showing off as a clown, and Zhao Kuo felt ashamed.

Zhao Kuo's face was blue and red for a while, he was at a loss and speechless.It's not good to go, it's not good not to go, there is nothing more embarrassing than this in the world.How could I meet such a perverted person? With such a lot of money, I want to pretend to be a pig and a tiger in a small mountain village. Do I have to find a sense of existence in such a remote place?

People say that Guan Gong is playing big swords in front of him, he is showing his lower limit in front of local tyrants!

Although Zhao Kuo is embarrassing enough.But Qin Juan didn't soften her heart in the slightest, and added another sentence to continue to attack, "Didn't you say that I would give up the supermarket to me if I took out 500 million? I can give you an extra 100 million. Hurry up and draw up the contract, sign it." Then I can take over your supermarket."

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