country sex

Chapter 86 Ziyan is Angry

In fact, Zhao Kuo's supermarkets are far more than 500 million.But is he still willing to speak?Now he has been nakedly insulted by people using money, and he can't compare with such a local tyrant.

Yan Xiang also seized the opportunity, approached with a smile on his face and said, "Well, I also think that my own supermarket is not spacious enough. If Brother Zhao is willing to help, that would be really great."

Zhao Kuo was trembling with anger, "Okay, very good. Since you are determined not to sell the mall, then I want to see how far you can go. Don't come back every few days and see a pile of ruins. "

Yan Xiang smiled and said, "That's not true. At least Brother Zhao's supermarket hasn't closed yet. Why would I be willing to close it first?" Zhao Kuo made it clear that he was deliberately provocative.But Yan Xiang didn't think he would be worse than this guy who showed his brains everywhere and found embarrassment for himself.

Zhao Kuo snorted coldly, stopped talking, turned around and left.A group of followers also left with Zhao Kuo.

After Zhao Kuo left, all the villagers applauded.For a while, they applauded Qin Juan for being rich and generous, but secondly, Yan Xiang also won the honor for the village anyway, which deserves their applause.

Yan Xiang smiled and said, "Thank you for your support. Today, everything in the mall is [-]% off. First come, first served, everyone should hurry up!"

Besides, after Han Xing fought Yan Xiang, he was very depressed when he went back.Moreover, the two brothers Mulong and Muhu looked at him suspiciously. They didn't get the reward and lost face instead.And the last time Han Xing fought Yan Xiang, Mu Long, who was hiding aside, also saw that Yan Xiang was the guy who poisoned him.This made him afraid for a while, but fortunately he didn't go up at that time, otherwise if Yanxiang recognized him, he probably would have lost his life.

In the office, Mulong sat on the boss chair.Looking at Han Xing with suspicion in his eyes, he asked, "Mr. Han, is he really sure this time? I have already recognized that person as the guy who fed me the poison. If I am not sure, I don't want to take this risk. My life is in danger." Hold it in someone's hands."

The wooden tiger next to him continued, "Yeah, last time you said how powerful you are, but you only hit him twice, and you were scared away by a policeman. It's a bit useless."

Han Xing hates others to question his ability, especially ordinary people, how can he know his ability is powerful.He could have easily abolished Yan Xiang last time, but at the critical moment, a policewoman felt that he was not afraid of that policewoman at all.But after the fight, he found that the policewoman was also a cultivator, and possessed the pure internal strength of Wudang.

When it comes to real action, he may not lose to the policewoman.But he didn't want to become enemies with Wudang because of this, so it's still the best plan.

Han Xing raised his brows slightly and said, "Don't worry, this time I personally asked the master to borrow this seven-star copper coin sword. If I still can't kill that kid, I will not only refuse to pay, but I will also waste my internal strength and never get involved in this matter again. Go home Go farming!"

Han Xing said it firmly, with the help of the "Seven Star Copper Coin Sword", he is absolutely sure that he can abolish Yanxiang this time.Even if the policewoman is still there, she can't stop him.

Seeing Han Xing speaking so confidently, Mu Long tapped his finger on the table and said, "Okay, I will trust you again. But this time you go alone, I don't want him to find out that I invited you to go. Then you will be useless." He, I'm afraid I won't be able to escape. So I'll just sit back and wait for good news from Mr. Han."

Han Xing held the seven-star copper coin sword behind his back with one hand and said, "No problem, if I fail this time, you probably won't see me either. But, I won't fail!" After finishing speaking, Han Xing lifted his foot, and the whole People are already outside the door.In the blink of an eye, Han Xing had disappeared into the corridor.


"Cousin, I didn't expect you to be so rich. I'm so happy, I have such a rich cousin." In the shopping mall, Yan Xiang looked at Qin Juan with eyes full of stars.

The girl Ziyan also yelled imitatively, "I'm so lucky to have such a rich cousin."

Qin Juan chuckled and said, "Look at you, you have ruined Zi Yan."

Yan Xiang patted Zi Yan's head and said, "Little girl, don't just follow me."

Ziyan's face was covered with frost, and she touched the hilt of the sword with her small hand.Yan Xiang hastily admitted defeat and said, "I was wrong, auntie. A gentleman speaks but does not act."

After seeing the power of the long sword in Ziyan's hand.Yan Xiang was very afraid of the cold shining long sword.Think about it, she can easily carve out a big hole in a wall made of reinforced concrete.If this sword falls on Yan Xiang, Yan Xiang will be peeled into several pieces like an apple.

Therefore, for his own safety, Yan Xiang should try his best not to provoke Zi Yan as much as possible.

Yan Xiang looked at Qin Juan and asked, "To be honest, cousin, how much money is in that diamond card of yours?"

Qin Juan smiled and said, "Silly cousin, I lied to him. In fact, my card is fake, and there is no money in it. If he really sells the supermarket to me, I really don't know how it will end."

Yanxiang shook his head vigorously and said, "I don't believe it. You didn't panic at all just now. I think you're the one who lied to me, cousin. Since we live in the same room and share the same bed for many years, just tell me what's inside. How much is it!"

Qin Juan blushed and said angrily, "Bah, who is sharing the bed with you?"

Yan Xiang said, "Okay, if you don't share the same bed, then tell me how much money you have in your card."

"I won't tell you!" Qin Juan turned her face and pretended to be angry.

"If you don't tell me, I'll steal it." Yan Xiang rushed towards Qin Juan, Qin Juan hurriedly jumped aside, Yan Xiang rushed forward again, and the two fought together.

Zi Yan, who was completely ignored, pouted, touched an ice cream in the refrigerator, and crouched in the corner with her sword in her arms, eating the ice cream pitifully.

Yan Xiang hugged Qin Juan, opened his mouth and kissed Qin Juan on the face.Qin Juan turned her head to avoid it and said, "Don't make a fuss, you see, sister Ziyan is getting angry, so hurry up and coax her."

Yan Xiang glanced sideways, and Zi Yan was sitting alone in the corner, looking at her small and frail body, she looked like a little match girl.Yan Xiang sighed and said, "Women are troublesome, whether they are adults or minors."

Then he walked up to Ziyan, squatted down, and asked softly, "Ziyan, what's the matter? Why are you so angry?"

Ziyan pink's little tongue licked a few mouthfuls of ice cream, turned her little head to one side, and was so angry that she didn't speak.

Yan Xiang coaxed patiently, "How about this, brother, I'll sing for you. After listening to it, you can't be angry anymore. It's not beautiful to be angry."

After finishing speaking, Yanxiang began to call out the drake's throat.

"Ten years ago, I didn't know you, you didn't belong to me. We are still the same, accompanied by a stranger, walking through the streets that are becoming familiar, ten years later..."

It was a good song by Eason Chan, but Yanxiang yelled it into Adu's.Qin Juan couldn't stand the torture any longer, and ran out covering her ears.

Fourth shift is here!

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