Online game dark night assassin

Chapter 101 Ye Shuiyou's Fourth Narrative

After hearing this, Kuangaotian shook his head: "It seems that the information flow within the Ye Group is not smooth. Didn't Mu Yu Haoran explain our affairs to you?"

Such a sentence reminded Xiao Lan of the PK with the professional player of the Poison King at the gate of the Tower of Shiyuan before going to the Lai Lan Empire. First of all, the ID of the Poison King was Mu Yu Haoran, and secondly, depending on the situation at that time It is very likely that Mu Yuhaoran and Ye Shuiyou knew each other, but Ye Shuiyou was bored with him.

Thinking of this, Xiao Lan turned her head to look at Ye Shuiyou, the little girl was already flushed with anger, and her expression was very flustered, but at this moment she still pretended to be calm and said: "Kaoaotian, listen to me , I don’t know who Mu Yu Haoran is, and I don’t care what happened between him and you…”

Ye Shuiyou wanted to continue, but was stopped by Xiao Lan.

"Forget it, don't bother with them, let's continue." After Xiao Lan finished speaking, without looking at Ye Shuiyou's reaction, she directly took the little girl's hand and walked to the next floor, but the arrogance she knew she couldn't beat Heavens, he didn't look for another chance to strike. After standing still and snorting coldly, he went back to the city with Kuangaomin.

"Youyou, tell me the truth, what does Mu Yuhaoran have to do with you?" Standing in front of the stairs leading to the next floor, Xiao Lan looked at Ye Shuiyou and said. Although the expression on his face was not serious, it could It can be seen that Xiao Lan is very serious.

Ye Shuiyou didn't speak, just kept shaking his head, the tears in his eyes finally broke through the obstruction and flowed out.

Alas, it seems that the rich girls also have their own troubles.Seeing that Ye Shuiyou was crying more and more sadly, Xiao Lan had no choice but to just hug the girl, hoping to relieve Ye Shuiyou's psychological pressure in this way.

"Brother Lan, can I not answer this question?" Ye Shuiyou suddenly raised his head and said softly, possibly because his mood eased a little, his tone was already full of pleading elements.

Xiao Lan looked at Ye Shuiyou in her arms, and couldn't help laughing, "Silly girl, if you don't want to say it, how can I force it?"

At 05:30 in the morning, Xiao Lan and Ye Shuiyou finally reached level 42, but they didn't expect the players in Hailar to be so abnormal. In one night, the top three players on the level list did not know what method they used. Zi jumped to level 45.

"Youyou, are you sleepy? If you are sleepy, go offline and sleep."

But Ye Shuiyou's next answer was somewhat irrelevant.

"Brother Lan, can you walk the streets with me?"

"Going to the street? Now?" Xiao Lan obviously didn't understand what Ye Shuiyou meant. It was 05:30 in the morning. It was a strange idea to propose to go shopping at this time.

But in the end Xiao Lan agreed.

Putting on a T-shirt, Xiao Lan, who wanted to go out, finally decided to wear a thicker coat outside. He walked downstairs quickly, and when he arrived at Yanshan Group, it was almost six o'clock in the morning.

The early morning in Beijing is the cleanest time of the day, and the cleaning that started at 4 o'clock is still going on; the early morning in Beijing is the most tense moment in the morning market, and the hustle and bustle of the day has begun to be organized from the chaos of wholesale ; Beijing's early morning is a healthy time, all the morning exercisers are already on the hill overlooking the rising smoke and dust in the urban area; Beijing's early morning is the most hectic time, with children running away from home and people going to work; In terms of business, organization, and city-to-city, everything that will happen and unexpectedly will happen and appear in the city before and after 6 o'clock, and will not reproduce the same yesterday.

Still in the pale pink suspender dress, Ye Shuiyou couldn't help trembling in the slightly cold wind, but she still raised her head firmly, looking at the direction where Xiao Lan might appear.

"Brother Lan!"

A few minutes later, Xiao Lan arrived as scheduled, this time Ye Shuiyou seemed even more anxious, she rushed up to Xiao Lan without waiting for Xiao Lan to come over.

"You, why don't you wear more clothes when it's so cold?" Xiao Lan really doesn't understand, do girls nowadays like beautiful "frozen" people?

Just like last night, Xiao Lan took off her coat and put it on for Ye Shuiyou, but Ye Shuiyou didn't agree.

"Brother Lan, can I sit with you?"

"Ah? You...don't you want to go shopping?" Xiao Lan suddenly felt cheated by the little girl in front of her.

Ye Shuiyou's face was full of loss and helplessness, she sighed a long time: "There really isn't much to do in Beijing at this time."

Fortunately, Wang Xue helped Xiao Lan clean up the house just now, otherwise Xiao Lan would not have dared to agree to Ye Shuiyou's request.

On the way home, in order to make Ye Shuiyou happier, Xiao Lan kept "molesting" Ye Shuiyou.

"You little girl, you don't even know my details, so aren't you afraid of never returning?"

Unexpectedly, after these words, Ye Shuiyou not only failed to cheer up, but became even more melancholy.

"If that's the case, it would be great."

Arriving downstairs where Xiao Lan lives, Ye Shuiyou suddenly became curious, her eyes widened, and she looked around from time to time. It can be seen that she likes this environment very much, and the distance between buildings is very large. , as soon as it gets dark, the compound, old trees and several old-fashioned residential buildings give people a sense of oppression and emptiness.

The virtual but ubiquitous "oppression", the real but somewhat elusive "emptiness": wandering between these two seemingly mutually exclusive feelings of existence, Ye Shuiyou can taste the most familiar kind of.

"I'm sorry, someone at home usually comes, so it's a bit messy." Xiao Lan opened the door and smiled apologetically at Ye Shuiyou.

"It's okay." Ye Shuiyou deliberately lowered his voice so as not to disturb the peaceful residential area.

After entering the door, because the light outside was not very strong, Xiao Lan hurriedly turned on the light, but was still stopped by Ye Shuiyou.

"No need, that's fine."

Just like that, Xiao Lan arranged for Ye Shuiyou to sit on the sofa, while she moved a chair and sat opposite Ye Shuiyou across the coffee table.

This is the first time that Xiao Lan and Ye Shuiyou met at such a time and in such an environment. Xiao Lan noticed that Ye Shuiyou's expression was calm. Perhaps because of nervousness, her hands were placed on her knees cautiously. on the head.This sitting posture reminded Xiao Lan of certain prisoners in the detention center in movies and TV dramas. They were used to wearing handcuffs and other devices for a long time, and occasionally they took them off. Sitting there with hands and legs together.

Ye Shuiyou's face was a little pale, but at this moment, she didn't see anything, and even her mind was blank: on her back, there were bouts of slight tremors from time to time... Can't help but come from the heart. That kind of trembling... one after another...

"Are you sleepy? I'll pour you a cup of coffee to refresh yourself." After Xiao Lan finished speaking, she was about to get up.

But at this time, Ye Shuiyou suddenly came up and hugged Xiao Lan, "Brother Lan, I'm not well, buy me a drink."


Ye Shuiyou hesitated for a long time, "It's too shabby for me, a big girl, to drink myself with spirits, do you have any wine?"


In order to make Ye Shuiyou feel more comfortable, Xiao Lan specially turned on the small desk lamp next to it, and the warm light shone on. Although it was insignificant compared with the surrounding darkness, it could add some warmth to some extent.

After drinking another whole glass of wine, Ye Shuiyou suddenly put the quilt on the coffee table, covered his chest with his left hand and coughed twice.

"Drink too much, do you still drink?" Xiao Lan said with a faint smile.

"Drink." Ye Shuiyou nodded, smiling with a blurred look in his eyes.

So, a new glass of wine was placed on the tea table.

Ye Shuiyou leaned on the coffee table with her right hand, her slightly flushed face was dragging on the palm of her hand. At this moment, she seemed very happy, but at the same time seemed very unhappy. Anyway, with such a complicated expression, she doesn't often come into contact with girls. Xiao Lan couldn't read it.

"When will the bright moon come? Ask the blue sky for wine." Ye Shuiyou laughed for some reason, then squinted at a 45-degree angle to look out the window and sang.

"Brother Lan, the moon last night was so round, it looked like a beautiful mirror."

Xiao Lan smiled slightly, and followed Ye Shuiyou's direction to look outside: "Don't be sour, it doesn't look like anything, it looks like a one-dollar steel coin."

Ye Shuiyou seemed very dissatisfied after hearing this, she straightened up tremblingly, and said with a smell of alcohol, " vulgar! You don't talk about feelings, you just... talk about money."

"Hey, brother Lan, are you under a lot of pressure? Today is just right, let me vent it."

Xiao Lan waved his hand, but did not let Ye Shuiyou continue.

"Stop making trouble, what do you want to do when you come to me at a time like this?"

Ye Shuiyou lowered his head, and then murmured: "The last time you killed Mu Yuhao in front of the Tower of Shiyuan, I...I asked for the equipment back, in fact, to return it to him. "

Ye Shuiyou spoke very helplessly, and after she finished speaking, she poured another glass of wine and drank it all in one gulp. This time, she coughed more violently.

Seeing Ye Shuiyou like this, Xiao Lan was naturally worried, but he didn't know how to persuade him: "Hey, take it easy, I... I'm a little confused, really."

"You...really know that Mu Yuhaoran?" Xiao Lan asked after a while.

Ye Shuiyou didn't speak, but nodded slightly.

After a while, Ye Shuiyou drank the rest of the wine in the cup, and then said slowly: "The Ye Group is going to come to Yuehua legend new version to pan for gold, you should be able to imagine that, and that Mu Yu Haoran, oh ...that is, Mu Hao in reality, who is the person in charge of this project appointed by Dad."

Speaking of this, Ye Shuiyou shook his head with a wry smile: "But Mu Hao is simply a fool who takes money and does nothing. He will only use money to buy a bunch of so-called 'experts', and then suppress them everywhere in the game." Those little guilds."

Hearing what Ye Shuiyou said, Xiao Lan couldn't help it, "Now it seems that he has found the right person, the arrogant family, hmph! Five people can't even beat two of them, they are even worse than a fool."

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