Online game dark night assassin

Chapter 102 Ye Shuiyou's Fourth Narrative

"Then tell your father? Doesn't he listen to your precious daughter?" Xiao Lan asked after thinking about it for a while.

Hearing the words baby girl, Ye Shuiyou sneered, "Baby girl? Humph! In the eyes of my dad, money is more important than my so-called baby girl. He can't listen to me at all now. What he said All I thought about was picking a business partner and marrying me to them, the purpose of which was just to get financial support from the other party."

Ye Shuiyou was no longer satisfied with drinking from a cup, she directly picked up the bottle and said, "I am at my dad's place, just like a bargaining chip on the negotiating table, which will be thrown out at any time."

"Bastard!" Xiao Lan said in a low voice.

Ye Shuiyou heaved a long sigh: "Money is really the scariest thing, even if I don't love each other, but for the sake of money, under the pressure of my father, I must learn to love him, love becomes a commodity to me, becomes In exchange."

Xiao Lan shook her head: "Silly girl, that's not love, it's flesh. The flesh has become a commodity."

Xiao Lan hesitated for a while.

"Why...why are you telling me this?"

Ye Shuiyou immediately replied: "Before you came to Yanshan Hotel, I kept thinking, if I can't change this fate, then...the person I would rather marry is you."


At that moment, both of them were speechless, Ye Shuiyou looked at Xiao Lan, feeling indescribably relaxed.As for Xiao Lan, he also looked at Ye Shuiyou, but his mind was a mess.


Ye Shuiyou didn't let Xiao Lan continue: "I came to meet you today to tell you what's on my mind. If you decide to give up, then I will give up."

"Then do you think I should give up or accept?"

Ye Shuiyou shook his head: "I don't know, but I think you will give up, your family background is different from mine, you dare not face love, your indifference and debauchery in front of us so-called 'rich', But that's just your protective color, it's used to cover up your lack of self-confidence and weakness. Fortunately, none of this matters anymore. The other party is nothing more than some bosses who smell like money. Maybe I can change him Woolen cloth."

"Come on, let's continue drinking." After Ye Shuiyou finished speaking, he wanted to pick up the wine bottle and pour wine into his glass.

Seeing this, Xiao Lan hurriedly stretched out her hand to stop her: "Oh, don't drink it, the bad thing is that I'm in my house, otherwise people will think I'm a heartless person."

"It's dawn, I'll take you back to Yanshan Hotel."

After hearing this, Ye Shuiyou smiled, supported the tea table with both hands and wanted to stand up, but in the end he couldn't hold it up and fell forward. Fortunately, Xiao Lan got up in time, and Ye Shuiyou just got into Xiao Lan's arms.

Xiao Lan was very flustered, and he thought of countless ways almost instantly.

"Forget it, it doesn't look good for you to go back like this, so it's better to stay with me." Speaking of this, Xiao Lan smiled at Ye Shuiyou in his arms, "You can also see that my place is three rooms and one living room. It was originally planned to share the rent with a friend, but he left not long after."

Ye Shuiyou's original sad face finally relaxed, she smelled of alcohol, her ruddy face looked really cute.

"Are you... not afraid of what I might do to you?"

Ye Shuiyou didn't think about anything, she shook her head: "You, no way! If you know it, you won't be a poor boy in the mountains, let alone wait until today."

Xiao Lan was stunned after hearing this: "You... how do you know..."

Ye Shuiyou sneered again: "Of course my father told me."


Supporting Ye Shuiyou, the two staggered into another bedroom. Xiao Lan first helped Ye Shuiyou to sit on the chair beside him, and then he gestured carefully on the bed, which made Ye Shuiyou lie down.

Ye Shuiyou's eyes were slightly closed, and there was still a slight smile on her face. After Xiao Lan settled her down, she didn't forget to comb Ye Shuiyou's messy hair just now.

But at this moment, Ye Shuiyou suddenly opened his eyes, his eyes flickering as clear as spring water, making it impossible for Xiao Lan to stare.

Seeing Ye Shuiyou's lips open slightly, Xiao Lan immediately lowered her head while taking advantage of the situation. Ye Shuiyou didn't dodge, but closed her eyes gently, coyly and gently, as docile as a cat.Her lips looked moist and soft, and the tip of her tongue was warm and flexible, making Xiao Lan intoxicated.

But in the end Ye Shuiyou still couldn't wait for that kiss, Xiao Lan gave up when his mouth was only one millimeter away from Ye Shuiyou, maybe this is the weakness and lack of confidence that Ye Shuiyou summed up.

"Go to bed early, don't be like this in the future." Xiao Lan's breathing was a little short, and her speech was intermittent.

Ye Shuiyou was also not much better, she looked very excited: "You like me, right? Otherwise, you would not be able to sacrifice your life to save me on the ancient plank road in the dark night. In front of Ohana, don't you Maybe go up and use the moon shadow to help me block that arrow. In the underground world last night, it is even more impossible for you to break through the front of the knife array alone for me..."

These words left Xiao Lan speechless.

In fact, the answer to this question should be no in Xiao Lan's mind, but Xiao Lan went crazy today, facing Ye Shuiyou, he nodded seriously.

Back in his bedroom, Xiao Lan felt uncomfortable. He picked up the bottle of wine that Ye Shuiyou hadn't finished, and drank it all in one gulp.


At one o'clock in the noon, Xiao Lan woke up suddenly, thinking of Ye Shuiyou in the next room, he ran over quickly regardless of the pain in his head.

On the bed last night, Ye Shuiyou was no longer there, Xiao Lan searched around, and finally found a note on the coffee table under the pressure of a water cup.

"I'm going back to the company. I hope what happened today will not affect our future team formation in the game."

Xiao Lan looked at the note and couldn't help laughing. He shook his head, but a very severe pain came, and Xiao Lan, who realized that he also drank too much, hurried back and fell asleep again.

At the same time, Ye Shuiyou, who was as tired as Xiao Lan, did not have such a good chance to rest. At this time, in her office, Mu Hao was leading several business executives to question Ye Shuiyou.

"Manager Ye, I think you are the chairman's daughter, so I have more respect for you, but don't push yourself too hard. Last night, you and that little boy killed the arrogant family member. What do you want me to do? He is arrogant. The family directly raised the asking price by 50% today, do you know how much more I have to pay for it?"

Ye Shuiyou didn't change his face when he heard this: "You guys actually like the kind of crap from the Kuaoao family?"

After hearing this, Mu Hao was very annoyed: "What I don't like is my business, you don't need to worry about it!"

As a result, Ye Shuiyou also stood up, "Okay, then you will be in charge after you establish the guild, why do you want me to be the president?"

After hearing this, Mu Hao knew that he was wrong, so he quickly shied away and said: "This... this is the order of the chairman, how dare we change it?"

"The chairman's order?" Ye Shuiyou said immediately, "You are the one looking for a scapegoat!"

Mu Hao saw that he was gradually at a disadvantage in the conversation, he snorted, and then quickly found an excuse to leave, leaving Ye Shuiyou alone, standing there helplessly.

There were two knocks on the door, and Ye Shuiyou rubbed his tired face with both hands, and then said, "Please come in!"

The door of the office was pushed open, and a girl in a suit and skirt appeared at the door. She was in her early 20s. Although she was not tall, she was very temperamental.

"It's Yuan Xiang, come in quickly."

Seeing the girl in front of her, Ye Shuiyou suddenly regained her energy. She walked to the door of the office, then poked her head out quietly, and closed the office door only after making sure that no one was paying attention.

"Have you done everything you were asked to do?" Ye Shuiyou asked in a low voice as much as possible.

The girl in front of her smiled, "Don't worry Mr. Ye, the account has been set up and all the funds are in place. Those idiots in the company's finance department didn't notice it at all."

Hearing what Yuan Xiang said, Ye Shuiyou felt relieved, and the previously tense expression also began to relax slowly.

"By the way, Mr. Ye, are you also recruiting some people in the game, I'm worried..."

"No need." Ye Shuiyou interrupted, "I trust him."

"But... But Sister Ye..., you should always tell him the actual situation." The girl in front of her seemed very anxious, and even changed her address.

"He won't believe it." Ye Shuiyou continued after a pause: "From now on, I will be called Mr. Ye in the company. If people hear you like this, you will have good fruit to eat."


At six o'clock in the evening, Ye Shuiyou returned to her villa on the side of the Fourth Ring Road, and Xiao Lan also woke up from her sleep.The two people who were far apart put on their helmets at the same time.

brush... brush...

It was still the dim environment, but people's mood had undergone earth-shaking changes.

"'s you, what a coincidence."

"Yeah, it's a coincidence."

"Do you want to continue playing?" Xiao Lan asked.

Ye Shuiyou frowned, "Forget it, Long Xinxin and Wang Xue are probably going to go online too, so it's probably not good for the two of us to fight inside."

Xiao Lan smiled, and together with Ye Shuiyou, made a record of where they are now.

In the new version of Legend of Moonlight, players can set their location as a record point on any dungeon map, and then when the player prepares to download the dungeon for the second time, they can directly transfer to the last record point without having to Start all over.

After the record point was set, Xiao Lan and Ye Shuiyou started returning to the city at the same time, but as soon as they walked out of the teleportation point, they found that the players in Hailar City seemed to be very crazy tonight. They were in groups, heading towards the city center move.

"My friend, what's the matter today, why are you all running over there?"

Xiao Lan stopped a little sister and asked.

"Oh, Hailar is going to be famous now."

Little MM looked very happy. She didn't answer Xiao Lan's question directly, but after saying such a sentence, she followed the tide of players and moved towards the center of the city.

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