Online game dark night assassin

Chapter 103 Level 1 1 Vote

Xiao Lan and Ye Shuiyou had just walked not far together, and met Wang Xue and Scorpio after they went online.

"Xiao Lan, today's Hailaer is quite lively." Wang Xue said when they met.

"But... what's going on here?" Xiao Lan was still at a loss.

Wang Xue stretched out a finger and pointed at Xiao Lan: "It looks like I went to sleep again during the day, and I didn't read the official maintenance announcement during the day."

"Huh? During the day the game is maintained?"

"Of course, there is an hour of emergency maintenance from 12:1 noon to [-]:[-], mainly to prepare for the Champions League with the new expansion."

Xiao Lan looked very disdainful after hearing this: "Hey, pk contests are old-fashioned and nothing new."

After hearing this, Wang Xue couldn't believe Xiao Lan could say such a thing: "Didn't you be very passionate about this kind of activity before?"

Xiao Lan shrugged: "Times are different, I just want to make more money now so that I can support my family!"

"No pursuit!"

"You said you didn't pursue it, so you didn't pursue it." Xiao Lan paused, "By the way, what are these players doing running to the center of the city?"

Wang Xue stared: "Go vote, the venue of this competition is determined by the votes of the players, oh yes, vote for Tifeng City, it is of course good to be held there. The players who belong to them still have 5% attributes Plus."

Xiao Lan raised her eyebrows: "You are so powerful, why don't you hurry up?"

"Hey, this guy is still very passionate about it, otherwise how could he run so fast?" Wang Xue stood on the spot, turned her head and said to Scorpio.

"Is Big Brother Dream Chaser good at PK?"

Wang Xue immediately tapped Scorpio on the head twice with her staff: "This competition will let you see and see."


Following the tide of players moving to the center of the city, coupled with the fact that there is already a very popular night market in Hailar City, this made the already noisy streets even more lively. Under the colorful light, the shouts began to surge, is it prosperous?maybe.

Although the central square of Hailar City is not big, many players are guided by the npc in an orderly manner. Everyone came to the ballot box one by one and sent their votes into it.

"What? One vote for one level?" Standing in front of the NPC who received the ballots, Xiao Lan felt a lot of pressure when he saw the 42 ballots Zhou received. Judging from the current situation, the total number of players in Tifeng City Hailar has more, but if one vote is cast at the first level, then Tifeng City is definitely not Hailar's opponent.

"Forget it, let's go, it's useless to vote." Xiao Lan turned her head and said to Ye Shuiyou.

Back on the street, the four of Xiao Lan were wandering the night market boredly, and happened to run into Longyu Wentian and Rong Xinrushui who had just launched online.

"Hey, why didn't you go to vote?" It seemed that Long Xinxin also knew about this.

"Forget it, don't go, one vote per level." Xiao Lan hurriedly stopped Long Yu to ask the sky.

"It's a pity, 5% attribute bonus."

But Xiao Lan didn't take it seriously, "Don't care about that, it's useless! At that time, it will be about technology and consciousness."

Speaking of which, Longyu Wentian glanced at Xiao Lan: "By the way, is this competition a team or an individual?"

As a result, Xiao Lan really stopped asking this question. He turned his head hastily and looked at Wang Xue with a questioning gaze.

"You, you, you just want to make money, why don't you even care about this information?" Wang Xue despised Xiao Lan, and continued to answer: "There is no individual competition, mainly because the game is in the early stage of operation, and it is still a little unstable. So we can only hold a team competition first to see the situation.”

Rong Xin Rushui on the side frowned after hearing this: "But we need 8 people to form a team, and we seem to have one less."

"Haha, one less person can add me!" Not far away, accompanied by a slightly obscene voice, a man in a black robe was walking towards everyone.

"Chen Yidao, I knew you would be indispensable in this kind of occasion!" Xiao Lan punched the opponent, and then teased.

Long Yuwentian nodded at Chen Tianshuo, "That's not bad. Judging by your profession, you should also be partial to healing."

Chen Tianshuo smiled, "It should be more supportive, and of course the healing skills are also very powerful." Speaking of this, Chen Tianshuo deliberately glanced at Xiao Lan, "This guy is too good, I didn't use all the skills that day. Bye."

As a result of this sentence, everyone burst into laughter.

"How about it? Let's find a place to discuss it." Xiao Lan looked at the crowd and said with a smile.

"You don't wait for Phoenix's impression?" Wang Xue reminded.

"Don't worry, I sent a message."

"Where are you going?" Rong asked with a flustered heart.

Wang Xue rolled her eyes after hearing this: "How about we go to Xiao Lan's kennel?"

One sentence made Xiao Lan stare at the smoke in an instant: "Which pot do you not open and which pot to lift, you can figure out how my house looks like."

"But I think sister Wang Xue has a good idea. I haven't been there yet."

The little girl's sweet voice came from behind Xiao Lan, and when she turned her head, it turned out to be Phoenix Impression.

Chen Tianshuo also nodded after hearing this: "When you first rented the place, you told me the address, but because you were too busy, you didn't have time to go. Today, you have a chance."


For the next half hour or so, Xiao Lan can be said to be highly efficient. Although Wang Xue just helped him clean up the house, there are still many places that are very messy, such as the washing machine, where the dirty clothes pile up faster than the washing tub. Taller.

At seven o'clock in the evening, the first doorbell rang, and Ye Shuiyou was the first to come to Xiao Lan's house. Facing the girl in front of him, Xiao Lan was somewhat embarrassed, especially Ye Shuiyou's breathtaking eyes , Ever since Ye Shuiyou and Ye Shuiyou looked at each other on the bed last night, Xiao Lan can always feel that there seems to be something attracting him.

"Brother Lan, everyone is coming to your place. I'm afraid it will be too messy, so I help you clean up in advance."

After what happened last night, Ye Shuiyou was somewhat shy, and looked at Xiao Lan somewhat unnaturally.

After Ye Shuiyou finished speaking, he walked into the living room without waiting for Xiao Lan to agree.As for her next actions, even Xiao Lan was a little surprised, the girl's observation ability is careful, Ye Shuiyou only came here once, and already found so many messy places.

Knowing that 15 minutes later, the doorbell rang for the second time, and Xiao Lan's "kennel" had a completely new look.

"Hey! Xiao Lan, you can do it? The house is so clean, to be honest, have you hired a nanny?"

Chen Tianshuo walked in and walked around the edge of the living room with an expression of disbelief on his face.

"Okay, why don't you hire a babysitter just like me?" Xiao Lan waited for Chen Tianshuo to take a look.

"Hehe, don't tell me, it's really good." Chen Tianshuo suddenly came over, "Just talk to the landlord and buy this place, and then quickly choose one of the girls around you, and do the important things in your life." Already."

As soon as Chen Tianshuo finished speaking, Ye Shuiyou just came out of Xiao Lan's bedroom. Hearing such words, the face of the little sister blushed instantly.

"Hey, you... If you think what I said is wrong, then just pretend I didn't say it!" Chen Tianshuo sneaked a glance at Ye Shuiyou, and quickly changed his words.

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