Online game dark night assassin

Chapter 117 The Meeting of Wind and Cloud

The battle on the field was still going on, the "short-handed" Scorpio stopped immediately, while Xiao Lan and the others frequently used long-range skills to continuously consume Golan's health.

"Adventurers, you are very powerful, and I, Golan, have learned it!"

Golan flicked the staff in his hand, and a red and black light wall appeared behind her, and then began to rotate at a relatively slow speed with Golan as the center.

The light curtain of death, those who touch it will die.

But Xiao Lan didn't think so, he took this opportunity to go up with a three-stage swirling shadow, and directly started a personal attack.

"Moon Shadow Chain Slash!"



Golan's defense is not very high, but the total blood volume is very impressive. Although Xiao Lan has dealt nearly 6000 damage in these two strikes, it is still difficult to reverse the situation on the field.

"Brother Lan, be careful!" Ye Shuiyou had just made up two arrows, and then shouted, his voice was full of worries about Xiao Lan.

Xiao Lan looked to his left, and the death light curtain that had already turned around turned back to him again at this moment.

Moved a few steps in a hurry, Xiao Lan refused to let go of any chance of output, and his attempt also allowed everyone to find a knock on the door of output.



Rongxin shot Golan with spells one after another. Due to the existence of death spread, if Golan can't be killed in 3600 seconds, that is, after 1 hour, then Xiao Lan and others will only have a dead end.

"Brother Xiao Lan, the output may not be enough." Rong Xin shouted like water.

"Don't worry, as long as we can find a good opportunity to control her, our round of explosions will definitely be enough for this little girl to drink a pot."

When the death light curtain time ended, Golan jumped up and down again. Fearing the poison of her dead blood, Xiao Lan had no choice but to withdraw first.

"Sister Xinxin, standing here, can you stab the boss with the Yellow Dragon Knife?" Rong Xin asked with a serious expression, frowning like water.

"Almost, what's the matter?" Long Xinxin asked.

"Otherwise, when you release Huanglong Yanyue, you deliberately point to the left, so that when the boss dodges to the right, I can use the black hole to suck her in."

Long Xinxin nodded in agreement with Rong's idea. Five seconds later, a huge black hole unfolded on the right side. This time Golan finally got the trick, and after being sucked by Heidong, he cursed for a while, but it didn't help.

At the side, Phoenix Impression, who was depressed because she couldn't hit the boss, finally saw hope at this moment. She stepped forward quickly, and a seal burst in reality, and then sent a seal to descend.

The purple-black magic substance slowly descended. This time is always the moment that everyone is most looking forward to. Everyone wants to see how much HP can be taken away from the boss by this skill with the highest damage in Xiao Lan's team.



Seeing that nearly one-third of Golan's health was emptied, even Xiao Lan, who had always been calm, couldn't help but clenched his fists.

"Okay, okay, I finally showed some real skills, and I won't let you down."

A round of eruption took Golan's 6+ hp away. Golan never expected such a result. Her expression turned cold, and she quickly waved the staff in her hand. Suddenly, several portals appeared on the field. Liansi Death God and Scythe Demon walked out of it one after another.

"Damn it, these portals are basically invincible." Xiao Lan cursed.

"The room is so small, there is no possibility of kite monsters." Long Yu Wentian nodded.

Ye Shuiyou shook his head after hearing this: "Even if the room is big, it won't work, the boss has a death light curtain, if you don't pay attention, you will die."

"Brother Lan, what should I do? Time is running out."

"What else can I do, no matter how many mobs there are, Scorpio can resist."

"Hey, I'm very happy!" Scorpio, who squatted aside and waited for a long time, charged into the monster pile before Xiao Lan could finish the arrangements, but he soon discovered that this was not a wise move.

brush brush...

The double-edged scythes of Lawrence's God of Death fell one after another, and the super-high attack power made it difficult for the rough-skinned and thick-blooded Scorpio to parry for a while.

"Dark Wings!"

Ever since Scorpio attracted the hatred of all mobs, Chen Tianshuo has been keeping a close eye on his HP. With a move of Dark Wings, Scorpio's health, which was already on the verge of danger, was quickly pulled back.

"You quack doctor, you finally passed the test once." Xiao Lan smiled, and then rushed forward with a dark wave of moon shadow, immobilizing most of the mobs, thus temporarily relieving the danger of Scorpio.

Golan, who was accompanied by 8 people on the field, continued to spend more than ten minutes like this. During this period, because the control skills were always unable to hit, the output of everyone could only be intermittent.

The second time the death light curtain came, the red and black wall of death was indeed ruthless, even those scythe demons and Luo Lisi's god of death were not spared.

This time Xiao Lan and Scorpio both had experience, the death light curtain turned around, Xiao Lan and Scorpio rushed up and dealt nearly 2 damage.

"Adventurers, you are forcing me!" Golan said angrily.


Several dark green venom arrows were released from Golan's body. Xiao Lan wanted to dodge, but the speed of the venom arrows was too fast. Everyone just saw a green light flash in front of them. Hired.

"It's terrible. The blood volume is forced to be reduced to only 3 points within 100 seconds. This is simply a heartbeat."

Xiao Lan's worry was not unreasonable. At the level of 40+, 100 health points was almost the same as no life. At this time, everyone, as long as they made a slight mistake, they might be instantly killed by Golan.

Several purple-red darts formed behind Gran, and they were all shot out within 2 seconds.Xiao Lan shrewdly avoided a dart flying towards him, and then looked at the situation on the field in horror. At this time, if he was a little careless, he would lose his staff.

Cursed Arrow: After summoning the cursed arrow of wind attribute, it shoots towards the enemy in front; the enemy hit by the cursed arrow will receive magic damage of wind attribute, and has a certain chance to enter the cursed state, slowing down the movement speed by 20% for 5 seconds.

A few seconds later, all the cursed arrows were fired, and Xiao Lan breathed a sigh of relief seeing that everyone's heads in the team list were still bright.


At this moment, the door leading to the Rollins Research Institute was suddenly blasted open, and after the dust had dispersed, Xiao Lan and the others were surprised by the scene in front of them.

"Chasing dreams without regret?"

"Drunk and crazy handsome?"

"Ouyang Jie?"

The last sentence was said by Ye Shuiyou.

"Oh, this city of Hailar is really going to have a big meeting recently." The drunken man glanced at the audience, and then locked his eyes on Ye Shuiyou.

"Today, our drunk family is here to clear this task, and I hope Miss Ye won't..."

"I don't care if she interferes or not, but I led the team to discover this boss first, no matter what, there must be a first-come-first-served one." Xiao Lan stepped forward and interrupted directly.

"Hmph! In front of me, you have no right to speak." Drunk and Kuangjun didn't even look at Xiao Lan.

At this time, Golan, who was very confused by the scene in front of him, also twisted her sexy body and walked towards the drunken man.

"This handsome guy is a gentleman at first glance, how about today..."


At this time, an archer under Drunk Kuangjun took the lead in firing an arrow at the boss, while Xiao Lan who was standing beside him seized this momentary opportunity and attacked Drunk Kuangjun.

"Moon Shadow Double Blades!"


Seeing Drunk and Kuangjun being floated into the air, Xiao Lan jumped up resolutely and made up two swords.



Drunken Kuangjun's equipment should be very good, Xiao Lan's high agility cannot guarantee an absolute hit.

"Skywalking Arrow!"

Just when the angry drunken man landed and was about to fight back, Ye Shuiyou's purple-red arrow stunned him again.

"Ye Shuiyou, please understand our current relationship." Threatened by the drunken shot at the side.

"Of course I understand, our current relationship is hostility!"

"The sky is full of clouds!"

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