Online game dark night assassin

Chapter 118 The Meeting of Wind and Cloud

A drunk and handsome subordinate wanted to come up to help, but Ye Shuiyou's Tian Zaiyun had already been sent out, several sword qi told Feilai, and directly sent the full-blooded mage player back to the embrace of the angel sister.

"Ye Shuiyou, I hope you don't regret it!" The drunk Kuangjun who had recovered from his dizziness said angrily.

"Moon Shadow Double Blades!"

Xiao Lan didn't wait for him to finish his sentence before he struck out with one move. The drunk and drunken man floated into the air instantly, and the rest of the people wanted to come up to save them, but Phoenix Impression sealed the space and blocked everyone out.


Drunk Kuangjun's level is not low, he also made a charge towards the distance, trying to get out of Xiao Lan's attack range.

"Don't be afraid, let me increase the speed, I will compensate 500 yuan for falling a level, and there is a reward of 1000 yuan for killing a person!"

Drunk Kuangjun originally wanted to motivate his subordinates, but this also gave Xiao Lan time to react. A three-stage swirling shadow, followed by a moon shadow chain slash. In front of Xiao Lan's super high attack, Drunk Kuangjun's The life value instantly dropped to less than 10%.

Golden wings appeared behind Drunk Kuangjun, Xiao Lan still wanted to attack, but found that even with the bonus of Moon Shadow Ghost Whip, Drunk Kuangjun's blood volume would not decrease.

"Look for their priest!" Xiao Lan reminded in the team channel.

God's Wings: Protect the target from any damage within 5 seconds and recover 20% of HP.


Taking advantage of Xiao Lan's reaction time, Drunk Kuangjun slashed fiercely at Xiao Lan. The former's weapon should be much stronger than Xiao Lan's. Although he didn't use any skills, he still knocked out Xiao Lan. Lost Xiao Lan's life value of 2000+.

clap la la...

Wang Xue's treatment caught up with him in time, and the drunk Kuangjun, who became angry from embarrassment, slashed twice again, but both were dodged by the alert Xiao Lan.

"Double Flame Slash!"

Long Xinxin did not know when he had sneaked behind the drunk Kuangjun. Although the Double Flame Slash was only the most basic skill of a battle mage, the damage was definitely high enough. Xiao Lan had heard from Long Xinxin that he had once relied on this skill to During the dominant period, he once occupied the first place in the ranking list.

The golden-yellow baguette was raised high, and then hit twice fiercely.



Accompanied by the flames soaring into the sky, Drunk Kuangjun let out a scream, the effect of the priest's God Wing skill had ended, and Drunk Kuangjun, who was just full of blood, fell into a dangerous situation again.

"Moon Shadow Chain Slash!"

Xiao Lan wanted to deal with the life of Drunk Kuangjun directly, but he was still not as quick as the other priest. With a teleportation skill, Drunk Kuangjun temporarily fled back into the crowd.

Back in time: Whether it is physical or magical damage, the target has a chance to dodge the damage by moving back in time a short distance.

"Looks like I need a priest." Long Xinxin looked at the drunken handsome man going away, and said with a little regret.

"Hey, there's no need, the current configuration is just right." Xiao Lan said disapprovingly.

"You bunch of idiots, I attracted the three of them, what were you doing just now?"

"Boss, that little girl (referring to Phoenix Impression) who can use the skills of people in circles is too domineering, we can't get through with one move. After finally getting close, she turned into an energy ball and ran away." Drunk and drunk The group of Jun's subordinates said in embarrassment.

"I don't care, just give it to me. I spent so much money buying equipment for you, I didn't just let you eat!" Drunk and crazy handsome almost ran away.

Several explosions came, it turned out that Rong Xin Rushui and Phoenix Impression launched a new round of attack, the target was locked on the opponent's assassin class, in order to make it easier for people to kill and steal money, Drunk Kuangjun recruited two assassin.

The operation and consciousness of these two assassins should be very good. Even though they were bombarded by the two little girls, they never lost a single hp.

"Three sections of spinning shadows! The first section!"

"Moon Shadow Dark Wave!"

Seeing that the distance between the two was too close, Xiao Lan jumped straight up, and the two assassins were restrained by Xiao Lan before they realized what was going on.

"The seal is coming!"

Phoenix Impression is also very smart, knowing that the possibility of a skill hit is unlikely, so he simply kept his big move as a backup, and waited until other teammates came to support him.

Two terrifying figures appeared above the assassin's head, one of them might have used a life-saving skill beforehand, so he was not killed in battle, while the other one turned into white light and disappeared.

Rong Xin Rushui was two years younger than Xiao Lan, but he had a lot of experience in the game. Seeing that one of the assassins had been killed, he resolutely released the black hole towards another place where there were more players.

As a result, the drunk Kuangjun's subordinates were restricted in their freedom of movement before they could react.

"Black Hole Plane!"

Chen Tianshuo is not a cheap lamp, he saw the opportunity, smiled badly, and then put his own black hole under Rongxin's watery black hole.Of course, the result can be imagined.

At the same time, Xiao Lan and others did not forget to take care of Golan, the biggest protagonist on the field. Ye Shuiyou has been using long-range skills to consume Golan's blood volume, while Wang Xue has always maintained the poisoning effect on Golan. .

Suppressed by rank, coupled with Xiao Lan and the others being preemptive strikers, the team of Drunk and Kuangjun was defeated after less than half an hour, and all eight people were sent back to the angel's diligent embrace. Yes, two of them died behind the curtain of the boss's death light because the battle was in full swing.

On Xiao Lan's side, except for Wang Xue's final health which was very dangerous, the rest of the people didn't encounter too much trouble.

"Not bad, not bad, as expected of the handsome guy I fell in love with at the beginning, but he has some abilities." At this time, Golan began to use her charm skills again.

"Moon Shadow Meteor Sword!"

Seeing that the boss was unprepared, Xiao Lan used such a trick unexpectedly.

"Fire Pulse!"

A wave of hot waves hit, and everyone immediately felt that their health was dropping rapidly. If Chen Tianshuo hadn't made up for the black hole plane in time, it is estimated that the blood-scarred Rong Xinruishui or Phoenix Impression would go to see the angel .

Unable to remember, Golan changed a new tactic, a tingling feeling came, and lightning bolts shot out from Golan's hands, and quickly transmitted to everyone.

"You receive 5000 points of non-attribute magic damage (Golan's electrocution)"

Seeing that the blood volume of everyone who had just been pulled up quickly dropped again, Xiao Lan's heart once again raised his throat. Although Golan is only an e-level boss, his fighting intensity is not weaker than that of Shi Lai and Shi Yu. C-level boss.

Time passed by every minute and every second, and Golan's blood volume also decreased little by little. In the end, Xiao Lan and others killed him before he died at the last moment.

Ye Shuiyou held a longbow and kept patrolling the messy battlefield. The surrounding shelves that were originally used to store bottles and cans were tilted to this side, and a lot of colorful liquids had already flowed out, making the entire top floor of the Tower of Origin very messy. Not the taste.

"Strange, why didn't they drop anything?" Xiao Lan pinched her nose and looked around, but apart from a piece of equipment and a skill book dropped by Golan, there was nothing else.

Ye Shuiyou leaned over, "Brother Lan, don't you know? There is an official event recently, as long as you spend 800 RMB, you can protect the player's account from dropping equipment after death within 7 days."

"How much?" Xiao Lan's eyes widened and her voice rose an octave.

"800 yuan, there may be a discount if you buy a group."

"It's ruthless." Xiao Lan said, and continued to search for the spoils.

"Xiao Lan, do you need to guard the corpse or what? I've heard about the stones and fat meat of drunken family members in Hailar." Chen Tianshuo asked.

After thinking about it, Xiao Lan shook her head: "Forget it, guarding the corpse is risky. What if they come back together after being revived? With their equipment, as long as they use their skills first, we are in danger. What's more, we have already wiped out the group once. Yes, enough money."

"Well, let's see what Golan dropped first." Chen Tianshuo nodded and said.

Five minutes later, the battlefield was cleaned up. It seemed that the members of the Drunken Family paid a high price for system protection. There was nothing on the ground except for the things dropped by Golan.

"I'm looking forward to it. Brother Xiao Lan will divide the skills first, maybe it's similar to the death screen just now." Rong Xin said excitedly.

"You little girl only thinks about good things. If you learn that skill, wouldn't you be able to go to the boss in a second?" Xiao Lan said, knocking on the head of the little girl.

However, he was still shocked when he saw the specific instructions in the skill book.

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