Online game dark night assassin

Chapter 124 The Meeting of Wind and Cloud

"Why is he so impulsive today?" Wang Xue, who was walking behind, asked Long Xinxin who was beside her.As a result, the latter also shrugged his shoulders and shook his head, indicating that he was not very clear.

"Moon Shadow Double Blades!"


The equipment of the fighters on the opposite side is basically between bronze and silver, and the worst equipment on Xiao Lan's side must be silver equipment. It can be said that it is basically impossible for Xiao Lan's side to lose in terms of pure strength.

"Xiao Lan, how to fight?" The map was too dark, and Wang Xue, who was standing very far back, really couldn't see the situation on the other side, so he still asked Xiao Lan as usual.

As a result, Xiao Lan's answer was very simple, "Anything you want!"

Wang Xue and Long Xinxin standing behind all laughed. Xiao Lan had already killed one of the opponent's fighters in such a short period of time. In the PK of Legend of Yuehua, the death of a player is a very big loss, especially in 8v8 In such a match, if one side dies first, the balance of victory will be greatly tilted towards the other side.

Even so, Long Xinxin has already played very steadily, "Wang Xue, pay attention to Xiao Lan's blood volume, don't let the other party's thieves steal Xiao Lan, Rong Rong, you can use soy sauce, mobile output, it is best to find the other party's Therapy profession."


As soon as Long Xinxin finished speaking, the surrounding air fluctuated. Long Xinxin didn't change his face, and when he turned around, he directly hit a double flame cut.

6089! (Critical Strike) A player of the opponent just disappeared on the battlefield.

"Is it a thief?" Before Wang Xue, who was standing beside her, could react, the other player had already disappeared in front of the two of them.

Long Xinxin shook his head: "I haven't seen it clearly yet, this guy died."

Within a minute of the start of the battle, the opponent directly killed two people.

"Sister Xinxin, do you think that is their pastor?" At this moment, Rong Xin Rushui suddenly ran over and pointed to the front right.

But because the scene was too dark, Long Xinxin could only see the glowing staff in the opponent's hand.

"Huanglong Yanyue!"

7028! (Critical attack) The huge Yellow Dragon Knife was shot, but the priest of the other party obviously didn't react, and was killed by Long Xinxin in a flash while he was still slow.

"No, when did your injury become so perverted?" Before he knew it, the bored Xiao Lan had returned to Long Xinxin's side, and he watched helplessly as the golden Yellow Dragon Saber stabbed the other priest to death.

As a result, Long Xinxin directly posted a skill on the team channel without saying a word.

Chaser Suppression (cd30s, instant): Within 30s, the damage caused by all attacks is increased by 100%.

"Damn! There is such a skill?" Xiao Lan couldn't believe it, the duration was exactly the same as the CD time. Doesn't that mean that this skill has no CD time?

As soon as they came up and lost three opponents in seconds, Xiao Lan and others' opponents in the first match were completely dumbfounded. They didn't react until Xiao Lan rushed to less than 5 meters away from them.

"Fire Element Arrow!"

Xiao Lan was startled, this kind of skill Xiao Lan seemed to have known before, but for the time being, she couldn't remember what profession issued it.

bang bang...

After the two explosions, although Xiao Lan dodged the opponent's direct attack, the fire elemental arrow would leave a large circle of fire on the ground after hitting it. As long as someone stepped on it, the continuous blood loss was still very scary.

"Three sections of spinning shadows! The first section!"


Since the opponent is a profession similar to that of an archer, then the melee attack will definitely have the desired effect. Xiao Lan judged and acted in this way.But the result was completely beyond his expectation.

An explosion sounded from the target location, and Xiao Lan was instantly pushed far away by a huge force.

Elemental Burst (cd30 seconds, instant): The elemental archer bursts out the power of the elements condensed in the body instantly, and can make the surrounding enemies fly in the direction the caster is facing. The skill's knock-up distance increases with the skill level. .

Seeing such an explanation of skills, Xiao Lan finally remembered that the archer named Yu'er who had been following Youyuzi of Xixing Temple, that is, Xu Manni, had this kind of occupation.

"Dark Arrow!"

Although the other party was also a little girl, he didn't seem to be afraid of Xiao Lan at all. The two started a 1v1 duel on the open map.

"Moon Shadow Meteor Sword!"

Xiao Lan has quick eyesight and quick hands, calculating the amount in advance, and the magic effect on the opponent is just one move.

Two seconds later, the sound of an explosion came from the air, and the smoke and dust instantly spread in front of the two of them, but it didn't seem to affect their performance at all.

"Hundred ghosts marching at night!"

"Rapid Fire!"

Three bursts of arrows shot at Xiao Lan through the dense smoke, and the magic effect of the Night Walking Formation of the Hundred Ghosts also made the opponent fall into a passive position.


When Xiao Lan saw the specific location of the arrow, it was too late for him to dodge, and all three arrows hit.Fortunately, the opponent's equipment is not very good, otherwise Xiao Lan would be in danger.




Naturally, such an injury report cannot satisfy the opponent's little sister. In the faint smoke, Xiao Lan seemed to have seen the little sister stamping her feet angrily.

"Three sections of spinning shadow! The second section!"

"I still don't believe that your elemental burst can still be used!" Xiao Lan couldn't help but feel excited when he met a slightly stronger opponent.

"Moon Shadow Double Blades!"


After all, it is a light armor class like an archer. Xiao Lan made a double-edged shot of Moon Shadow, and the little girl of the elemental archer floated high in the air in an instant.Xiao Lan originally wanted to jump up and make up two swords according to the previous habit, but finally gave up.


The little girl fell heavily to the ground, but she didn't care about adjusting at all, she stood up quickly and looked around to determine Xiao Lan's exact position.

"Moon Shadow Meteor Sword!"

Taking advantage of the night's vision, Xiao Lan directly released a move in the distance. At this time, the little girl was facing Xiao Lan with her back. Knowing the effect of the magic, she hurriedly dodged to the side.


The Moon Shadow Meteor Sword exploded, but it didn't hurt the little girl.

"What high agility!" Xiao Lan was horrified. The little girl's equipment should not be very good, but why did she reach out so quickly?

"Dark Arrow!"

"Moon Shadow Phantom Spirit!"

Xiao Lan showed a look of despair on her face. Xiao Lan used the stealth skill in front of her, and the elemental archers have no flare skills that ordinary archers can use to counter invisibility, so at this moment, facing Xiao Lan, Although the little sister knew Xiao Lan's purpose clearly, she still had nothing to do.

From Xiao Lan's field of vision, the little girl's blood volume suddenly increased, probably because she took the alchemist's potion.

"It's so shabby, what age is it, and you still drink this low-level alchemy medicine?"

At this time, the other opponents on the field have been cleaned up by Xiao Lan and others, and among the opponent's 8 people, only little mm, the elemental archer, has survived to this day.

Under such circumstances, Xiao Lan simply stepped forward and teased.

"Hmph! You rich second generations, what else can you do besides throwing money into the game like a fool?" The little girl turned her face away, knowing that she was not Xiao Lan's opponent, so she simply talked back to Xiao Lan.

In a word, Xiao Lan was stunned for a moment. He never expected that while looking down on a rich girl like Ye Shuiyou, he would also be called a rich second generation by others.

In short, Xiao Lan has a deep dislike for the words "rich second generation".

Frowning, Xiao Lan held the Youlan Sword and walked slowly in front of the little girl, "Listen! I'm not a rich second generation. I just rely on my own efforts to achieve my current strength. Please don't make wild guesses."

"Hmph! I don't believe who you lied to!" After the little girl said, she simply held a longbow and launched a melee attack on Xiao Lan.


The normal attack with the addition of the Moon Shadow Ghost Whip is really good-looking in the dark night, the purple magic effect appears, and there is no little girl on the scene anymore.

[The work was confirmed yesterday and today, the update is not very effective, please forgive me, it will be stable in the future. 】

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