Online game dark night assassin

Chapter 125 The Meeting of Wind and Cloud

The system's promotion notification rang in my ears, and Xiao Lan and others got off to a perfect start.But what was surprising was that during the match, under the bonus of Chaser suppression, Long Xinxin killed five members of the opponent with his own strength.

High damage skills like Brilliant Dragon Yanyue and Double Flame Slash will have high damage of 4000 to 6000 from time to time. Although it is not as good as the terrorist attack of Phoenix Impression, the CD time of Long Xinxin's skills is very short. And it's easier to hit the opponent.

"It's boring, I haven't moved my arms yet."

Long Xinxin complained as soon as the game was over.

The championship game is currently in the audition stage. The system will automatically match players. After a week-long random match, the teams with the top 64 points will enter the official game.

"How long is it before the next game starts?" Xiao Lan smiled and turned to ask.

"There is still half an hour, we can repair the equipment first." Ye Shuiyou said.

Everyone came to Hailar's equipment shop to repair things together.

"Hey, how many players do you think will be participating this time?" Chen Tianshuo asked curiously.

Wang Xue shook her head: "I'm not sure about this, but there should be more than 200 teams."

"More than 200 teams? You underestimate the appeal of Yuehua Legend." Long Xinxin said, and shared a piece of news on the team channel.

"The first Champions League of the new expansion of Yuehua Legend started, and 482 teams competed for it."

"482 teams? My God, that's more than 3 people." Xiao Lan said in surprise.

"This is still the result of filtering out low-level players, otherwise the number must be higher than this."

After resting for more than ten minutes on the steps in front of the equipment store at the entrance, the second game officially started, but unexpectedly, the map was still buried in a deep valley.

"This time grab the watchtower for fun." Xiao Lan smirked, and rushed up first. ,brush……

Unexpectedly, someone from the other party had already arrived there in advance. As soon as Xiao Lan passed by, he was struck by the other party's sword.


"Ah! Such a high attack?" Xiao Lan was startled, it seemed that he still underestimated the enemy.

A three-stage swirling shadow flashed out, and Xiao Lan turned around and used the Moon Shadow Meteor Sword. The opponent should be a warrior class. From the outside, the equipment should be very bad, but why is the damage so high?


Seeing that Xiao Lan was trying to distance himself, the opponent's fighter decisively used a charge to approach Xiao Lan, but just as he was about to strike the next sword, Ye Shuiyou's Skywalking Arrow also arrived in front of him.


The loud noise kept kicking up a lot of dust, which also caused the opponent's fighters to enter a state of dizziness.

"Moon Shadow Chain Slash!"

If Wang Xue and Rong Xin Rushui encountered such a character, it would be very dangerous, so Xiao Lan must kill him.



Nearly 6000 damage instantly cut off half of the warrior's health.

clap la la...

Familiar magic effects appeared on the warrior, but Ye Shuiyou didn't expect that this warrior, who Ye Shuiyou learned through the skill book, could do it now.

Seeing the blood volume rising little by little, Xiao Lan was a little anxious, but it didn't affect his performance.

"Hundred ghosts marching at night!"

White dots of light flew out from the void holes on the ground. Although the opponent's fighter had Ming Jing Zhishui Xiao Lan recovering his health, the night ghosts that kept flying out still caused a lot of trouble for the opponent's fighter.

"Charge!" The opponent's fighters also used the method of using charges to run away, but Xiao Lan had already prepared for it. You have a charge, and I have three swirling shadows.

"Moon Shadow Double Blades!"


The bonus of Luna Body is very obvious, such a skill release can only cause about 2700 damage at most during the day.


With Xiao Lan blocking the knife in front, Ye Shuiyou can safely attack the opponent's fighters from behind. More than 3000 damages continued to emerge from the fighters' heads. It only took three seconds to expose the enemies within Ye Shuiyou's fire The opponent's fighter was shot into a hornet's nest.


A crisp voice sounded from behind Ye Shuiyou. When Xiao Lan was attacking the opponent's fighter in front, he never forgot the movement of Ye Shuiyou behind him. When this crisp and strange sound appeared, Xiao Lan decisively gave up on the fighter in front. Directly record three swirling shadows and return to Ye Shuiyou's side.

"Moon Shadow Double Blades!"

Relying on his experience, Xiao Lan concluded that the assassin series should be the ones who sneaked up on Ms. Ye, and decisively shot the Moon Shadow Double Blades at the space behind Ye Shuiyou, and Xiao Lan picked out the sneak attacker.


The assassin's defense was not good, but his agility was not bad. Xiao Lan wanted to strike another sword, but the assassin didn't give him this chance.


The assassin's high moving speed made Xiao Lan feel the air fluctuations caused by his body movement.

Swinging the sword with one hand, Xiao Lan was able to attack from a terrifying distance under the addition of the Moon Shadow Ghost Whip. Even though the opponent's assassin was trying to dodge with all his strength, he was still injured by Xiao Lan.

6031! (Crit Attack) At this time, Ye Shuiyou also lost the opponent's fighters in seconds, and the second round went even smoother than the first round.

"What about the other people, why can't you see them?" Xiao Lan asked.

As a result, Ye Shuiyou looked around in confusion and shook his head.

"Never mind him, let's play around." Xiao Lan said.

Ye Shuiyou was already very confused: "Then how to play?"

"You come."

When Ye Shuiyou got closer, Xiao Lan's memorization of the Moon Shadow Phantom Spirit made the two of them invisible.

"Brother Lan, what happened to you before, I have never seen you have a nightmare." Walking, Ye Shuiyou suddenly said nervously.

"Wow! You haven't even seen what I look like when I'm sleeping, so how could you know if I'm having nightmares or not?" Xiao Lan raised her brows, clearly feeling the problem in Ye Shuiyou's words.

"Uh...hehe, I guessed it." Ye Shuiyou rarely smiled so mischievously.

"Ah? Can you tell me how you guessed it?" Xiao Lan asked curiously.

Ye Shuiyou smiled embarrassedly, maybe because she felt that her thoughts were too naive.

"Brother Xiao Lan has always been calm in front of me. How could there be a nightmare?"

Ye Shuiyou's words made Xiao Lan laugh too.

"What I just dreamed about was my father. He is a coal digger in Shanxi Coal Mine. He works hundreds of meters underground all day. It is cold and humid. He may be in danger at any time. There was a flood accident last year. , Only 50 of the 8 underground miners survived.”

"Then your father..."

"He just came up because of extreme discomfort three minutes before the accident." Xiao Lan said with lingering fear.

"But you have a little savings now, why don't you take your father over?" Three bedrooms and one living room are no problem at all.

After hearing this, Ye Shuiyou was very puzzled. Could it be that there is something else hidden in Xiao Lan's family?

[The second update will be delivered today, and the update time will be standardized starting tomorrow, with two updates at [-]:[-] pm and [-]:[-] pm, and more updates will be added on weekends if time permits. 】

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