Online game dark night assassin

Chapter 143 The Meeting of Wind and Cloud

"How is it, does it look good?" Ye Shuiyou stood up in front of Xiao Lan, put on the shawl and walked around the bedroom, the skirt flew up due to inertia, making the already beautiful Ye Shuiyou even more beautiful. tempting.

"It seems that you are also a fan of the old president of Homecoming, Ba Yu?" Xiao Lan asked with a smile.

"Of course, I like his movements when he is doing light work in the game the most. The elegant feeling is really beautiful." Ye Shuiyou said here, a trace of regret appeared on his face, "It's a pity, I don't have screenshots, more There is no video, and I don't even know the name of his move."

Xiao Lan laughed even happier after hearing this, as if this was the result he expected: "Wait a minute, I'll show you something."

After Xiao Lan finished speaking, she lifted her bed board, revealing the things stored underneath.

"My God, why do you have so many?" Ye Shuiyou covered his mouth with his hand in surprise.

It turned out that under Xiao Lan's bed, there were various CDs, photos, and souvenirs.Among them, there are many videos about the old president of Liu Shuiliu, Ba Yu, that Ye Shuiyou wanted.

"I was immature at that time, and I only played games for leisure, but he was different. The Legend of Yuehua was his life." Xiao Lan took out a photo of herself and Ba Yu in the game, and said.

"But you have to remember, Ba Yu's move that can make the body lighter is called Chi Kong Wu, and the use of this move must be combined with another move."

"Is there another trick?" Ye Shuiyou stared at Xiao Lan, anxiously waiting for the next step.

"Of course, players can't perform consecutive attacks when they are in the air. This is different between the old version and the new version. In the new version, as long as you are agile enough, you can hit whatever you want after jumping up."

"Then, what's the name of the other move?"

"It's called Feitianzhiwu." Xiao Lan smiled and glared at Ye Shuiyou, "Remember it, or I will regret it again."

After rummaging through the sundries under the bed again, Xiao Lan finally found a gift box.Xiao Lan had long forgotten what was inside, but now, it happened to be possible to put these photos and videos that Ye Shuiyou liked into it.

"Then, these are for you." Xiao Lan stood up and solemnly handed the things to Ye Shuiyou.

"Thank you." Although his knees still hurt, Ye Shuiyou still managed to stand up, the smile on his face, let alone how bright it was.

"It's actually quite pretty when you smile like this. Remember, you must keep yourself happy all the time. Only in this way can you bow your head to all difficulties." Xiao Lan instructed.

Two minutes later, Ye Shuiyou finished dressing. Because she had caught a cold before, the pain in her knees when she went downstairs made Ye Shuiyou unable to walk the stairs alone. Xiao Lan could only let Ye Shuiyou lean on her in embarrassment.

After meeting several nearby households, they all looked at the pair of young men and women with strange eyes.

"Wow, when did the guy on the sixth floor meet such a beautiful girl, how lucky he is."

"That's not the most important thing. Did you look at it? That girl is full of famous brands, and that one dress costs more than 4000."

"I don't think it's that simple. Maybe it's this little white face who got her. Look at the girl's posture, isn't it the same as after that?"

"Which one will come after? Can you fucking explain clearly?"

" are hopeless."


When Xiao Lan and Ye Shuiyou walked out of the building, several other people had already chosen their seats in Tanjiacai. Chen Tianshuo was looking out from the window. He was very curious. Ye Shuiyou and Xiao Lan In what way will they come to the restaurant.

"Idiot, what are you looking at?" Rong Xin quickly came over and kept looking out of the window.

And at this moment, Chen Tianshuo suddenly patted the little girl on the shoulder: "Look, look, they are here. Wow, it's so romantic."

With Chen Tianshuo's words, everyone crowded to the window at once, and on the other side of the road, Ye Shuiyou seemed to be wrapping his arm around Xiao Lan's arm, and leaning his head on Xiao Lan's shoulder, as if they were very intimate. look.

"Hmph! I'm just saying that this big radish has a heart." Rong Xin shrank her head back like water, and said with a pout, "Sister Wang Xue, when Brother Xiao Lan comes, you have to talk to him carefully."

Wang Xue was confused after hearing this: "Why did I say it?"


"Damn girl, don't talk nonsense." Long Xinxin interrupted, "There seems to be something wrong with Ye Shuiyou's leg."

After a while, Xiao Lan helped Ye Shuiyou into the restaurant. Although he looked very embarrassed after seeing everyone, but considering Ye Shuiyou's legs, Xiao Lan still bit the bullet and helped Ye Shuiyou to the seat superior.

"Sorry, it's a bit late. Youyou caught a cold last night, and her knees hurt a little." Xiao Lan apologized with a smile.

"Hmph! Excuses!" Rong Xin cast a quick glance at Xiao Lan, then at Ye Shuiyou, and said in a low voice...

But no matter what, the meal was finished like this. Whether it was the previous game or the adventure in the desert shrine, everyone was very satisfied, so everyone at the dinner table was very happy.In particular, Xiao Lan and Chen Tianshuo, two brothers who haven't seen each other for a long time, drink to their heart's content, but since there is still a game tonight, after finishing the two bottles of beer they ordered, the sisters will not let them continue to drink. .

"Xiao Lan, what are you going to do about Wang Xue's father? Are you really going to find that Avenger player and die?" Chen Tianshuo cherished the last bit of beer in his glass and asked.

After hearing this, Xiao Lan seemed very relaxed: "As long as this guy dares to participate in the competition, I will not worry about not being able to find him in the future."

"Then what if he doesn't participate?" Long Xinxin interrupted suddenly.

Xiao Lan sat up straight after hearing this, obviously the previous bottle of beer didn't affect his thinking: "If this is the case, then we have to plan carefully."

Xiao Lan paused and continued: "Think about it, in the old version of Yuehua Legend, whether it is me or the old president Ba Yu, we have fought against this indifferent many times. Although we have the advantage, indifferent The strategy still made us suffer a lot. He is very purposeful in doing things, and he is very good at arranging things. I believe he will have a strong purpose in buying this account. In the new version of Legend of Yuehua, the characteristics of the profession It's more obvious than the old version."

Speaking of this, Xiao Lan pointed to the impression of Phoenix next to her and said, "For example, what is the role of a sealer?" Xiao Lan glanced at the people at the table, "First, that is to spawn monsters at a high speed. Both the seal descending and the seal bursting have extremely strong output, but the shortcomings of these skills are also obvious, that is, they have little effect on units with high AI, including players. Therefore, seal masters are not used in duels. No advantage."

"What about the second one?" Chen Tianshuo became more and more fascinated, completely immersed in Xiao Lan's theory.

Xiao Lan turned her head and looked Chen Tianshuo up and down: "As for the second thing, I'll tell you when you invite dinner."

"Depend on!"

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