Online game dark night assassin

Chapter 144 The Meeting of Wind and Cloud

In the end, Chen Tianshuo agreed very reluctantly.

"It can be said." Chen Tianshuo looked at Xiao Lan's schadenfreude, and his nose was almost crooked.

After hearing this, Xiao Lan went on to say, "Second, the auxiliary output ability of the sealer is very powerful. As long as we attract the attention of monsters or players in front, the sealer can provide strong support from the rear."

Chen Tianshuo nodded: "That's not bad. Your Moon Shadow Dark Wave and Ye Shuiyou's Sky Arrow, combined with the sealer's high-damage skills, are quite heaven-defying."

Xiao Lan looked at the crowd and said, "Then, according to this theoretical analysis, buying an account of the Avenger profession indifferently may also take into account the characteristics of the profession."

"You mean, the Avenger class that Dan Ran is looking for shouldn't be so easy to kill?" Ye Shuiyou guessed.

"It's not just that." Xiao Lan said, "This kind of occupation is very likely to be difficult to find."

After hearing this, Wang Xue asked anxiously: "Then do we still have hope?"

Xiao Lan smiled: "I just said it was difficult, but I didn't say there was no hope? It's just that none of us are familiar with the Avenger profession, or else..."

"Say it, what else?" Facing Xiao Lan's hesitation to speak, everyone was surprised and urged.

Xiao Lan's body moved a bit, he hurriedly took out the key from his pocket, and handed it to Ye Shuiyou, "I'll open the door for everyone after dinner." After saying that, he got up and left.

"Brother Lan, where are you going?" Ye Shuiyou stood up and asked.

"Go to a friend, only he can help us a lot."

"Is it far? If it's not convenient, I have a car."

"Did you come here by car?" Xiao Lan asked in surprise.


"Then you come with me!" Xiao Lan said, regardless of whether Ye Shuiyou agreed or not, she just grabbed the little sister's clothes and left.

"Hey, Brother Lan, the key..."


A few minutes later, the two had already appeared on Beijing's Third Ring Road. Xiao Lan's expression was solemn, obviously not very confident about what would happen next.

"Turn left at the intersection ahead and go directly to the Fourth Ring Road." Xiao Lan looked out the window, took out her phone to locate the direction, and said directly.

"Brother Lan, who is that person?" Ye Shuiyou glanced at Xiao Lan, but couldn't help asking.

"I met him in the old version. The game id is Dazhi Datong. He lives up to his name. He knows many things in the game very well. The first thing I did when I became the president of Homecoming is to recruit him. Joining the meeting."

"There is such a powerful person?" Ye Shuiyou couldn't believe it, and the hands holding the steering wheel couldn't help shaking twice.

Xiao Lan smiled: "What's the matter, he just worked hard in this area."


A few minutes later, Xiao Lan and Ye Shuiyou's car turned into the Fourth Ring Road, and nearly half an hour later, at an inconspicuous exit, Xiao Lan asked Ye Shuiyou to drive the car to the Fourth Ring Road, and then found Stopped in a very hidden place.

"Why do you feel a bit like being a thief?" Ye Shuiyou looked at the sneaky Xiao Lan and asked.

"This person afk shortly after I recruited him into the Homecoming Guild, and he has never seen me since then, and I have never looked for him." Xiao Lan said after looking around.

After hearing this, Ye Shuiyou couldn't help feeling a little worried, "Then has he played the new version?"

But this sentence made Xiao Lan amused: "I guess, no!"


"However, he should still know. This person has such characteristics." Xiao Lan pointed to the curtained window upstairs in an unremarkable residential building, and then said.

"It's really a blessing to bring you, he just happens to be here."

"how do you know?"

"Because he drew the curtains, and the lights were not turned on at home." After saying that, he walked forward.

"Who is this person?" Ye Shuiyou frowned and took a look, then followed Xiao Lan into the building door.

The residential area that Xiao Lan and others entered was in the southern part of Beijing. Not to mention that it was relatively remote, and the public security was not very good. The property management in the residential area was chaotic, not to mention dirty, and things were often lost.

"Does your knee still hurt?" After walking not far, Xiao Lan suddenly stopped and asked.

Ye Shuiyou shook his head and said, "It's not a serious problem, it's done."

"Then why are you still holding on to me?"

"This... I'm a little scared here." Ye Shuiyou looked around, shrank his neck and said, his whole body was almost leaning against Xiao Lan's arms.

Xiao Lan blushed a little, "Hey, hey, be careful, it's not good for others to see."

"There is no one around here at all, otherwise I was so scared just now?"

After hearing this, Xiao Lan also looked around. Sure enough, although it was noon, the surrounding residential area was very quiet, and it was this quietness that made people feel scared.

"This is normal. The surrounding environment is not good. Many residents have reacted and complained, but to no avail. In desperation, everyone can only move." Xiao Lan smiled, and then gave Ye Shuiyou a symbolic hug , so that the latter can have a sense of security.

Entering the stairs, a pile of shit suddenly blocked the front, and many flies flew around, the scene was very lively.

"It's really dirty. This place hasn't been cleaned up for hundreds of years." Ye Shuiyou frowned, and gently waved his hands in front of him twice.

"Go over there, it will have less impact." Although the impact is not great, Xiao Lan still protects Ye Shuiyou in every way.As for Ye Meimei, she seems to enjoy Xiao Lan's protection very much. The reason is very simple. This kind of protection is pure and without any purpose. It is the most primitive and purest kind of protection that boys give to girls. . [Author's Note: I seem to be getting darker and darker in these few sentences. 】"Brother Lan, I'm afraid I won't be able to play with you freely in the near future." Walking to the second floor, Ye Shuiyou suddenly stopped, and said with a little reluctance on his face.

Xiao Lan nodded and said, "I understand that, but isn't there still some time?"

Ye Shuiyou also smiled after hearing this, in her eyes, Xiao Lan should be an amazing person, no matter what time he could always keep smiling and maintain a normal heart.

Before they knew it, the two of them had reached the fifth floor. Almost all the surrounding households had been evacuated. Since no one lived there for a long time, the smell here was very different from the outside world. Of course, Ye Shuiyou, a rich girl, did not come. After passing this kind of place, the smell around her almost made her faint.

"Hold on, we'll be there soon."

"I hope your friend's house doesn't have the same smell. Hey, Brother Lan, what's wrong with you?"

Hearing this, Xiao Lan suddenly froze, "Uh... I forgot to tell you something."

"What is it?"

"Uh... Hey... Forget it, go in later, you just follow me anyway, don't be afraid."

Xiao Lan scratched her head, and decided to keep it a secret.

[How about updating at 12:6 noon and [-]:[-] pm in the future?What's your opinion? 】

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