Online game dark night assassin

Chapter 145 The Meeting of Wind and Cloud

"Old He, are you there?" Turning around from the corridor, there is still a long passage from the door. Because the lighting has been broken, it is very dark, and you can't even see the road clearly.

A faint fragrance floated by, and it turned out that Ye Shuiyou was leaning against Xiao Lan's body because he was afraid of bumping into the debris around him.

"Old He?" Xiao Lan called out even louder. At this time, the two had already arrived at the door.

"The door is not locked." Ye Shuiyou gently pushed it, but unexpectedly pushed it open.


There was a scream, and even Xiao Lan was startled by the sound.

"This is just his playmate. He likes it, but this guy is very docile and never bites." Xiao Lan smiled and walked directly into the door.

Wen Ruan Yuxiang's body was tightly pressed against Xiao Lan, and Ye Shuiyou was very careful with every step he took.Because, on the floor of the room, there were more than a dozen black snakes lying in disorder.

Don't doubt it, it's a real snake, not a toy.

"Believe me, you're pretty good. When Rongxin Rushui came here for the first time, she just fainted." Xiao Lan comforted Ye Shuiyou while walking inside.

"Old He, come out quickly, I know you are here." Xiao Lan shouted towards the inside.

"Hey! This kid is really arrogant." Standing there for a few seconds, but seeing no response from inside, Xiao Lan simply went in.

A leak-picking steel wire bed appeared on the right side of the door, and the person lying on it had already fallen asleep, and the snoring sound made Ye Shuiyou feel sick for a while.

"What should I do, wait?" Ye Shuiyou stared at Xiao Lan with big watery eyes, asking for his opinion.

"What else can I do, of course I have to wait." Xiao Lan smiled and chose a place to sit down by herself. Ye Shuiyou wanted to be like Xiao Lan at first, but when he sat down, he found a bowl mouth The thick boa constrictor got out.


Ye Shuiyou felt like being electrocuted and threw himself into Xiao Lan's arms. Xiao Lan's nose could even smell the fragrance from Ye Shuiyou's long hair.

At the same time, the high-decibel screams also woke up the young man who was sleeping soundly on the bed. Since there was no air conditioner in the room, and the position of the wire bed was directly exposed to the sun, the young man was slightly sweating, his bronzed The skin glows brightly under the sun's rays.

"That wicked person, how could he still have the time to come and see me?" The bronze-skinned young man turned over and opened his eyes slightly.

"I... I'll tell you..., leave... leave that... girl on the side, then... then you... you can go... go." Opening his mouth, The strong smell of alcohol wafted throughout the room, Ye Shuiyou hurriedly covered his nose, while Xiao Lan quickly walked to the window and opened it.

"Mr. He! I'm the only one who dares to call you that. Do you know who I am now?" Xiao Lan bent over and directly turned her face to the bronze-skinned young man, and the two of them just looked at each other.

Jumping to the ground, the young man on the wire bed jumped up from the bed as if a spring had been installed, and quickly slipped his feet on the bed. However, this action made Ye Shuiyou even more disgusting, because his toenails were no longer there. It hasn't been cut for a long time, and the inside is black, and I don't know how much mud is embedded in it.

"Why do you always come here when you are free?"

He casually picked up the scissors from the bedside table, and the young man whom Xiao Lan called Mr. He began to trim his toenails regardless of his appearance. The creaking sound made Ye Shuiyou turn his head away.

"You, you, be civilized, don't you see there are girls here?" Xiao Lan frowned for a while, urging the young man to quickly put away this trick.

"Oh, is it necessary in front of your boss, Boss?" Mr. He seemed to be very relaxed and didn't care about face at all.

"What?" Ye Shuiyou's face turned back in an instant, "Why did I just..."

"Hey, hey, forget it, this kind of person can only spit out words of this level, don't worry about it." Xiao Lan hurriedly stopped Ye Shuiyou from continuing.

"Hurry up and put it away, do you hear?" Xiao Lan's face turned cold, and his tone changed a lot in an instant. Even Ye Shuiyou on the side turned to look at him directly. Ye Shuiyou had never seen Xiao Lan like this before. .

Seeing Xiao Lan on the wire bed, Mr. He sighed by himself, put down the scissors, and then spread his hands at Xiao Lan: "Okay, what are you looking for me for?"

Xiao Lan on the opposite side didn't hesitate, and said straight to the point: "I invite you to join Homecoming again."

"No no no no no... I don't want to worry about it again." Mr. He also directly rejected Xiao Lan's request without any consideration.

Stretching out a finger, Xiao Lan pointed at Mr. He rudely and said, "Listen, I finally have a chance to find out about Wang Xue's father, but I have a very difficult question to ask you. You don't want to join Homecoming, so at least help me figure this out. Besides, our old opponent is back again, don't you really want to fight him again?" After Xiao Lan finished speaking, He didn't take back the gesture, but kept staring and pointing at Mr. He who was opposite him.

Holding the back of his head with his hands, Mr. He lay back on the bed again, and after a while, the loud shouts reappeared.This kind of behavior made Ye Shuiyou next to him confused for a while, but Xiao Lan did show a satisfied smile.

"Brother Lan, does he agree or not?" Ye Shuiyou asked curiously.

Xiao Lan smiled, and scratched the little beauty's nose with her hand: "Let's go, this matter is settled."


Holding Ye Shuiyou all the way to the door, Xiao Lan was about to open the door, only to hear a slightly soft voice from inside.

"The girl next to you is nice, believe me, she can accompany you for the rest of your life."

Xiao Lan raised his eyebrows after hearing this, while Ye Shuiyou looked at Xiao Lan in confusion: "What is this all about?"

Xiao Lan didn't answer Ye Shuiyou's question directly, but murmured softly: "I hope your kid's prediction can be as accurate as before." Of course, Ye Shuiyou couldn't hear such words. .

10 minutes later……


"It finally came out." Ye Shuiyou breathed a sigh of relief, and quickly let go of Xiao Lan, and the two of them walked directly to the place where they parked earlier.

Xiao Lan had introduced the chaos here to Ye Shuiyou when he came here before, but now, this chaos appeared directly in front of the two of them.

"Boy! Either keep the money or the girl, you choose."

A few meters behind him suddenly appeared a few men in strange costumes, their eyes kept sweeping back and forth on Ye Shuiyoushen, and they almost lost their breath.

"Oh... I want to keep the money and the girl, but you have to get it yourself." Xiao Lan shrugged and said helplessly.

"Brother Lan, you..."

Ye Shuiyou wanted to say something, but Xiao Lan grabbed Ye Shuiyou's arm forcefully.

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