Online game dark night assassin

Chapter 151 The Meeting of Wind and Cloud

The damage figure of 3506 popped up from a distance. Sure enough, there was a surprise attack. Xiao Lan quickly glanced at the damage statistics. The one hit by the Hundred Ghosts Night Walking Formation was a soldier, but the most important thing is that the soldier's ID, Xiao Lan and others It couldn't be more familiar.

"The Light of the Skeletal Qi!"

At present, the target of everyone's output is the fire bug, and Long Xinxin, who uses physical attacks as the main means, can't help much, so she simply stands aside as a guard, and her approach has also played a great role at this time.

As soon as Xiao Lan's Night Parade of Hundred Ghosts ended, Long Xinxin's Light of the Bone Qi followed up, and all those who attacked Xiao Lan were hit before they had time to react.






Roughly counting, the number of players that Long Xinxin hit was as many as 9, which meant that there were at least two teams of players coming from the opponent.

Xiao Lan and others' strong counter-attacks caught the opponent by surprise. It was not until Long Xinxin's Light of the Bone Qi strung 9 people's candied haws that the opponent's long-distance profession began to organize a counterattack.

Sensing the elemental fluctuations around them, Xiao Lan and Long Xinxin quickly dodged to one side, and after only half a second, three bolts of lightning slammed down.

"Strengthen the Lightning Technique?" Rong Xin, who was outputting, looked at what had just happened on the field in surprise.

"What do you mean?" Xiao Lan obviously didn't quite understand.

"The other party must be a group of rich people, and the price of the skill enhancement scroll is not low." Long Xinxin explained.

Indeed, judging from the magic effect just now, the strengthened lightning technique is obviously much more powerful than the ordinary lightning technique released by Rongxin Rushui, not to mention that the range it can affect is nearly doubled, and the damage is quite powerful, full of blood The poison-soaked sandworm was killed in a flash.

"Skywalking Arrow!"

At this time, Ye Shuiyou also joined the battle, a huge purple-red arrow whizzed past Xiao Lan's ears, and there was a commotion in the ruins in the distance, obviously the other party was also very afraid of this move.

"Brother Yidao, Youyou, follow me, the others will continue to output bosses." Xiao Lan shouted immediately.

The three figures rushed towards the opposite ruins, Xiao Lan's intention was obvious, and the harassers must not be allowed to affect the killing of the boss.

Boom boom boom...

Various magical effects flew towards Xiao Lan and the others, but they were all blocked by the little skeletons summoned by Chen Tianshuo. Although the little skeletons had poor health, their numbers were terrifying.At the beginning of the battle with the two bugs, Chen Tianshuo didn't go up at all. He sat in the back and kept calling, and now there are nearly 500 bugs.

"The fire bug is about to die, so don't let the opponent charge up at this time." Xiao Lan looked back at the battle situation on the field, and quietly reminded Ye Shuiyou and Chen Tianshuo around him.

"Stand aside, it's too open here, and it's easy to be hit by the opponent's firepower." Chen Tianshuo continued to detonate two zombies, and then reminded.

"Then we have to separate, the goal is too big if we are together." Xiao Lan said while following Chen Tianshuo.

"Okay, you guys are a couple, and I'll fly solo." Chen Tianshuo smiled at Xiao Lan, and then moved to the other side without waiting for the latter's reaction.

"This bastard, let him invite you to dinner today." Xiao Lan glanced at Chen Tianshuo's background, then turned to look at Ye Shuiyou, the little girl's face was flushed, she was really cute.

bang bang...

The violent explosion made Xiao Lan quickly protect Ye Shuiyou under his body. Just by hearing the sound, he could tell that it was the lava burst against the mage.

"The accuracy of this group of people is too bad. If Rongrong is with us, we will probably be reimbursed." Xiao Lan smiled at Ye Shuiyou awkwardly, then took the latter's hand, and walked towards the upper half of the opposite block. Parts of the wall had collapsed and rushed past.

"Brother Kuangjun, it doesn't feel good to be pressed and beaten." He Ye Shuiyou hid behind the earthen wall and Xiao Lan shouted towards the group of sneak attacking players.

"Xiao Lan, there is someone who will be real when it comes out..."


Enraged by Xiao Lan's words, Drunk Kuang Jun poked his head out and shouted. Of course, the result was very obvious. The two newly summoned skeletons by Chen Tianshuo were already waiting there.

"Strange, can dark doctors control the movement of their own skeletons?"

Behind the earth wall, Ye Shuiyou asked Xiao Lan very curiously.

"Hehe, this is the brilliance of Brother Yidao. According to Yuehua Legend's settings for summoned creatures, players can actually choose whether to control them personally, but most players will not choose this option." At this time, Xiao Lan glanced cautiously at the direction of the drunken family again and continued: "The reason is very simple. There are so many summoned creatures. If the player controls them all, think about how complicated it would be. .”

Xiao Lan smiled in admiration again when he said this: "Chen Tianshuo has a foundation in e-sports, quick response, and high frequency of operation, more than enough to control those little guys to walk around."

"Damn, Xiao Lan, you are a guy who values ​​sex and despises friends. You know how to flirt with my sister. Do you dare to help me!"

Chen Tianshuo's shout came from a distance, and Xiao Lan hurriedly turned his head to take a look, only to see that the Drunken Family chose Chen Tianshuo as their concentrated attack target, and the magic effect flying all over the sky made him unable to even raise his head.

What's even more ridiculous is that Chen Tianshuo's gang of younger brothers, the little skeletons all followed behind Chen Tianshuo with their waists bent, for fear of being hit.

"You coward, fight back!" Xiao Lan turned to look at Chen Tianshuo and said with a smile, as if he didn't pay attention to the drunken family members at all.

"Damn, give me a try to fight back?" Chen Tianshuo was very unconvinced and pinched Xiao Lan.

"Moon Shadow Thousand Soul Festival!"

As soon as Xiao Lan showed his head, finding the right position was a trick. Since he had been focusing on Chen Tianshuo before, Xiao Lan's sudden arrival of the drunken family members really didn't know how to react.

"Damn it! A bunch of priests, add blood!" Drunk and crazy handsome jumped into a rage, and two players with low health and low defense were already killed by Xiao Lan's Moon Shadow Thousand Soul Festival.

"Idiot, what did you do long ago? The pre-magic effect of the Thousand Soul Festival is so obvious, and they all stand in place like a bunch of dead pigs, aren't they looking for a fight?"

In this case, Xiao Lan not only said it but also said it loudly. Everyone on the field reacted differently after hearing it. A bunch of drunken families.

As for the drunk Kuangjun himself, he has already started cursing his mother angrily.

"Xiao Lan, I'll give you a chance. If you have the guts to fight one-on-one, you won't have an advantage if you fight like this. Can the eight of you hold it back?"

The veins on Drunk Kuangjun's face were almost bursting out.

[Because the 17k website is unstable in the past two days, it is still updated manually. 】

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