Online game dark night assassin

Chapter 152 The Meeting of Wind and Cloud

"Hey, brother Kuangjun, you really can't turn your head around, can I agree to such a request, or continue to fight." After saying that, Xiao Lan immediately made a move based on the judgment of the direction of the voice. Ghost night parade.

This rhythm of fighting and stopping made the members of the drunken family very uncomfortable. Although they had an absolute advantage in numbers, it was very inconvenient to communicate and coordinate. Xiao Lan, who was only more than ten meters away from them, although only 3 people were resisting In the attack of the drunken family, Ye Shuiyou and Chen Tianshuo can change the attack pattern and rhythm as long as Xiao Lan gestures.

After more than ten minutes of tug-of-war, the drunken family failed to move forward.

"It's so fucking weird, did Xiao Lan also call a lot of people?" Behind the ruins, the drunk man didn't even dare to lift his head, he could only observe the field through the cracks in the broken stone, but because Xiao Lan 3 People are also hiding behind the stone wall, and what the drunk and drunk Jun sees is only the deserted desert.

"Boss, you can't fight like this. Do you want to find two assassins to attack?"

Next to Drunk Kuang Jun, id suggested to the mage who was drunk and shot.

Drunk and Kuangjun looked at his subordinates who were hiding behind the ruins and didn't dare to take a breath, and then looked at the open battlefield in front of him, "Okay, this terrain is really fucking bad, and the soldiers' charge can't be used."

A few seconds later, the Drunken Family's firepower was fully fired, and several magical effects exploded in front of Xiao Lan. A large amount of sand and dust rose around Xiao Lan for a while, and the visibility immediately decreased a lot.

"Brother Yidao, come back quickly." A trace of anxiety rose in Xiao Lan's heart. Although it was inexplicable, Xiao Lan was still very cautious.


"Not good, there is an assassin attack."

Xiao Lan's Luna body can not only broaden her vision in a dark environment, but also allow Xiao Lan to have a stronger ability to adapt to the current windy and sandy environment.Ye Shuiyou might not be able to hear the sound of the gleaming dagger waving in the air, but it was very obvious to Xiao Lan's ears.

"Damn it, why is the blood so thick?" The drunken family dispatched two assassins at the same time, and both of them chose Chen Tianshuo, who was alone, but to their disappointment, the strongest attack was just It caused Chen Tianshuo's life bar to drop by an almost invisible amount.

"Boy, are you still playing with the master?" Chen Tianshuo's contemptuous voice came, and several small skeletons appeared around. Chen Tianshuo really had reservations, and the small skeletons he summoned could actually be invisible.

The sound of the explosion sounded, and Chen Tianshuo detonated the two small skeletons beside him. The two assassins who came to sneak attack were instantly hit. The characteristics of low health and low defense made them helplessly try to escape again by stealth.

"Want to leave? It's late!" Chen Tianshuo shouted.

"Black hole plane!"

A huge black hole unfolded beside Chen Tianshuo. Since the stealth skills of ordinary assassins were inferior to those of Xiao Lan's Phantom Moon Shadow, not to mention the inability to hide within range, the movement speed dropped by 50%.

The black hole with a diameter of 5 meters instantly revealed the exhausted assassins, and white light spots flew out of the black hole, killing the two assassins in an instant.

"Xiao Lan, here's a good treat for you." Chen Tianshuo shouted, throwing a piece of equipment that had been dropped by the previous two assassins before Xiao Lan.

"Brother Lan, the grade of this dagger looks good."

Leaning beside Xiao Lan, Ye Shuiyou stared at the shiny dagger, the light green light made it look so dazzling even in the dust that was raised.


Chance on hit: Slows the target's movement speed by 30% for 6 seconds.

Chance on hit: Deals 5 crit damage.

"Haha, I definitely made a profit this time. If I sold it at the auction, I would definitely make a lot of money." Behind the earthen wall, Xiao Lan laughed from ear to ear.

Ye Shuiyou beside him also nodded, "Yeah, 5 times the damage, and a 30% deceleration effect, if the character is good enough to trigger it two or three times in a row, then the opponent will probably cry to death."

At this moment, Long Xinxin and others in the distance suddenly heard the news that the fire bug had been killed.

"In this way, Youyou, go back and change all the magical attacking professions that Rongrong Fenghuang impresses them, and let Wang Xue stay where you are and add blood to you." After thinking for a while, Xiao Lan turned her head and arranged for Ye Shuiyou.

Ye Meimei nodded at Xiao Lan, put the longbow in her hand on her body, and ran towards the position where Scorpio and the others were fighting the two worms.

"This girl really looks more and more beautiful." Xiao Lan sighed as she watched Ye Shuiyou's Bei Ying.

"Xiao Lan, be careful, they have another wave of people coming up."

At this time, over the open space in front of him, the dust that had been raised earlier dispersed a little. Chen Tianshuo hurriedly looked forward, only to see several figures emerging from behind the ruins.

"Moon Shadow Meteor Sword!"

At this time, there is still a certain distance between Xiao Lan and the members of the Zuiyin family. After the upgrade, the range of the Moon Shadow Meteor Sword is much longer, but Xiao Lan still cannot guarantee an absolute hit at such a long distance.

In this case, Xiao Lan simply lowered the attack target, which may not only damage the distant target, but also raise a large amount of sand and dust.

Without being able to see the situation ahead, the drunken man would never dare to attack rashly.And Xiao Lan just grasped the other party's psychology. As long as he can use this to buy time, when the two heavy gunners, Phoenix Impression and Rong Xin Rushui, come, the drunk family members may have no chance to attack.

"The seal is coming!"

More than ten seconds later, the figure of Phoenix Impression appeared in Xiao Lan's field of vision. A large amount of sand and dust raised in front of him made it impossible to see the situation on the other side. The little MM simply made an empty move. It would be great if it could hit. If you can't hit it, you can at least suppress the opponent.

Maybe because he was running too fast, Phoenix Impression lost his footing when he saw Xiao Lan. Thanks to Xiao Lan's sharp eyesight and quick hands, he hugged the fallen Phoenix Impression, and the little girl blushed instantly.

"I've grown so big, I've never been hugged by a boy like this before." Fenghuang felt a little shy, but he still leaned his head hard on Xiao Lan.

"Okay, Xiao Lan, you're so lucky to let me keep an eye on you?" Chen Tianshuo complained from a distance, staring at Xiao Lan's position, but he didn't dare to say it out loud.

"Ah... I... I didn't see anything." At this time, Rong Xin rushed over like water, seeing the ambiguous posture of Xiao Lan and Fenghuang, she hurriedly glanced back shyly.

"I...I fell down." Phoenix Impression quickly broke away from Xiao Lan's arms, and defended.

"Hey... falls can be divided into two types: intentional and unintentional."

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