Online game dark night assassin

Chapter 153 The Meeting of Wind and Cloud

She stretched out her hand and flicked Rong Rong's heart-like forehead, and then the little girl stopped entangled with the matter of Phoenix Impression and Xiao Lan just now.

"Try to delay as long as possible, and don't let their people come over." Xiao Lan instructed.

With the addition of the two little girls, the pressure on Xiao Lan's side was instantly reduced compared to before. Phoenix Impression and Rong Xin kept throwing powerful piece-killing spells towards the opponent's position like water, drinking the family's blood for a while. The player cannot move forward at all.

bang bang...

Taking advantage of the interval between Xiao Lan's magic spells, the mage quickly launched an attack.Under the cover of the mage archers, the two assassins who had been killed before set off again, but this time there were a few more warriors and archers passing with them.

"Hmph! See, this time I've learned how to be good, so I know how to disperse a little bit." Behind the ruins, Xiao Lan glanced ahead and said contemptuously.

"Then what should we do now? It's impossible to seal up so many people at once." Phoenix Impression asked worriedly.

"Xiao Lan, look behind! The drunk family seems to have been dispatched."

This is Chen Tianshuo's voice. Xiao Lan looked at the place where the members of the Drunken Family were standing. Sure enough, there were a lot of people. Drunk Kuangjun had already come out under the cover of other players. To stir up more dust to cover their advance.

Beside Drunk Kuangjun, many younger brothers saw that Xiao Lan and the others' attack had slowed down, and thought it was because their magic points were exhausted. They never imagined that Xiao Lan was actually equipped with a elixir, which was much stronger than alchemy potions. Double the anti-day stuff.

"Listen to me. After a while, all firepower will be aimed at Xiao Lan, leaving You Lan Mingyue to me." Drunk and Kuang Jun said loudly.

"Boss, it seems that you care about that Ye Shuiyou very much." The drunk Kuangshe beside him turned his head and looked at his boss with a smirk, his eyes full of envy.


Drunk Kuangjun just slapped Drunk Kuangjun in front of his subordinates, "You dare to think about it? Besides, we are negotiating with the Ye Group these two days. The group is dead, this cooperation is a huge trap, we must let the Ye Group take the bait, you go up and bombard, if you make Ye Shuiyou anxious and ruin this cooperation, then don't blame me for it ruthless!"

But after he finished speaking, there was still an obscene smile on the face of the drunken Kuangjun, "That girl Ye Shuiyou is really beautiful, seeing her at the Yanshan Hotel that time was really a disaster for the country and the people."

The id next to her was Drunk Drunk and said after hearing this: "But I heard that this little girl is soft on the outside and strong on the inside, and her game skills are also very good. She is a rose with thorns."

Drunken and wild after hearing this, he was very dissatisfied: "What do you say, it seems that our boss is not good or something? When the Ye Group is over, what can Ye Shuiyou do? In the end, he still has to go back to our boss. embrace?" Drunk and wild shooting didn't pay attention to Xiao Lan and others at all, he continued: "I guess, when we issue the guild order, then Ye Shuiyou should basically be done with it. At that time, our boss has already made a marriage proposal!"

The gang of younger brothers under him were also very excited by the words of drinking and shooting wildly.

"Don't be sorry, everyone. The boss picked Youlan Mingyue. It's not like we don't have a chance. There are many beauties in Xiao Lan's team. The image of Rong Xin Rushui and Phoenix is ​​completely loli type. If you like it, you can Bring them together."

Facing the flattery and flattery of his subordinates, Drunk Kuangjun remained calm: "Go and investigate Xiao Lan's details for me in the past few days, especially to see if he has any background and backing. This guy is a hidden danger. I always have some Worry, even if the Ye Group is over, Ye Shuiyou will ask Xiao Lan for help."

"Then what should we do? Why don't we find someone to give him to..." Drunken and wild, he made a gesture of wiping his neck with his hands.

Drunk and Kuangjun frowned: "I said, what else do you know? You don't know anything now, and if you make a wrong move, we will be finished, understand?"

In a word, all the subordinates shut up and nodded, and the drunk family members temporarily gave up discussing the conspiracy of Ye Shuiyou and the Ye Group.

"Release skills in the air, disrupt their advancing route, it's best to force them to gather." Xiao Lan quietly said to the two little beauties beside her.Of course, Xiao Lan didn't hear what the drunk Kuangjun said before. At this time, he was just organizing a counterattack. Feng Chong was still fighting with Long Xinxin, Ye Shuiyou and others. The drinking family broke a good thing.

A purple-black magic effect appeared on the open field in front of Xiao Lan and the others. The players of the Drunken Family naturally realized that it was Xiao Lan and the others who were attacking.

"Don't panic, keep in formation!" Drunk Kuangjun was also knocked out by the high-intensity attack of Xiao Lan and others, and hurriedly reminded other members of the team.

"Brother Dream Chaser, I'm afraid it won't work like this. The Drunken Drinking family has a lot of people, so we won't be able to stop it for long." Impression Phoenix looked at the buffer zone in front of him and said worriedly.Long Xinxin stabilized the front through the team channel, but was told that the wind worm still had 80 health points, and the wind worm's defense was very high. Even if Long Xinxin hit it, he could only lose about 3000 health points at a time. .

"I can't help it, I can only fight. At worst, I will drag the corpse and come back later." Xiao Lan looked at the drunk family that was advancing at a high speed, and gritted her teeth.

At this time, Chen Tianshuo also came to Xiao Lan's side because he was worried about being surrounded by the drunken family from behind.

"Xiao Lan, you can only go up first at this time. The dark night walkers have strong melee combat capabilities, and only if you go up first can they attract their attention." Chen Tianshuo said after looking at the situation on the field.

"No, that's too dangerous." Phoenix Impression stopped.

Xiao Lan waved his hand: "Brother Yidao is right, there is no other way, I have to go first, you can follow me and use your skills, I have three stages of swirling shadows to run, if it doesn't work, I can still be invisible, you guys It is redundant to keep up."

After all, Xiao Lan directly activated the Moon Shadow Phantom Spirit, and then rushed towards the crowd of the drunken family at an extremely fast speed.

Looking at the other side, although the members of the Drunk Drinking family were advancing fast, they were very cautious. The soldiers on the periphery kept looking around, fearing that something might happen.

"It's strange, Ye Shuiyou was still there just now, why didn't she make a move?" Drunk and Kuangjun was a little puzzled.

"Boss, don't you see that you care about him?" Drunken and drunk, he said with a smile, looking very relaxed.

"Nonsense, I was still dreaming last night."

[I'm not confident about the regular update of 17k, I should do it manually, the time may not be very accurate, I apologize to everyone. 】

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