Online game dark night assassin

Chapter 176 Tough opponent

The figures of Xiao Lan and Ye Shuiyou appeared on the street of Hailaer, next to them, Long Xinxin, Wang Xue and others had already been waiting there, Chen Tianshuo and Rong Xin Rushui were still talking like water, making the little girl's face flushed red of.

"What's the matter again, why did Chen Tianshuo mess with you?" Xiao Lan and Ye Shuiyou found other people soon after they went online.

"Hmph! You know how to make out with Sister Ye, and you even forgot about the competition." The little beauty immediately gave up the quarrel with Chen Tianshuo when she saw Xiao Lan approaching, and turned to complain.

"Hey, it's not because I was busy with something, and then I fell asleep again, so I overslept." Xiao Lan wiped her head, and then said.

"Ah? You won't..."

"Go away!" Xiao Lan interrupted directly.

At this time, the game notice of the system has been issued. At 6:20, the game server will automatically record all the status of the current players. In future games, all players will use the game data at the node of 6:20 Participating in the competition, that is to say, even if a certain player has upgraded his level or updated his equipment later, it will no longer help.

After walking more than half a circle in Hailar City, everyone finally found a relatively quiet place, and everyone began to study the skills that can be learned at level 50.

Chen Tianshuo has already taken the disgusting route. He chose the corrupted doll at level 50, which sounds disgusting.

Four lines of venom fell from the sky in front of him, and the falling green venom formed a combat unit in the shape of a human in the blink of an eye.

[Corrupted Mage] (rare) Level: lv-? ?

HP: 11000 Magic: ? ?

Skill: Flame Arrow Outstanding Ability: Agility, Reiki, Concentration, Physical Strength Special Description: Very disgusting unit, although the name sounds like a human, but it is not a human being, just a puppet made of venom.

As a mage, being able to have more than 1 life points is indeed very surprising. Such an attribute can already go up and resist monsters.

Xiao Lan moved closer to Ye Shuiyou, and it turned out that Ye Meimei was hesitating about the two choices offered to her by the system.

"Choose this one. Anyway, you have a lot of attack skills, and it would be nice to have one more restrictive skill." Ye Shuiyou shared his skill breadboard, and Xiao Lan immediately suggested.

[Sleeping Arrow] (cd60 seconds, instant) After the arrow hits the target, it will fall asleep for 12 seconds.Any damage will cancel the sleeping effect.When the target wakes up, this skill will cause a lot of wind attribute physical damage to it within 12 seconds.Rangers can only use this skill on one target at a time.

The help also said that the skills have been settled, and the next step is my own business. The new version of Moonlight Legend also prepares 50 alternative skills for the Dark Night Walker at level 3.

[Night Spirit] (cd30 seconds, instant) The night walker releases a surveillance psionic ball, exposing all invisible targets within 10 meters around the target point to the night walker, and it can only be used at night.

[Surge of Darkness] (cd35 seconds, instant) Nightwalker casts a magic ball, which bounces within 30 meters between the enemy or himself, up to 5 bounces, giving priority to the enemy unit.Each bounce causes a large amount of wind attribute magic damage and adds a magic effect of losing a small amount of HP every 1 second, and reduces the target's attribute magic attack resistance by 1%, lasting for 5 seconds.

[Moon Shadow Rapid Break] (cd30 seconds, instant) The night walker swings the weapon rapidly, and attacks the surrounding enemies with the sword energy generated, which can cause great damage to the surrounding enemies with a radius of 20 meters; this skill can be used twice in a row .

The group stage of the final stage started in less than 1 minute. Xiao Lan finally thought about it, and chose the last one, Moon Shadow Breaker, because the name can be consistent with all the previous skills, which is more important. The most important thing is that this trick is really very useful, not to mention the high damage, sometimes in order to avoid enemy players getting close, you can also use this trick to protect yourself.

After solving the problem of skills, the new version of Yuehua Legend's first Champions League final match also announced the start. During the 10-second countdown, 8 people just stood there quietly, waiting for their group match. first opponent.

The map came to Typhon Peak Arena, not far from Xiao Lan and others, 8 players were also refreshed, and these people were the first opponents of Xiao Lan's team in the group stage.

Looking at the opposite side, there are 6 people in the opponent wearing magic robes. Judging from the light emerging from the opponent's player, these 6 people should be a combination of 3 mages and 3 priests. As for the remaining two, one of them The one holding a shield should be a defensive warrior, while the other one is actually a mm, holding an emerald green longbow in his hand, wearing a very sexy jungle outfit, and a red long sword With his back behind him, could this be the same as Ye Shuiyou, who is both melee and long range?

The 5-second preparation time has passed, but neither side has any intention of doing it.Everyone just lined up on the field, looking at each other.

"What the hell is going on? Are these people fools? Why don't they do it?" Chen Tianshuo was the most impatient, and he asked hastily when he saw the calm look on the player's face.

"You, in many key games back then, you lost because you were anxious. People are not in a hurry, why are you in a hurry?" Xiao Lan turned her head and said in a low voice.

On the other hand, Long Xinxin and Wang Xue got together and stared closely at the person on the opposite side, "Sister Xinxin, the strength on the other side is not bad, this outfit looks like it's from the silver group, and it's not difficult to make it to the finals." It's pretty good."

Long Xinxin on the side couldn't help but nodded when he heard what Wang Xue said: "Indeed, from the outside, except for the weapon and shoulders of the archer mm, which are not bad, the other equipment is not enough at all. .”

Xiao Lan also glanced at the opposite side at this time, and said: "Forget it, don't wait, they may also be wasting time, listen to my password and take the initiative to attack, Wang Xue, you should focus on taking care of Rongrong and Phoenix Impression's health , Brother Yidao, look at Jia yourself. In the first game of the group stage, the opponent may not be too strong, but we'd better play steadily."

After Xiao Lan finished speaking, he waved to Ye Shuiyou, and the two followed the previous method, using the Moon Shadow Phantom to hide, and then went back to attack behind the enemy.

Rong Xinru Shui and Phoenix Impression also spread to both sides at the same time, Xiao Lan and other 8 people formed a semi-encirclement situation against each other from the very beginning.

"Skywalking Arrow!"

This powerful and domineering skill seems to have become the signal for Xiao Lan and others to go to war. The moment the explosion sound came, Xiao Lan directly recorded a three-stage swirling shadow, and the flashing position was the three priests he saw earlier. one of them.

Killing the opponent's healer first has almost become an unchanging iron rule for everyone in PK. As long as the opponent's recovery ability is broken, it is only a matter of time before the final victory of the game is won.

"Moon Shadow Double Blades!"

The opponent's equipment looked very rubbish, which made Xiao Lan look forward to it. Although the Moon Shadow Double Blades did not add much to the damage, Xiao Lan's attack was abnormal. With this move, the opponent has low health and low defense. Pastor, in this way, doesn't Xiao Lan have the possibility of instant killing the other party? , but things in the world are so unpredictable. At the moment when Xiao Lan's sword edge was cut, the opponent's priest miraculously moved a short distance quickly, and it was this small distance of displacement that made Xiao Lan Lan's blade brushed past the priest's robes, but did not hurt the priest at all.

Whoosh... At this moment, the MM who was holding the longbow earlier seized the opportunity when Xiao Lan was in the midst of the moon shadow double-bladed attack, drew the full bow, and hit the two arrows fiercely On Xiao Lan.

5006! 5159!

"Oh my god, isn't it?" Seeing such damage, whether it was Xiao Lan, Ye Shuiyou, or other teammates in the team, they all exclaimed. Xiao Lan's total HP is only 1 and 400. If the output is higher, I am afraid that Xiao Lan will be the one who is instantly killed.

"It's unbelievable. Is this archer high-level?" It wasn't until this time that Xiao Lan thought of looking at the opponent's team information.

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