Online game dark night assassin

Chapter 177 Strange Fight

id: Ziyu Occupation: Warrior Level: 55id: Floating Cloud, Nuan Occupation: Archer Level: 55id: Huayueye ╮Occupation: Mage Level: 55id: Nobody Occupation: Priest Level: 55...

"Oh my god, when did Legend of Moonlight get so many players at level 55?" Xiao Lan looked at the other party's information, staring at the level column and asked.

"Maybe it's from some other main city?" Wang Xue who was behind also stopped and said.

"I don't care about that now, let's play it safe, and don't make any trouble again." Xiao Lan reminded.

At the same time, the opponent is constantly adjusting the formation. Typhon Peak Arena has a large area, which brings great convenience to long-distance occupations to take advantage of their range. Mages frequently use range to turn Scorpio into a waste one.

"I'm so angry, I've played for so long and I've never encountered such an exquisite mage." Scorpio charged forward, and he was sure of everything, but found that the other party seemed to have known that Scorpio would use this move a long time ago. The moment the effect of the charge was about to touch the opponent mage, the mage player suddenly had a black hole, and the Scorpio who wanted to perform a combo was immediately sucked into the middle, unable to move.

"My God, what level of skill does this black hole have?" Rong Xin Rushui on the side was still concerned about Scorpio at first, but when she saw the big black hole more than ten meters high, she immediately shifted her attention to this above.

"Your elemental black hole is nothing compared to others." Long Xinxin, who passed by, looked at what happened to Scorpio and shook his head.

"Could it be that the opponents entering the final stage are all so strong?" Chen Tianshuo slightly shook his head facing the 8 flexible opponents in front of him.

"I'm afraid it is. The new version of Legend of Moonlight has a larger player base, and of course there are more masters. Like the priest and mage just now, they are definitely top masters with outstanding reaction speed and agility."

On the court, Scorpio has been freed from the shackles of the elemental black hole, but his condition is not very good. Taking advantage of the black hole's attraction effect, the opponent's three mages and two archers frequently attack Scorpio alone, 4000 More than 5000 damage numbers kept popping up, and even Wang Xue and Chen Tianshuo, who were adding blood to Scorpio, couldn't help sweating.

"Be careful, Wings of Darkness is on cd. If there is any danger, I can't protect it!" Due to the danger that Scorpio just encountered, Chen Tianshuo had no choice but to hand over his strongest skills, but such a big The trick must have a long CD, Xiao Lan and others were in a state of no protection for a while.

"You can't fight like this, Wang Xue, hurry up and use the Ten Thousand Poisonous Blood Curse to restrain their healing, or we are definitely doomed." Xiao Lan watched helplessly as she managed to beat down the blood of a mage on the other side, but immediately It was abruptly added back by the other priest.

"Well, let's work together, as long as I have the Ten Thousand Poisonous Blood Curse, you will immediately hit the other target hard." Wang Xue nodded and said.

This method was quickly recognized by everyone on the field. After 3 seconds, Wang Xue suddenly released the Ten Thousand Poison Blood Curse on the archer who had previously walked towards Xiao Lan's room without any warning, and the blood-red magic belt instantly wrapped around Wang. Xue's target, the other three priests immediately put all their healing spells on the archer.

"Opportunity!" Xiao Lan shouted.

"Skywalking Arrow!"

It was also Ye Shuiyou who struck first, and the others immediately opened fire on Ye Shuiyou's target—one of the three mages.But just when Xiao Lan and the others thought that this player would be killed in seconds, the target in front of him calmly took out a bottle of alchemy potion from his pocket, and then saw that the opponent's blood volume returned to full .

"I'm speechless, I'm really speechless, the alchemy potion that restores 1 blood at once, I guess it takes a level 10 alchemist to make it?" Far beyond her imagination.

"It's so strange, it shouldn't be. Now it's hard to find even a level 5 alchemist. How can there be a level 10 one? Isn't this a joke?" Long Xinxin stood aside, looking at the alchemist who was using the alchemy potion as plain water The eight players who were drinking said, frowning.

"So what? They have such an advanced alchemy potion." Xiao Lan sighed, raised her sword again and stepped forward to attack. After 2 seconds, because the priest of the opponent had already output enough healing, Wang Xue The ten thousand poisonous blood curse did not play any role.

"Youyou, sleepy arrow, pin down the opponent's priest." One plan failed, and Xiao Lan used all the field control skills in the team to restrict the opponent's healing profession, and then he could safely and boldly output any other target.

The level 50 big move just learned was shot instantly, and the target was aimed at the pastor who Xiao Lan attacked but failed. This time, Ye Shuiyou was very clever. Sleeping arrow sneak attack.

There is also a very special feature of the sleeping arrow, that is, the arrow will not make a sound when flying at high speed, which makes it difficult for the opponent to judge the hidden arrows that are not in their field of vision.

But what happened later shocked Xiao Lan and the others again. Scorpio had already forced the priest back steadily. Logically speaking, the priest would not be able to dodge Ye Shuiyou's sleeping arrow at all, but the fact is that sometimes it happens like this Man, the pastor of the other party seemed to know Xiao Lan's strategy. At the moment when the sleeping arrow was about to hit, the priest who was cornered by Scorpio miraculously forcibly turned sideways. The pastor's body passed by.

"It's too strong, it's really too strong. Such a player may not even be able to match his reaction speed with today's most advanced computers." Scorpio exclaimed when he saw the scene in front of him.

"Three sections of spinning shadows! The first section!"

"Moon Shadow Double Blades!"

Of course, Xiao Lan is not a rookie, since the opponent is so powerful, Xiao Lan must be ready to make another move.Taking advantage of the time when the other priest was sideways, Xiao Lan flashed up and released the Moon Shadow Double Blades at the other priest as quickly as possible.


Although this kind of damage is not high, it is already quite a big damage for a priest with only 1 HP.

"Strange, this priest's defense is a bit perverted."

Xiao Lan's current attack is not too low, but why does the current priest player deal so little damage?

"Don't you look at your weapon?" Long Xinxin happened to pass by, she turned her head and said.


Possibility when hit: Summon meteors falling from the sky, causing a lot of physical damage to all targets within 5 meters around.

"Now the bonus of any piece of equipment is more than 90 attributes. Your Orchid Sword should have been eliminated long ago. Look, the physical damage increase is only a mere 90 to 110, which is the same as your 3000 bonus damage. Compared, it is simply the same as nothing."

Xiao Lan also nodded after hearing this: "Yeah, I haven't had a good chance. After this competition is over, maybe I can reward a weapon or something."

"Rewards? If things go on like this, we might not even qualify for the group stage." Long Xinxin said worriedly.

Indeed, Long Xinxin's worry is not unreasonable. Judging from the current situation, although neither side has died yet, Xiao Lan's side is clearly at a disadvantage. With the help of a priest, they are still full of blood at this time.

More importantly, although there is one less output professional than Xiao Lan's team, the opponent's output ability is not much less than Xiao Lan's team, and even slightly won. The blood volume of Scorpio, Wang Xue, and the two It has never been full, and there are often blood volume alarms.

"It's so strange, it's so strange. Our strength is definitely not weak. We can only say that the opponent is too strong." Faced with the situation on the field, Xiao Lan was also puzzled. There are many main cities in the new version of Legend of Yuehua. In addition to Hailar, Tifeng Peak, and Wangdu City, which Xiao Lan and others have visited, there are nearly 40 other cities, but Hailar is the strongest main city in the game, which is recognized by everyone.

Could it be that these players are hermits who live in seclusion in the mountains, hiding deep?

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