Online game dark night assassin

Chapter 184 Ye Shuiyou's Third Narrative

"Brother Lan, can you give me a hug?" Standing behind Xiao Lan, Ye Shuiyou became more and more sad as he spoke, his eyes filled with tears.

"Relax yourself, why do you do this?" Xiao Lan didn't go up to hug Ye Shuiyou, but just comforted her.

But Ye Shuiyou couldn't hold back anymore, she rushed forward and burst into tears on Xiao Lan's shoulder.

"Okay, I don't know how to coax girls, get up, remember, as long as you are happy." Patting Ye Shuiyou on the shoulder, this may be the only comfort Xiao Lan can do.

"Brother Lan, I'm sorry."

It took about three to five minutes before Ye Shuiyou got out of that state, the light makeup on his face was washed away by tears, and Xiao Lan couldn't bear to look so pitiful.

Just when Xiao Lan was at a loss, the door bell rang suddenly, and Ye Shuiyou hurried to the window to look, only to see a person with a big backpack waiting anxiously outside the door.

"I'm sorry, Miss Ye, it's too late, so the time has been delayed."

After opening the door, that person repeatedly apologized to Ye Shuiyou, but of course the little girl didn't care too much, asked the person outside the door to put down the things, and then let him leave.

"It smells so good, why is there someone delivering food at such a late hour?" Xiao Lan stared at Ye Shuiyou's movements of putting the food on the table one by one, and asked with an incredulous expression on his face, remembering that he did it more than once in the past I have made such calls to order food delivery, but basically they were rejected after 10 o'clock.

"These people, as long as you give money, they can deliver food in the middle of the night."

Ye Shuiyou relaxed a little, and said to Beiying who was the previous person outside the window.

"Brother Lan, sit down."

The food was not rich, but it was very delicately prepared, probably to keep fit, Ye Shuiyou didn't order too many meat dishes, only a double-cooked pork and a few common side dishes.

"Brother Lan, what are you laughing at?"

Seeing Xiao Lan staring at the dishes on the table, Ye Shuiyou couldn't help asking.

"I'm really glad I got to know you in Legend of Yuehua, otherwise I would have to cook instant noodles in that house in Haidian."

In a word, Ye Shuiyou was also amused. The little girl turned around, took out a bottle of beautifully decorated red wine from the wine cabinet behind her, and poured a full glass for Xiao Lan and herself.

"Ever since you invited me to drink, I've fallen in love with these. Afterwards, every time I come back, I'll drink a little." After Ye Shuiyou said, without waiting for Xiao Lan, he raised his glass and drank it all in one gulp. .

"Brother Lan, drink it, this wine is not good." Ye Shuiyou's face turned red almost instantly, she obviously can't drink, just drink a glass, and she will feel hot all over her body.

... The wind gently brushed over the small garden behind the villa, which made the villa complex seem even more silent at night.The glass of red wine in front of Xiao Lan only had a symbolic sip or two, while the glass in front of Ye Shuiyou had already been refilled twice.

"Is it worth it for you to destroy yourself like this?" Xiao Lan sat across from her like this, quietly watching Ye Shuiyou drink cup after cup, but she didn't stop her, she just reminded her very calmly and without any emotion.

But Xiao Lan's quietness on the surface doesn't mean he's not in a hurry, it's because since he entered the big room, he immediately felt that Ye Shuiyou was not only tired, but also a little distracted and upset.Before he figured out the reason why Ye Shuiyou was so irritable, he didn't want to speak rashly, fearing that if he pressed a wrong "button", he would offend this little beauty with a certain personality and mess up the matter instead.

Looking at the girl opposite, Xiao Lan sat on the chair for a long time.He felt that he was not strong enough, but for a moment he couldn't figure out what was wrong.An inexplicable regret, an equally inexplicable loss, a kind of guilt caused by this regret and loss, suddenly flooded my exhausted heart.Although I don't have much contact with girls, after all, I have a year of work experience. There are countless beauties in the Shengjing Group, and there are many who like Xiao Lan, but Xiao Lan has never been like this in his interactions with them. This makes me feel so lost and regretful.

"Did I do something wrong or did something less?" Xiao Lan, who was delicate and steady, and therefore sometimes seemed a little bit indecisive, asked herself this question over and over again in her heart.

From Ye Shuiyou's eyes, Xiao Lan could already see a trace of despair, perhaps the little beauty knew Mu Hao better than herself.

Ye Shuiyou's "despair" made Xiao Lan suddenly feel that there is actually a serious life threat and setback in this world that he has never experienced; there is also a life experience that he has only heard of. However, he has not personally experienced it; and there is a life responsibility that he has praised, but he has never seriously experimented and undertaken it; there is also a "rival" that he has never faced as a "diaosi" .These "rivals" look like dogs, and they "pretend" to be more like "humans" than him in life, and live much more freely and openly than him.But other people live such a heavy and difficult life, which is unimaginable to him...

Thinking of this, Xiao Lan couldn't help but blame herself deeply, why couldn't she comfort Ye Shuiyou more before?Even if it is to give her a little spiritual support.


"Are you still worried about Ye's Group?" After a while, Xiao Lan guessed in a low voice, in order not to stir up waves in Ye Shuiyou's heart as much as possible.

"That Mu Hao, I always feel unreliable." Ye Shuiyou slowly raised his head, looked at Xiao Lan and said softly.

"At best, he is a little arrogant and arrogant. But he will not betray the group?" Xiao Lan shook her head and asked Ye Shuiyou.

"Hmph! I hope." Ye Shuiyou raised his head, as if praying for something.

"By the way, Brother Lan, I'll show you a place." Ye Shuiyou suddenly became very excited, as if she remembered something in an instant, she suddenly got up from her seat, then pulled Xiao Lan and walked to the back open the door and go.

"And the basement?"

As soon as they opened it, they were greeted by darkness. Knowing that Ye Shuiyou turned on the light carefully, Xiao Lan could clearly see the direction of the stairs.

"Brother Lan, come down, here are all the belongings I have accumulated over the years." After Ye Shuiyou finished speaking, he walked down without waiting for Xiao Lan's answer.

As for Xiao Lan, because he heard Ye Shuiyou's introduction, he couldn't help following quickly. He really wanted to see what this rich girl could save in the past few years.

Just like before entering the villa, even though Xiao Lan had countless ideas, the final answer was always far from it. Beams of dazzling light shot at him, and Xiao Lan subconsciously blocked it with his hand.But with just a cover, he could clearly see all the possessions that the little beauty had mentioned - the neatly stacked gold bars.

"Oh my god, how much is this?" Xiao Lan froze in surprise looking at the piles of gold bars piled up.

What does this little girl want to do, to accumulate strength in order to make a comeback?Various possibilities flashed through Xiao Lan's mind, but he immediately denied them one by one. He thought too much, too deeply, and couldn't solve it. In the end, he could only make trouble with himself.

But things have come to this point, Ye Shuiyou has presented these things in front of Xiao Lan, he doesn't think about it at all, he feels uncomfortable and uneasy.

"Tell me, what's going on?" After calming down, Xiao Lan asked, pointing at the golden patch in front of her.

Ye Shuiyou was not in a hurry to answer, but walked forward, stroked and counted these gold bars one by one, the gentle footsteps and hand movements were the most attractive part of Ye Shuiyou, when she fell in love with She always makes this kind of action when there are certain people or things.

"So, what I lack is not money, but people, truly capable people!" Ye Shuiyou put one hand on a gold bar, turned his head and said suddenly.

"Can I understand your behavior as temptation?"

"Whatever you think." Ye Shuiyou said with a sigh, "Actually, I had long suspected that the Shengjing Group was paying attention to our Ye family's property, but the other party did it very delicately, and my father favored boys over girls. His thoughts are very deep, so I can't get involved at all, and I have no choice but to secretly embezzle the company's funds in every business, and eventually add up."

"But... but all of yours are speculations, and there is no actual evidence."

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