"Mu Hao has been in Ye's Group for 3 years. I can tell what kind of guy he is." Ye Shuiyou said with certainty.

Xiao Lan nodded after hearing this. He didn't doubt Ye Shuiyou's ability. A girl who can accumulate so much wealth in a short period of time has absolutely extraordinary abilities.

Coming up from the basement, Xiao Lan and Ye Shuiyou came to the bedroom on the second floor. The two of them were sitting on the window sill. In front of them, there was a silent night. This was the quietest and deepest time of the day.Gradually, Xiao Lan began to like this environment.When it gets dark, the large courtyard, old trees and several villas and small buildings that are basically unoccupied give people a sense of oppression and emptiness.The virtual but ubiquitous "oppression", the real but somewhat elusive "emptiness": wandering between these two seemingly mutually exclusive feelings of existence, Xiao Lan can taste the one she is most familiar with. kind.

The feeling of life I got when I was a child in the big valley in Shanxi: the "oppression" and "helplessness" caused by the distance and silence, and the "emptiness" and "transcendence" caused by the distance and silence.These "oppressions" and "helplessness" made him feel inferior, while those "emptiness" and "transcendence" made him full of longing and passion for the new world outside the mountains that he had never set foot in.He has been struggling with this kind of inferiority complex and longing: he is afraid, he trembles, he wants to get rid of it, but misses it...

"It seems that it's better to be poor." Xiao Lan smiled, turned her head and said.

"Brother Lan, you still drink with me." Ye Shuiyou grabbed Xiao Lan's arm, trying to pull him into the room.

"Let's agree, don't do it like last time." Xiao Lan stretched out a finger and reminded.


On the second floor of the villa, the lights were very dim, Ye Shuiyou deliberately turned off the headlights, but lit four candles at the four corners of the table.

"Brother Lan, I actually lied to you from the beginning."

Staring at the candle on Xiao Lan's left, the dancing flames were directly reflected in the big eyes of the little beauty.

"Then, are you ready to tell the truth now?" Xiao Lan said with a smile.

"Yeah!" Ye Shuiyou nodded, "Actually, I have been planning for someone who can help me establish my own guild."

"My own guild? You mean..."

"That's right." Ye Shuiyou interrupted: "I'm just a puppet after the Ye Group enters the game, and Mu Hao is the real leader, so I can only build my own power, but Brother Lan, you know, I'm really not good at management, so I have to find a profitable subordinate."

"So you chose me? But that's not right, how did you know me? How did you find me?" Xiao Lan frowned. Indeed, if you want to find someone in the game, unless you add him friends, otherwise it would be impossible.

Ye Shuiyou's face was red, she lay on the table and smiled, "Actually, as long as you have acquaintances, there is nothing you can't do. At that time, I used the relationship of the Ye Group to bribe the Yuehua Legend operation team. A technician who found your data in the server."

"Ha! It's incredible." Xiao Lan nodded expressionlessly.

"But now it looks like I'm going to disappoint you." Xiao Lan asked instead.

The faint blush on Ye Shuiyou's face quickly faded away.He lowered his head, squinted his eyes slightly, and stared at the already darkened room with slightly squinted corners of his eyes.I was stunned for a while, probably searching in my mind how to answer Xiao Lan's question that was not difficult to answer at all.

"Brother Lan, I can't help it either, but please believe me, I definitely want you to help me." After suppressing for a long time, Ye Shuiyou finally spoke out, the plea in the words was very obvious.

Xiao Lan didn't have a clear answer. With her one-year working experience in Shengjing Group, Xiao Lan knew that some of them were in a psychological predicament of anxiety, confusion, despair and tension for a long time, and subconsciously developed a kind of autism, low self-esteem and suspicion. , to mania and depression.According to folklore, these people love to dig into dead ends.If you refute him head-on at this time, or compete with them tit-for-tat, even if you really want to comfort them and correct them, it will only aggravate their suspicion and mania.

Because of drinking a lot of wine, Ye Shuiyou's cheeks flushed like a flush: beads of sweat began to ooze from the tip of her small nose.Those soft and black locks "flowed" to her full forehead again.

"Stop drinking, I can't guarantee your safety if you drink any more." Xiao Lan held the wine glass, preventing Ye Shuiyou from continuing to pour the wine.

"Then...Brother Lan...you have to promise me." Ye Shuiyou directly grabbed Xiao Lan's arm, then put his head on it, and said softly.

Xiao Lan didn't have much contact with girls before, and the important reason was that he couldn't understand girls making actions similar to Ye Shuiyou's now.If this was when he was in college, Xiao Lan would have thrown his arms away and left angrily, but now he has not done so, "It's getting late, you drank so much wine again, you should rest, I also It's time to go back." Xiao Lan, who was at a loss, still withdrew her arm.

"Back? It's so late, why are you going back? This is outside the sixth ring road." Ye Shuiyou had already spread it on the table, and said in a daze.

"Then, I'll just have to spend the night on your sofa." Xiao Lan said, but Ye Shuiyou didn't respond, so he could only hug Ye Shuiyou and put him on the big bed in the bedroom .

Tonight, although Xiao Lan also drank a lot, he was still not drunk after all, and when he walked out of Ye Shuiyou's room, he didn't feel sleepy at all. This may be caused by playing games with black and white upside down for a long time.

Compared with Xiao Lan, Ye Shuiyou is much "happier". After drinking, she sleeps better than ever before (don't get me wrong, Xiao Lan has never peeked at the sleeping position of this beautiful beauty. He judged it entirely by Ye Shuiyou's voice when he was sleeping.) It was faintly visible that the graceful figure was lying gracefully, and under the hazy gauze, the carcass was looming.The snow stands upright, and the gauze clothes can hardly hide the high.

"No, hurry up, or you will be killed by this little girl sooner or later." Standing at the head of Ye Shuiyou's bed, Xiao Lan gently wiped the sweat off Ye Shuiyou's forehead with a tissue, and opened the bedroom door. He covered his face and walked out quietly.


Back on the balcony just now, Xiao Lan couldn't calm down for a long time. He who has always been prudent and cautious, unexpectedly found it difficult to restrain his nervousness and impulsiveness today.

Help, or not, if not, how can he explain to Ye Shuiyou, but if he does, will Long Xinxin, Wang Xue and others agree (Although Ye Shuiyou has been with them for so long, Wang Xue has a strong personality, and Xiao Lan is well aware of Xiao Lan's feelings for Xiao Lan, so it's okay not to mention this matter, but if it is brought up, Xiao Lan is not sure what the other party's attitude is.) And even if They all agreed, and how to help at that time became another problem.

Homecoming now has the main opponent of indifference, Xiao Lan does not want to deal with the Drunken Family or even the Arrogant Family as opponents, of course, there is also the injured Liyue and others who have not met for a long time, They are all difficult characters to deal with. When Homecoming reemerges, it is not a good thing to make too many enemies.

"Forget it, let's discuss it with Long Xinxin and the others first. At worst, I will help myself." In the end, Xiao Lan couldn't think of any results, so he could only comfort himself, and then lay down on the first floor of the villa. Sleep on the sofa.

Beijing's suburbs beyond the Sixth Ring Road can be regarded as out-and-out suburbs, and in the game, the difference between the suburbs and the urban area will be more obvious. Although it is already past three o'clock in the middle of the night, the difference between the inside and outside of Hailar is still very obvious, and it is also in the middle of the game. Crowded, this is the best time for players to sell things.

"Brother, what is your thing? It's a big iron block. I don't know what it is for. Why are you asking such a high price?"

In front of a booth, many players stopped to watch, because there was a large metal ingot on it. Its surface looked very smooth, and the surrounding magic lamps shone brightly on it.

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