Flowers steal fragrance

Chapter 29 Brothers Meet

"If there is no problem, you can go and clean up. I will wait for you outside the camp gate in 10 minutes." The prince calmed down and continued.

When the five of them went out, Tang Jie took out another stack of documents from his bag and gave them to the prince, "This is from the chief and the young master, take it carefully, don't lose it, once the contents are exposed, it will be too troublesome .”

"Also, there are two cars here. The young master prepared them for you. They are very clean." With that said, Tang Jie threw the car keys to the prince.

"Thank you, Brother Jie." The prince took the key and documents and thanked Tang Jie.

"After leaving the gate of the camp, this meeting between us will be over. I don't know that you have been here, and you have never been here at all," Tang Jie instructed.

"I understand," the prince nodded.

"The subsequent actions and any troubles have nothing to do with the military region. Even if it goes to court, it is your personal behavior," Tang Jie continued.

The prince nodded.

After leaving the camp, seeing the black Land Rover and gray Mazda outside, the prince smiled, Brother Feng really understands me.

He got into the Land Rover by himself, lit a cigarette, and carefully read the files of the five people in his hand.

"Liu Yun, male, 27 years old, 180 cm tall, nicknamed Puma. He once won the fourth place in the internal competition of the special forces of the whole army."

"Sun Liang, male, 29 years old, 180 [-] cm tall, nicknamed Sirius. He is an expert in driving vehicles and blasting."

"Wang Ting, female, 25 years old, 160 two centimeters tall, nicknamed Hummingbird. She used to perform undercover missions abroad."

"Wang Ziyun, female, 28 years old, 160cm tall, nicknamed Baihe. She once participated in the training camp of the International Women's Special Forces Team."

"Miranda, female, 27 years old, 170 four centimeters tall, nicknamed Fengchu. She has participated in the peacekeeping force, an expert in tactical and strategic deduction, and a first-level staff officer in the military region."

Big eyes, fair skin, light blue eyes mixed with ethnic minorities, and a tall nose.The prince looked at Miranda's photo and smiled slightly, "This woman is a bit interesting. I didn't expect that there would be such a handsome talent in the barracks full of fierce generals."

Then the prince opened another book, about the Yan family in the provincial capital.

When the prince finished reading, the five people had already packed their backpacks, left the camp, and came to the car.

"Miranda get in my car, you get in that car, you take the documents, take a look in the car first, and discuss the plan when you arrive at the place." After the prince ordered, they each got into the car and went straight to the hotel that the prince had booked. .

"Do you understand business?" the prince asked Miranda beside him while driving.

"Understood", Miranda raised her cute nose.

"How can it affect the image of a well-known listed real estate developer in the eyes of the government and the public?" the prince asked directly.

He frowned and thought for a while, "This requires the cooperation of a whole team to achieve the best results."

"Tell me," the prince said with interest.

"I don't know anything about the relevant information now, so I can only briefly describe the general strategy. The specific plan can only be made after seeing the information." Miranda said cautiously.

"No problem. I'll let you see the detailed information when I go to the hotel. I just want to know your strategy now." The prince smiled.

"Basically, there are three aspects," Miranda sorted out the clues.

"First, we need to start with the previous projects of this real estate developer, publicize the quality of its projects on the publicity channel, let the public know first, and then ensure that the news will not be blocked by some well-connected authorities."

"Second, because the other party is a real estate developer, he must have an unclear relationship with some government officials. He can be accused of bribery for unwarranted charges. The evidence and related personnel can be false. , but it takes time and energy for the other party to clarify, and it is very likely that they will tell the truth. These must also be publicized on public channels."

"Third, to reveal its financial problems, tax evasion is the most direct and effective one. In this case, since the other party is a listed company, the impact on its stock price will inevitably be great."

"In this case, the attention of the media and government investigation agencies must be on the general manager or chairman of the company, making it difficult for them to deal with these things in a short period of time, and maybe they can take the opportunity to accomplish what you want. "

"But one thing to pay attention to is the second point. Because it is groundless, don't involve officials who are too high-ranking. Otherwise, once it is investigated, it will be very troublesome for us."

"And the propaganda methods of the above points must be concealed. No matter what, the other party cannot find out that it is us. Only in this way can we take the initiative," Miranda added after thinking about it.

"Very good, very good, really worthy of the nickname Fengchu," the prince laughed.

Miranda brushed her long hair that fluttered in the wind, "Thank you for the compliment, this is the first time to be praised by a boy, it feels so special."

"Really?" The prince glanced at Milan Dan, "But there are still things that need to be corrected."

"Really?" It was Miranda's turn to be surprised.

"It's not what I want to accomplish, but what we want to accomplish." The prince smiled, "From now on, you have completely and truly disengaged from the military, and no matter whether the mission fails or ends, you don't have to go back to the military area. "

"So, for the future life, for our future life, let's work hard." The prince said boldly.

Miranda pouted nonchalantly.

When the neon lights in the block came on, a group of six people returned to the city and arrived at the hotel that the prince had booked before.

On the elevator, the princes divided the rooms they lived in.

"Go to my room first, familiarize yourself with each other first, assign tasks, and then go back to your room to clean up," the prince said after getting out of the elevator.

When the prince opened his room with the key card, when everyone was not paying attention, the prince frowned.

The moment the door was opened, a figure flashed faintly in the dark room.

With a smile on the corner of the prince's mouth, he opened the door and walked into the room naturally, but then suddenly cut into the cloakroom by the back door.

When the five people behind realized that something was wrong, the m9 saber that had been pinned to the prince's waist was swung into the cloakroom with a touch of bright silver.

Then there was the sound of clanging sabers coming from the cloakroom, which surprised the five people who thought it was petty theft at first.

However, because the doorway of the hotel room was in the shape of a passage, narrow and long, it could only allow a normal person to pass through, and the remaining space was not large, so Miranda and the five could only do it in a hurry.

At this time, the prince had already fought fiercely with that person, and it was no longer limited to the contest with the saber in his hand, and the contest with the lower hand also followed.

From time to time, the other party waved the bright silver in the cloakroom and used the boots on their feet. The five of them frowned and looked at each other. It was obvious that those were also military swords and military boots, and they immediately became curious about the identity of the person inside. .

Just when the five people were in a hurry, the bathroom behind the prince suddenly opened wide, and another saber stabbed straight out, but the timing of the knife was extremely ruthless.

Just as the prince held the knife in one hand, punched in the other, and kicked the block with his right leg, the light of the spatula behind his back pierced the back of his heart very quickly.

And Miranda, who had been blocked by the prince's body all the time, kicked that wrist with her right foot when she saw that the situation was not good, and kicked that wrist with great force. Miranda also had to break his wrist.


When Miranda kicked, a childish voice came from the bathroom, making the four people behind and Miranda who made the shot very confused.

Just as Miranda dropped her backpack and was about to rush into the bathroom, the boy in the bathroom rang again.

"I didn't expect there to be outsiders this time, so let's accept them all. Xiao Hei, accept them."

Hearing the words coming from the bathroom, the prince laughed out loud, put his hands back and jumped into the room, standing with his hands behind his back.

"It's really boring, it happens every time, never once is it fun." Accompanied by the voice, a dark-skinned ten-year-old boy emerged from the cloakroom, pouted.

"Okay, even if you don't stop, after a while, you won't be able to hold back anymore, and you will still speak hard." While talking, a tall and thin boy with slightly fair skin came out of the bathroom, and he was about ten years old.

"Wow, beautiful sister", the tall and thin boy shouted in shock when he saw Miranda kicking his wrist.

"Okay, don't make trouble, Xiaobai." Seeing Miranda's face change slightly, the prince stopped the tall and thin boy's joke.

"Everyone come in, we are all our own people," the prince said to the five people, spreading his hands helplessly, "That's how they are, they have to come once every time they meet, don't mind."

"The shot is too ruthless. If I don't stop it, I will really stab it in." Miranda glanced at the tall and thin boy and said with a frown.

"Oh, sister, you and Yan Wang just met, right?" The tall and thin boy said with a smile. "You don't know his method. Even if he shoots in the back, he can dodge it, let alone a knife. It's a small case."

"Yan Wang?" Miranda and the other four entered the room, muttering, and then looked at the prince, "You mean him?"

"As soon as I heard it, I knew that you guys just met. Even if you didn't just meet him, you definitely don't know him very well." The tall and thin boy sat on the bed and said with his arms around Xiao Hei.

"His name is Xiao Hei, which means Hei Wuchang," said the tall and thin boy, patting Xiao Hei on the shoulder.

"As for me, my name is Xiaobai, which naturally means Bai Wuchang."

"The prince, of course he is the King of Hades," Xiao Bai said naturally, shaking his head.

"Who came up with his nickname?" Wang Ting asked with interest.

"Our team came up with it. At the time, I thought about the nickname of the captain, but I thought about it for a long time." Xiaobai recalled, "Now it's popular to call this wolf, that wolf, how vulgar, but in the end I still think Hades is loud, so it's decided. .”

"Your team? What team?" Wang Ziyun asked.

"Our team?" Hearing Wang Ziyun's question, Xiaobai's expression was gloomy.

"Our team has canceled its establishment. Now there are only three of us. We were called 'Astro Boy' before." Xiao Hei said.

The five looked at each other, but they didn't expect that the three big boys in front of them were the legendary iron-armed 'Astro Boy'.

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