"Okay, Xiaobai, don't talk about the past, and look forward to everything. The three of us are living well, which is the greatest comfort to the brothers who protected us." The prince's expression was also very low, "From now on, we The lives of the three of them are meant to live for the brothers, so we can't just say it's gone and it's gone."

"You guys should take a look at this document first. I have already told Miranda about the mission. You should study it first. I took a shower and sat in the car for a whole day, and I'm not feeling well."

The prince threw the documents on the bed, took off his coat, and went to the bathroom.

"By the way, you two have to listen to Miranda this time, don't make trouble for me," the prince turned around and told Xiao Hei and Xiao Bai.

"Don't worry, Yama, this time the two of us signed up for a vacation with the military region, and we spent two days going home to see our parents. Both of you will be criticized." Xiao Hei assured, patting his chest.

When the prince came out, he was stunned by the sight of his eyes. He looked back at the door of the room, and after confirming that he was still in the hotel, he relaxed and laughed.

Several people in the room had put the two single beds together, and there were computers, notebooks, and a map of the provincial capital on them. There were various icons marked with pencils on the map, and there were also notebooks and computers on the tea table.

Miranda, Liu Yun, Sun Liang and Xiao Bai are studying on the map, while Xiao Hei, Wang Ting and Wang Ziyun are remembering the equipment that needs to be purchased.

"How's the research going? It's in full swing." The prince joked, "We had a meeting at the hotel if you knew it, but if you didn't know it, you thought we moved the staff department to the hotel."

"It's almost there." Miranda simply brushed her long hair together with a rubber band. "Now that I have a lot of information in hand, the analysis is much more reliable than in the car."

Seeing the prince coming out, everyone surrounded him.

"Let me introduce this mission first." Miranda glanced at everyone, and then began to analyze it as a whole.

"The sole purpose of this mission is to make Hengyuan Real Estate fail to bid for the renovation project of Renmin Road in Binhai City."

"Then, the preferred strategy is to disqualify Hengyuan Real Estate from bidding."

"If the preferred strategy fails, the alternative strategy is to make Hengyuan lose the bidding."

"Our goal is to use the preferred strategy and try not to use the alternative strategy, because the implementation of the alternative strategy depends on too many uncertain factors."

"It is not a simple matter that can disqualify Hengyuan Real Estate from bidding. Based on the current information, we have to take a multi-pronged approach."

"First, in the mainstream media, it was publicized that Hengyuan Real Estate had quality problems in previous projects, which caused permanent construction hazards to the project."

"Second, in the mainstream media, it is widely publicized that Hengyuan Real Estate has collusion with senior government officials, and has repeatedly used unfair competition methods such as bribery."

"Third, in the mainstream media, it was disclosed that Hengyuan Real Estate had financial problems and maliciously manipulated the stock price, and directly disclosed that Dazhao Investment was the banker behind Hengyuan Real Estate, and at the same time revealed the private relationship between the two companies."

"For the three points mentioned above, we must pay attention to the fact that mainstream media can only use the Internet. Others, such as newspapers or TV, have great risks. The task has just begun, so you must not expose yourself at this time."

"I said Sister Mi, what you said above seems to have nothing to do with us. It's all about fiddling with the computer?" Xiao Hei said depressingly.

"Of course I won't let you be idle, and neither will the five of us." Miranda glanced at Xiao Hei, "Inquire about Hengyuan Real Estate's current projects in the provincial capital that have just started and are undergoing relocation. If you don’t have it in the city, then look for it in the whole province, and you must find it.”

"What do you mean?" asked the prince, rubbing his hair.

"The above three points are all fabricated, and it is difficult to have direct and strong evidence to support them." Miranda analyzed calmly, "So, we need to create strong evidence."

"As long as there is a relocation project, no matter whether the people agree or not, we will bring people to resist the relocation."

"Resistance?" Xiao Hei asked.

"That's right. We took people to resist relocation and obstructed their normal demolition. After a few times, their demolition progress was affected, and they would definitely find a way to find a way to force the underworld to relocate. At this time, the media suddenly appeared to expose it, so the evidence would be It is very beneficial. It will be even more beneficial if we can find a few more residents to come forward to prove it.”

"That's right, if no resident is willing to come forward, we can find someone to pretend." Liu Yun agreed.

"There is no problem with the method you mentioned, but where can I find the people who will promote it on the Internet? The time is too tight." Xiao Bai said with a frown.

"This candidate is already in place, there is no problem," said the prince.

Fortunately, Ye Xiaoman reminded herself that before coming to the provincial capital, she had finalized the hacker candidate, otherwise she would really be caught blind.

"What about the people who resist the relocation? We can come forward, but there are too few people, so there must be more." Xiao Bai continued to frown, "After all, the best candidate for such a person is a local hooligan, otherwise we will not take action." Like."

"This is what worries me the most," Miranda looked at the prince with a frown.

The others also looked at the prince.

Except for the prince, everyone else is staying in the military area. Except for missions, it is difficult to contact people in the society, let alone friends.

The prince was also watching, pacing up and down, with a hesitant expression on his face.


"Don't talk, listen to me." When the prince was about to speak, Miranda interrupted the prince, "The person you are looking for must not be from the provincial capital, or have any relationship with the Yan family, and you must not let the Yan family investigate. There are some clues."

After hearing this, the prince shook his head and stopped talking.

"It's best to call people from Binhai. In this case, it will be difficult to check the influence of the Yan family in the provincial capital, and it's best to call our own people. After all, such things will happen in the future. It's true that there is no group of people of our own." No way." Liu Yun reminded.

"That's right, what Liu Yun said is right, and I think it's better for this group of people to be the ones who don't have a reputation, so that we can control them in the future. Also, because they don't have a reputation, even if the Yan family finds Binhai, they won't be able to find out. " Wang Ziyun thought for a while and said.

"I see, I'll figure out a way," the prince nodded, "Go to your respective rooms to tidy up first, and then let's go to dinner."

After the five of Miranda left, the prince sat on the bed and looked at Xiao Hei and Xiao Bai carefully and earnestly.

"What do you two plan to do? Are you planning to stay in the military region?"

"Hey, Hades, are you poaching?" Xiao Hei joked.

"You're right, I'm blatantly poaching the wall this time, you two tell me something," the prince said seriously.

"For real this time?" Seeing the prince's serious attitude, Xiao Hei and Xiao Bai asked suspiciously.

"To be honest with you, you have also read the information, and you almost know what my mission is this time. I rely on it, fighting for hegemony in the mall, grandma, I don't have any confidence at all." The prince ordered one Smoke, took a deep breath.

Xiao Hei and Xiao Bai looked at each other, rarely seeing Yan Wang's expression like this.

"Brother, this time I'm not asked to fight with a knife and a gun, but to play with my brain. This is not what I am good at at all, and I have too many things to do after the [-]th. I don't have enough time for training and going to university, and I don't feel at ease to hand over these things to others." The prince said helplessly.

Hearing what the prince said, Xiao Hei and Xiao Bai were even more shocked.

"Okay, King of Hell, you have finally fulfilled your wish and went to college as you wished. It's a pity that our two brothers are still hanging around in the military area." Xiao Hei poked Xiao Bai and smiled at the prince.

"That's right. Of course, when we were in the Middle East, you said that as long as we can go back alive, we must go to college. I didn't expect it to be true. Brothers are all happy for you." Xiaobai said understandingly.

"Can you two stop talking nonsense with me and come to help me?" the prince asked with a frown.

Xiao Hei glanced at Xiao Bai helplessly, "We will go back to make a report now, and we will go to Binhai to find you after the approval."

"Don't now, you can't go back now, you can do something for me later." The prince said.

"What's the matter? We have to go together?" Xiaobai said excitedly.

"It's not the two of you, it's the three of us together," the prince laughed.

"Damn, it's so exciting." Hearing what the prince said, Xiao Hei immediately jumped up.

"We have to go to Dazhao to invest, and get back all the hard drives of the main computers that Dazhao invested in." The prince said.

"Stolen?" Xiao Hei asked.

"Nonsense, you don't need to steal, but you still want to grab it? Why don't you just ask for it?" Xiaobai knocked Xiaohei on the head and scolded with a smile.

"Are you going tonight?" Xiao Bai asked.

"Everyone is tired so far today, take a good rest, let's step on the spot during the day tomorrow, prepare things, and start tomorrow night." The prince said.

After Xiao Hei and Xiao Bai returned to the room arranged by the prince, the prince took out the phone to find Jiang Menghan's number and dialed it.

Soon, Jiang Menghan's lazy voice came over the phone.

"Sister Meng, I still need your help." The prince said with a smile.

"That's right, I need ten security guards from your company."

"Security?" Jiang Menghan asked suspiciously.

The prince then told Jiang Menghan about his plan in detail.

"I didn't expect you to come up with this method. It is indeed a series of tricks. Even if you want to deal with it, it will take time and effort. According to the current situation, it is indeed a good plan." Jiang Menghan thought for a while and agreed, "What? when?"

"What I want is your confidant. You must be strict with your mouth. You can watch and listen, but you must be obedient. The sooner the better, arrange to come here tomorrow. It's best to drive a few cars here. The time for getting a car is too tight here. , and it’s easy to expose. After your car comes here, I’ll be responsible for the fake license plate.” Said the prince.

"No problem. Tomorrow, ten people and three cars. I will contact you when we arrive," Jiang Menghan said without hesitation.

"Then thank you, Miss Meng first."

"Thank you, why don't you see your sister? Haha" Jiang Menghan's laughter came afterward.

Smiling helplessly, the prince called Ye Xiaoman again, explained the situation here, and then arranged for her and Hua Yiran to come up with an online promotion plan and content tonight, starting tomorrow, using an online agent, Major mainstream websites across the country began to spread unfavorable rumors about Hengyuan Real Estate.

The prince repeatedly asked that the Yan family can be associated with government officials at the upper and middle levels of power, but the old man of the Yan family must not be directly involved, otherwise it will be really big.

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