Flowers steal fragrance

Chapter 367 Information

"What do you think of the countries around Congo?" The prince smiled. "If Wang Hao's goal is not within the territory of Congo, what would it be like?"

Hearing what the prince said, everyone including Miranda was taken aback and looked at the prince foolishly.

Seeing everyone's surprised expressions, the prince smiled wryly and shook his head, "I said, don't be so surprised, I just mentioned one possibility."

Miranda shook her head, "Since you can say that, it must be possible."

"But although we have obtained the map of the countries surrounding the Congo, we have not collected information about them, so I really have no opinion to say now."

"But I still want to say that your idea is indeed bold enough. After all, your leaping thinking is hard for ordinary people to imagine."

The prince shrugged, then smiled, "As long as the news from Beidou comes out, our side will basically be clear."

"What supported my idea before is that although Congo is in Africa, although African countries are rich in mineral resources. But it cannot be said that every African country has rich mineral resources."

"And the Congo where we are now is exactly such a country. It seems that there are a lot of mineral resources, but there are not many mineral resources that are really valuable."

"Especially now, the valuable mineral resources in the areas controlled by the government's armed forces and in the warring areas between the two sides have almost been divided up."

Xiaobai also nodded at this time, "Yes, after all, even if there are any mineral resources that can be exchanged for value, our country does not need to dispatch four hundred elites."

The prince still shook his head, "These four hundred elites are only dispatched by our Huaxia Kingdom, and they are not counted as personnel from Ezreel's side."

Miranda frowned slightly, and then said suspiciously, "You mean, Wang Hao's actions are likely to be with Ezreel?"

The prince nodded, "It's not very likely, but it must be."

"Think about it, when did Huaxia admit to using troops overseas?" The prince paused, and then continued, "So the whole thing, it is very likely that Wang Hao and others will lead the troops, and then fight with Ezreel. joint."

"Both sides don't need to dispatch a lot of people, and the matter can be handled. Then if any country intervenes in this matter, they will definitely push it to our Huaxia Group and our people."

"No way?" Xiao Hei pouted, "Isn't this too dark?"

The prince shook his head, "What is this? As long as it is beneficial to take it, you will be blamed."

"I've figured it out now. Although it's not a good thing to be blamed, it's important to know who is being blamed. If it's scapegoating for the country and the government, I believe that a Huaxia Group as big as ours should be There are many benefits to be gained.”

Xiaobai pursed his lips, "Good? I think it's better to forget it, as long as we don't evaporate us to the world after being blamed."

"Probably not." Daofeng shook his head at this time, and then smiled, "After all, we are the first mercenary team in China to enter the international market with a legitimate name. Our country will not let this opportunity pass by. The first to sell dog meat."

The prince also nodded, "I think so too. After all, our country and government will have many such things now, and we need to use our name."

"And we have already used our name, even if some benefits flow out from our fingers, it will be enough for us to eat for many years."

Miranda nodded, "Forget it, since you have already made plans in this regard, then don't panic when the time comes."

The prince shrugged, but he didn't say much, he just turned his attention to the map again.But at this time, the prince's gaze was no longer in the territory of Congo-Brazzaville, but wandered a little to the territory of Congo-Kim.

Not long after, the news from Beidou was fed back to Miranda.

"Sure enough, as you said, the countries around Congo-Brazzaville are now in a similar situation to Congo-Brazzaville. Each country has many armed forces, large and small."

"Of course, the most influential among them is the government armed forces of each country, but what is very interesting is that behind each of the revolutionary armed forces, there are shadows of big countries, as if they just want to prevent these countries from being united."

The prince raised his head at this time, and nodded fiercely with his finger on the map of the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

"I think, according to Beidou's data, our country must still be in a country around the Congo, or several countries have supported armed forces, but I don't know whether it is government armed forces or anti-government armed forces."

Xiaobai smiled, "It must be government armed forces. There is no need to think about it. After all, our country's international image has always been upright and just, so at this time, it must be supported by government armed forces."

"After all, the government armed forces of any country, as long as the commander is not a fool, will basically have a relatively large advantage in the country. After all, it is all the power of the previous country."

"So, our country supports the government's armed forces to save money."

The prince pursed his lips, cast a sharp glance at Xiaobai, and then continued, "Judging from our current camp, after all, the country close to the border is the Democratic Republic of the Congo."

"This is also easy to infer. After all, the DRC and the Congo-Brazzaville have long had conflicts in history. Now that the Congo-Brazzaville is in civil strife, it stands to reason that the DRC should take the opportunity to avenge its shame."

"But the DRC has given up such a great opportunity now. If their leaders have no problem with their IQ, there is only one reason, that is, the DRC has no chance to send troops to the Congo."

"There are many reasons for not being able to send troops, the most likely of which is the fear of obstruction by other forces in Congo-Brazzaville. However, in this kind of matter, Congo-Kinshasa can completely use the power of the whole country, so if other major powers do not send troops to participate in person, just rely on them to provide If there are enough funds and equipment, it is not enough to stop the attack of the Democratic Republic of the Congo."

"Then if it is not for this reason, it can only be that there are internal problems in the DRC. Only in this way will the leaders of the DRC have no chance to send troops to the DRC."

After everyone looked at the map, Xiaobai asked, "Boss, what do you think will happen if Wang Hao and the others send troops to Congo?"

The prince thought for a while, looked at the map again, then paused, and said, "Now it is clearer, that is, if Wang Hao really wants to send troops to the Democratic Republic of the Congo, then he must also cooperate with Ezreel."

"After all, our country is relatively isolated internationally. If we act alone, I am afraid we will be criticized."

"If both sides make a move at the same time, according to the Ezreel camp that Ella gave us before, and then contact our location, I am afraid that the place they choose will not be too far away."

"Now the conditions are basically out. First, it is not far from our side. Second, it has to be in the territory of the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Third, it has to be a very profitable mining area. After all, this is a trans* *things to do."

"More importantly, it is very likely that it is in the area controlled by the government forces of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, so there are really not many targets for us to choose from."

Miranda looked at the map, and then said, "Three, there are three targets that meet the conditions you just mentioned."

The prince nodded, "I can only analyze to this extent now, and then I need more and more detailed information."

Miranda smiled and said softly, "It's already pretty good, it's really rare to analyze it to this level."

"Also, just now Miranda sent us a small program, we can install it on everyone's portable tactical computer."

"Oh?" The prince was taken aback, "What's the use of that small program? Could it be possible to directly contact Binhai's call channel?"

"Of course not." Miranda slapped the prince on the head with a smile, and then said, "Beidou has already said that Binhai is too far from here, and there is no communication channel that can achieve such long-distance real-time communication." .”

"What's that?" asked the prince with diminished interest.

Miranda smiled softly, "Speaking of which, this small program can bring us very important information."

"If we install this small program in our portable tactical computer, we can get satellite photos of the entire territory of Congo and Burma and neighboring countries every hour when the Mitsubishi satellite passes over Congo Brazzaville. "

The prince frowned slightly, and immediately understood the true value of this small program.

Xiaobai also thought about it, and smiled, "It's really convenient. Even if it's an hourly satellite picture, if you look at several hours of satellite pictures together, you can completely understand the distribution of all armed forces. and marching routes."

"Well," Miranda nodded with a smile and said, "You all settle down, I have already installed it here. From the satellite pictures last hour, I did see the mining area we mentioned earlier. Mark of."

"And there are a lot of people on both sides there. But just like the young master analyzed before, the big country behind the Congolese government and anti-government forces has not yet come forward to speak out, and it may be consuming the strength of both parties."

The prince nodded, "Don't worry, the bosses behind both sides will definitely show up. If they don't show up, the two sides will really be able to fight a war of attrition in that mining area."

"It's best to fight. If both sides consume a lot, it is very likely that other forces will take advantage of it, and it may also be stabbed by other big countries."

"In that case, both the government armed forces and the rebel armed forces will lose their right to speak in Congo, and in the same way, it will be difficult for the big countries behind the two sides to guarantee the legitimacy of the mineral resources that have already been obtained in Congo, or in other words, There is not a single reason to support it."

"This is something that the big countries behind the two sides don't want to see," the prince pursed his lips. "This is trying to keep wolves on the one hand, and not let the wolves become too powerful on the other hand. This is politics."

Xiaobai and the others sighed with emotion.

The prince began to pay attention to the situation of the three gold mines in Congo.

"Boss," Xiaobai said, "I just received news from Sister Manman that they have already taken off and are expected to arrive at our place tomorrow."

The prince nodded, "Contact Wang Hao, tell us that our people will arrive tomorrow, and ask them to prepare all the daily supplies they need."

"Also, tell him very clearly that if we want our 200 people to do anything, we need to charge relevant fees."

"After all, it's a business. It's impossible for us to lose money and not make money."

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